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1634 |
NRO Ph35288 Northampton Deposition |
f.15 Q. 4 |
Item what Roomes of noate or name hath there beene in the said Honor howse; was there not a large Hall built with Irish Timber; a Chappell, Two Kitchins, a greate Chamber, & divers other Chambers & Buildings of greate largnes, a Portas Lodge & Two Stables; what other buildings belonged to the Antient Honor howse. |
1634 |
NRO Ph35288 Northampton Deposition |
f.1 Q. 4 |
To the Fowerth Interr he saith that in the said Mannor howse there was a large Hall of some [Forty]d five or six & forty foote in length built with Irish Tymber as he conceaveth, a Chappell, two kitchens th’one with three ranges and th’other with two [with larders & other offices to the quantity of eight bayes]i bayes of buildings, a greate Chamber & divers other Chambers & buildings of great largnes, a porters lodge, & twoe stables, and further saith that there were about seaven bayes of buildinge uppon the southe side of the Queenes stables leaded over, and one the North side of the hall there were about seaven or eight bayes of buildinge, and further saith that from the Sowth West parte to the North West parte of the said howse there was a walke of six bayes or there abouts with free stone ballasters and leaded over, and that there was alsoe a buttery of six bayes standinge east & west And that there was about ten or twelve bayes of buildinge more lyinge one the north side of the said howse shootinge east & west uncovered. And he further saith that there was alsoe one Tower with a handsome payre of stone stayres of some pretty height And he further saith that there were about six bayes of buildinge beween the upper court and the Middle Courte. |
1634 |
NRO Ph35288 Northampton Deposition |
f.2 Q. 4 |
To the Fowerth Interr he saith that there was a large Hall and the roofe was of Irish Tymber but the same was taken downe before this deponents memory, a Chappell, 2 kitchens archedover a greate Chamber & divers other Chambers and buildings of very greate largenes two stables the one of seaven bayes and th’other of Five bayes, he was at the buildinge of that Stable of seaven bayes, And there was a greate building towards the woodyard wherein was twoe [greate]i Cant windowes And at least twentye bayes of king harry the eight his buildinge which was very sumptious buildinge were all standinge onely the roofe was wantinge Some parte of the walls beinge about six foote in thicknes and the rest about twoe foote & a halfe in thicknes. |