Year |
Ref: |
Fol: |
1529 |
Life & Death |
pp 92-95 |
gates of the court |
1536 |
MS. Misc. xx |
f.9 - 11 |
makyng and heggyng off iij places in the back court , as one for to be the boylyng place and one fore the lyvere place and thother for a rostyng place |
1539 |
N. U. L. |
makyng of tabulls formes trestells and cobards to fornyshe all the lodgyng within the sayd courte |
1539 |
N. U. L. |
reparyng and mendyng all other offyces lodgyngs within the sayd court |
1585 |
E 351/3220 |
bricklayer and plasterer for new ruffe castinge of all the decayed walls within both the courts |
1634 |
NRO Ph35288 Northampton Deposition |
f.1 Q. 4 |
To the Fowerth Interr he saith that in the said Mannor howse there was a large Hall of some [Forty]d five or six & forty foote in length built with Irish Tymber as he conceaveth, a Chappell, two kitchens th’one with three ranges and th’other with two [with larders & other offices to the quantity of eight bayes]i bayes of buildings, a greate Chamber & divers other Chambers & buildings of great largnes, a porters lodge, & twoe stables, and further saith that there were about seaven bayes of buildinge uppon the southe side of the Queenes stables leaded over, and one the North side of the hall there were about seaven or eight bayes of buildinge, and further saith that from the Sowth West parte to the North West parte of the said howse there was a walke of six bayes or there abouts with free stone ballasters and leaded over, and that there was alsoe a buttery of six bayes standinge east & west And that there was about ten or twelve bayes of buildinge more lyinge one the north side of the said howse shootinge east & west uncovered. And he further saith that there was alsoe one Tower with a handsome payre of stone stayres of some pretty height And he further saith that there were about six bayes of buildinge beween the upper court and the Middle Courte. |
1634 |
NRO Ph35288 Northampton Deposition |
f.1 Q. 5 |
To the Fifth Interr he saith that when he this deponent dwelt in the said howse there were three courts with buildings about them in good repayre, and he saith that the said buildings were standinge when Sir Francis Crane came first thither, and that a tyled howse of nine bayes next the streete, six bayes between the upper courte and middle courte tyled the buttery of six bayes tyled & about fower bayes of the Queenes stable tyled, one and twenty bayes of buildinge that had been formerly leadded, a tower leaded over and tenne bayes of buildinge more which were uncovered but the walls standing and a large porch were all pulled down & carried away & divers of the materialls as tymber and stone of the hall were likewise carried away All which doe conteyne to three score & twelve bayes of buildinge or there abouts And that the same were all carried away since the said Sir Francis Crane came thither And he further saith that the most parte of the said materialls were carried to Stoke Parke as he verely beleiveth and that the ground where the said buildings did stand is nowe devided into divers small courts and soe used. |
1634 |
NRO Ph35288 Northampton Deposition |
f.2 Q. 3 - 6 |
To the third fourth fifth & sixth Interr she saith that at the tyme when the said Sir Francis Crane came to dwell at the said mannor howse the roomes next the Streete; the entry between the kitchen & Queenes Stable & divers other roomes adjoinenge thereunto the Longe gallery the greate chamber over the Cellar and many other roomes whose names shee knoweth not and alsoe a greate outward stable, and the Queenes stable were all covered and in reasonably good repayre and that the greatest parte of the Longe gallery, the gatehowse the Porters ward & below that a storehowse which was in good repayre the great Kitchen, the entry the Queenes stable & little [ease]i & the privy kitchen, a long tarras the Chappell, and Tower and other roomes behind the tower whose walls were standeinge a row of buildinge adjoynenge uppon the hall rangeing between the twoe inner courts the greate hall, another Tarras shooteing from the greate hall to the kitchen and another Tarras betweene the Courte and little gallery are all since taken downe and carryed away within these nine yeares by appoyntment of Sir Francis Crane as shee conceiveth because one Beddles Sir Francis Cranes servant said that he was to carry Warrants into the Countrye to the Constables to charge the countrye there abouts for carryinge away the same And that all the materialls were carried unto Stoke parke as she verily beleiveth because shee hath seen very many teames and carts loaden with the said materialls goe up Saunt hill neare to the said Parke And she further saith that the ground whereon the said buildings stood is devided into many several parts and employed to several uses. And shee further saith that the walls soe caryed away were of a greate height and thicknes and many windowes & Chimneyes in the said walls in good repayre. |
1634 |
NRO Ph35288 Northampton Deposition |
f.14 Q. 5 |
To the vth Interr he saithe that the number of bayes of buildinge roofeed and covered when the said Sir Francis first came thither he cannot particulerly sett downe and that about nine bayes of buildinge towards the gate the Queenes stable and other buildings thereunto adjoyneinge to the number of v or vj bayes another Rowe of buildinge towardes the tower [conteyning about fower or three bayes the tower]i and a stable neare the Church yeard of six bayes or there abouts were covered except some fewe places; at the comeing of Sir Francis Crane thither and have since been taken downe and carryed away by th’appoyntment of the said Sir Francis as he beleiveth by Reason he hath often seene Carts carryinge materialls from Grafton to Stoke lodge and the ground where the said buildings stood was since used as Courtes and the ground where the stable next the Church yeard stood as he beleiveth is now used as a garden. |