Year Ref: Fol:
1536 MS. Misc. xx f.9 - 11 fott off new glasse set in the kynges closset
1537 Rawlinson MS D 780 f 161 - 183 formyng and setting up of a newe particion to enclose the kynges closett - Workyng as well upon the mayng of a dooble doore with battons kerved for the kynges closett as tracyng out a wyndowe for the same closett to the kerved owt lattys wise for the kynges grace to looke out
1537 Rawlinson MS D 780 f 173 Workyng as well upon framyng up of tow doore cases sett up in the kynges closett as kerving out of borde 2 lights made lattys wyse sette in the same cases for the kyng to look at with like makyng of 2 foldyng leaves sett on the yoon side of the same lattys within the saide closett to opyn and shutt when need requyreth with like setyng up the doore made for the same closett with batens kervyd - for 2 payer of syde jemews for the dore in the kinges closett 8d, for 8 syngle jemews for the lattys and casis sett in the kinges closett