Year |
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Fol: |
1536 |
MS. Misc. xx |
f. 9 - 11 |
new schead for a rostyng place on thest syde off the great kechyn as makyng off rostyng rakks- lathyng and pargyttyng off iij manetrees in the great kechyn so that the fyer shall not perysh nor burne the sayd mantells |
1537 |
Rawlinson MS D 780 |
f.173 |
Workyng upon ryppyng and untylyng the prevy bakehouse, the north syde of the skelary, the est syde of the kechyn for the lords, the ynner syde of the lodgyngs from the gate howse to the kechyn as new tylyng and poyntyng the said roomes and offices ayen and not only unrippyng, new lathyng and poyntyng ayen the offices along over the streete syde from the gate to the est ends of the place towards the churche, unripping and serchyng over the vyse of the new stayer, new lathyng and poyntyng ayen and lathyng over the jakes in Mr Cowntrolers chamber |
1537 |
Rawlinson MS D 780 |
f 173 |
Workyng upon ryppyng and untylyng the prevy bakehouse, the north syde of the skelary, the est syde of the kechyn for the lords |
1539 |
Nottingham MS. Ne O2 |
sawying of great plankys for dressers made and sett redy in all the kychyns ther and in the larders also and dressars set redy at every range made without the kychyns - makyng of new botomes and new (? roof word on fold in page) for 3 ovens within the gret kychyn - makyng of all the ( ) new in the kychyns ther and in other places wher as the met was dressyd |
1539 |
N. U. L. |
the sawying of great plankys for dressers made and sett redy in all the kychyns ther and in the larders also and dressars set redy at every range made without the kychyns |
1539 |
N. U. L. |
of new botomes and new (? roof word on fold in page) for 3 ovens within the gret kychyn -
Makyng of all the ( ) new in the kychyns ther and in other places wher as the met was dressyd with dyvers necessarys ther done in many sondry places. |
1573 |
E 351/3337 |
over the greate kitchyn, 22 ton of chynmes £8-16s and laying 117 perch -11ft of brick - rose for the kitchine 60 foot - the rough wall in the linerie, kitchen and boyling house - , paving the greate kitchine and makinge a sincke - Tylers: lying the linerie, kitchynge and the new butterie |
1634 |
NRO Ph35288 Northampton Deposition |
f. 15 Q. 4 |
Item what Roomes of noate or name hath there beene in the said Honor howse; was there not a large Hall built with Irish Timber; a Chappell, Two Kitchins, a greate Chamber, & divers other Chambers & Buildings of greate largnes, a Portas Lodge & Two Stables; what other buildings belonged to the Antient Honor howse. |
1634 |
NRO Ph35288 Northampton Deposition |
f. 1 Q. 4 |
To the Fowerth Interr he saith that in the said Mannor howse there was a large Hall of some [Forty]d five or six & forty foote in length built with Irish Tymber as he conceaveth, a Chappell, two kitchens th’one with three ranges and th’other with two [with larders & other offices to the quantity of eight bayes]i bayes of buildings, a greate Chamber & divers other Chambers & buildings of great largnes, a porters lodge, & twoe stables, and further saith that there were about seaven bayes of buildinge uppon the southe side of the Queenes stables leaded over, and one the North side of the hall there were about seaven or eight bayes of buildinge, and further saith that from the Sowth West parte to the North West parte of the said howse there was a walke of six bayes or there abouts with free stone ballasters and leaded over, and that there was alsoe a buttery of six bayes standinge east & west And that there was about ten or twelve bayes of buildinge more lyinge one the north side of the said howse shootinge east & west uncovered. And he further saith that there was alsoe one Tower with a handsome payre of stone stayres of some pretty height And he further saith that there were about six bayes of buildinge beween the upper court and the Middle Courte. |
1634 |
NRO Ph35288 Northampton Deposition |
f. 2 Q.3 - 6 |
To the third fourth fifth & sixth Interr she saith that at the tyme when the said Sir Francis Crane came to dwell at the said mannor howse the roomes next the Streete; the entry between the kitchen & Queenes Stable & divers other roomes adjoinenge thereunto the Longe gallery the greate chamber over the Cellar and many other roomes whose names shee knoweth not and alsoe a greate outward stable, and the Queenes stable were all covered and in reasonably good repayre and that the greatest parte of the Longe gallery, the gatehowse the Porters ward & below that a storehowse which was in good repayre the great Kitchen, the entry the Queenes stable & little [ease]i & the privy kitchen, a long tarras the Chappell, and Tower and other roomes behind the tower whose walls were standeinge a row of buildinge adjoynenge uppon the hall rangeing between the twoe inner courts the greate hall, another Tarras shooteing from the greate hall to the kitchen and another Tarras betweene the Courte and little gallery are all since taken downe and carryed away within these nine yeares by appoyntment of Sir Francis Crane as shee conceiveth because one Beddles Sir Francis Cranes servant said that he was to carry Warrants into the Countrye to the Constables to charge the countrye there abouts for carryinge away the same And that all the materialls were carried unto Stoke parke as she verily beleiveth because shee hath seen very many teames and carts loaden with the said materialls goe up Saunt hill neare to the said Parke And she further saith that the ground whereon the said buildings stood is devided into many several parts and employed to several uses. And shee further saith that the walls soe caryed away were of a greate height and thicknes and many windowes & Chimneyes in the said walls in good repayre. |
1634 |
NRO Ph35288 Northampton Deposition |
f.2 Q 4 |
To the Fowerth Interr he saith that there was a large Hall and the roofe was of Irish Tymber but the same was taken downe before this deponents memory, a Chappell, 2 kitchens archedover a greate Chamber & divers other Chambers and buildings of very greate largenes two stables the one of seaven bayes and th’other of Five bayes, he was at the buildinge of that Stable of seaven bayes, And there was a greate building towards the woodyard wherein was twoe [greate]i Cant windowes And at least twentye bayes of king harry the eight his buildinge which was very sumptious buildinge were all standinge onely the roofe was wantinge Some parte of the walls beinge about six foote in thicknes and the rest about twoe foote & a halfe in thicknes. |
1634 |
NRO Ph35288 Northampton Deposition |
f.3 Q. 11 |
To the Eleaventh Interr he saith that there was one fayre bricke wall which mounded one side of the hall the height whereof was thirty foote or thereabouts and Forty foote in length or thereabouts; and twoe foote and halfe thicke or thereabouts; there was another brick wall about Eleaven foote high and fower bayes longe or thereabouts that led to the greate Chamber; And that the privy Citchin was all arched with bricke: there were twoe walles in the gallery leading to Grafton Parke; the wall of the Streete side beinge nine foote high and the wall one the Pasture side beinge about thirteen foote high both of them beinge about one hundred poles [550 yards] in length and the bottome of the wall one the Pasture side was about fower foote high of free stone and all the rest of the said walls were made of bricke all which the said walls were standinge at the tyme of Sir Francis Cranes coming to the said howse; And that the said Walls are since pulled downe and carryed away by the said Sir Francis appoyntment, and that from the said Mannor howse And further to this Interr he cannot depose. |
1634 |
NRO Ph35288 Northampton Deposition |
f.4 Q. 4 |
To the fowerth Interr he saithe that the walls of the greate hall were standinge to this deponents memorye and the walls of the Chappell were standinge and that there were twoe kitchins with twelve tunnells whereof nine were in the greate kitchin, and three in the other; three of which Tunnels fell downe and sixe others were since taken downe, and there was the greate Chamber and divers other Chambers and buildings of greate largnes: a Porters lodge three Stables whereof one of the said Stables was called the Queenes Stable the second stood by the woodyard gate and th’other neare the Churche yeard and divers other ancient buildinges the number whereof he cannot perticularly name And further to this Interr he cannot depose. |
1634 |
NRO Ph35288 Northampton Deposition |
f. 6 Q. 13 |
To the thirteenthe Interr he saith that he this deponent did pull downe a payre of beckettes over the hall dore another payre in the howse where one Mary dwelt, another payre in the howse wherein one Norton dwelt, he alsoe tooke Downe the twoe Compasse peeces in the kitchin which were arched over with stone And that most of the Chimney peeces in the newe buildinge were taken downe [and also all the rest in the old buildings were taken downe]i when the walls thereof wee taken downe, only one excepted, And he further saith that the said [beckettes,]i Chimney peeces & compasse peeces of stone were carryed to Stoke Parke and cut apeeces to make windowe stuffe and for other uses there, all which was performed at the charge of the said Sir Francis Crane as he beleiveth And he further saith that all the stone that built all or the most parte of the dwellinge howse at stoke Parke came from Grafton he beinge a workman there. |