Year |
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Fol: |
1537 |
Rawlinson MS D 780 |
new dore steedes sett up in the olde orchard - Workyng as well upon lynyng, trosyng owte and bryngyng up the fowndacions of the new work over the north syde of the orcherd made by the kynges commaundement to enclose the new bowlynge aley - dighyng and careyng of diverse greate hilles of rubyshe over the northe syde of the old orchard as also levelyng the grownd for the said bowlyng aley |
1539 |
Nottingham MS. Ne O2 |
Workyng not only in takyng downe the old walle that was decayed and fallen done bytwen the orcharde and the churchyerde, new makyng up of a nother wall ther reparyng of wallys that wer fallen down bryngyng them up agayn on the southe ende towards the feldes |
1539 |
N. U. L. |
takyng downe the old walle that was decayed and fallen done bytwen the orcharde and the churchyerde |