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1634 |
NRO Ph35288 Northampton Deposition |
f.2 Q. 32 |
To the twoe & thirtyeth Interr he saith that Sir Francis Crane since he came to the said Mannor howse hath built two leane tooes (whereof one is at the nether end of the stable next the Churche and the other joynes to Queene Elizabeths buildings) and used for larders, a place to set a Coache under and a Pidgeon howse on the toppe thereof And hath done some repayres in tylinge of the said howse, and by settinge up some windowes there And further to this Interr he cannot depose. |
1634 |
NRO Ph35288 Northampton Deposition |
f.4 Q. 4 |
To the fowerth Interr he saithe that the walls of the greate hall were standinge to this deponents memorye and the walls of the Chappell were standinge and that there were twoe kitchins with twelve tunnells whereof nine were in the greate kitchin, and three in the other; three of which Tunnels fell downe and sixe others were since taken downe, and there was the greate Chamber and divers other Chambers and buildings of greate largnes: a Porters lodge three Stables whereof one of the said Stables was called the Queenes Stable the second stood by the woodyard gate and th’other neare the Churche yeard and divers other ancient buildinges the number whereof he cannot perticularly name And further to this Interr he cannot depose. |
1634 |
NRO Ph35288 Northampton Deposition |
f.4 Q. 5 |
To the fifth Interr he saith that the longe gallerye was covered, the Porters lodge was the greatest parte covered the gate howse was some parte covered And that five five or sixe bayes or there abouts belowe the gate howse was covered, the Queenes stable and two other stables, and one the left hand of the Queenes stable there were three bayes or more covered there was alsoe one greate Chamber, adjoyneinge to the Tower covered, another Chamber next adjoyneinge to the same greate Chamber was covered, another Chamber adjoyneinge to the last mentioned Chamber covered, the greate Tower covered, there were likewise twoe ranges of the newe buildinge covered, all which Roomes did belonge to the Mannor howse of Grafton and were soe covered when this deponent dwelt in the said howse and when the said Sir Francis Crane came thither And he saith that there were diverse other Roomes of the said Mannor howse that were roofed and uncovered,at the same tyme and this deponent saith that the most parte of the longe gallery the Porters lodge with some parte of the gate howse about two bayes & halfe of the storehowse, the Queenes stable and about three bayes of buildinge thereunto adjoyneinge the tower, six or seaven bayes more of buildinge adjoyneinge to the Churche yeard a Chamber adjoyneinge to the great Chamber, another Chamber adjoyninge to the last mentioned Chamber were covered at Sir Francis Cranes cominge to the howse and are since pulled downe by appoyntment of the said Sir Francis Crane this deponent beinge then present when the said Sir Francis gave direction to John Biddles for the pulling of the same downe and that the leest & greatest parte of the said materialles were carried to Stoke Parke And he saith that the ground whereon the said buildings stood is now put to several uses |
1634 |
NRO Ph35288 Northampton Deposition |
f.14 Q. 5 |
To the vth Interr he saithe that the number of bayes of buildinge roofeed and covered when the said Sir Francis first came thither he cannot particulerly sett downe and that about nine bayes of buildinge towards the gate the Queenes stable and other buildings thereunto adjoyneinge to the number of v or vj bayes another Rowe of buildinge towardes the tower [conteyning about fower or three bayes the tower]i and a stable neare the Church yeard of six bayes or there abouts were covered except some fewe places; at the comeing of Sir Francis Crane thither and have since been taken downe and carryed away by th’appoyntment of the said Sir Francis as he beleiveth by Reason he hath often seene Carts carryinge materialls from Grafton to Stoke lodge and the ground where the said buildings stood was since used as Courtes and the ground where the stable next the Church yeard stood as he beleiveth is now used as a garden. |