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1619 |
LR9/11/12 |
A mason imployed in making up of the woodyard wall and bricking up of one of the grete garratt windows. At 16d per diem Richard Gifford 8s., at 8d per diem William Haile labourer 4s. |
1619 |
LR9/11/12 |
Two staples for the two wood yarde gates |
1634 |
NRO Ph35288 Northampton Deposition |
f.1 Q. 14 |
To the fowerteenth Interr he saith that for the space of twoe yeares when the weather served theme was Lyme burned in or about the wood yard of the said Mannor house, which Lyme was made of some of the Rubidge stone which came of the walles of the said Mannor howse that were pulled downe, and that the worst of the Tymber that was taken of the said buildings did help to burn the said Lyme, and the better part of the said Timber was carryed away to Stoke parke And he further saith that some part of the said Lyme was spent on the same Mannor howse and th’other parte thereof was carryed to Stoke Parke which said Lyme was worth in this deponents estimation twoe shillings eight pence a quarter |
1634 |
NRO Ph35288 Northampton Deposition |
f.2 Q. 4 |
To the Fowerth Interr he saith that there was a large Hall and the roofe was of Irish Tymber but the same was taken downe before this deponents memory, a Chappell, 2 kitchens archedover a greate Chamber & divers other Chambers and buildings of very greate largenes two stables the one of seaven bayes and th’other of Five bayes, he was at the buildinge of that Stable of seaven bayes, And there was a greate building towards the woodyard wherein was twoe [greate]i Cant windowes And at least twentye bayes of king harry the eight his buildinge which was very sumptious buildinge were all standinge onely the roofe was wantinge Some parte of the walls beinge about six foote in thicknes and the rest about twoe foote & a halfe in thicknes. |
1634 |
NRO Ph35288 Northampton Deposition |
f.2 Q. 5 |
To the fifth Interr he saith that at the tyme when Sir Francis Crane came to the said Mannor howse there was about one & twenty bayes of buildinge tyled anew and that the said one & twenty bayes of tyled buildinge, one & twentye bayes or there abouts that had beene covered with lead and had roofes and one & twentye bayes of buildinge or there abouts unroofed but the walls standinge have beene since taken downe and carryed away by Sir Francis Cranes appoyntments and that the greatest parte of the materialles of the said buildings were carried to Stoke Parke And that the ground whereon the said buildings stood are now put to gardens walkes & wood yardes. |
1634 |
NRO Ph35288 Northampton Deposition |
f.4 Q. 4 |
To the fowerth Interr he saithe that the walls of the greate hall were standinge to this deponents memorye and the walls of the Chappell were standinge and that there were twoe kitchins with twelve tunnells whereof nine were in the greate kitchin, and three in the other; three of which Tunnels fell downe and sixe others were since taken downe, and there was the greate Chamber and divers other Chambers and buildings of greate largnes: a Porters lodge three Stables whereof one of the said Stables was called the Queenes Stable the second stood by the woodyard gate and th’other neare the Churche yeard and divers other ancient buildinges the number whereof he cannot perticularly name And further to this Interr he cannot depose. |