No. |
Date |
Year |
G2601 |
Account of farm and premises of Robert Campion, junior of Shittlehanger 18 Dec 1752 |
18 Dec |
1752 |
G2602 |
Taxes. Land Tax for the years 1786, 1788 - 1791 |
1786 -1791 |
G2603 |
Bills remaining unpaid in Northamptonshire 10 Jan 1758 |
10 Jan |
1758 |
G2604 |
Rentals and accounts of the estates of the Duke of Grafton at Tottenham Court. 29 th Sept. 1743 to 25th March 1744 |
29 Sep |
1743 |
G2605 |
Rentals and accounts of the estates of the Duke of Grafton at Tottenham Court. 25th March 1747 to 25th March 1748 |
25 Mar |
1747 |
G2606 |
Accounts relating to the Duke of Grafton's affairs at Wakefield Lodge, sales of underwood, wages, Tradesmen's bills and Taxes 1746 - 1747 |
1746 - 1747 |
G2607 |
Accounts of Rents and Profits of the estates in Northamptonshire which reverted to the Duke of Grafton on the death of Lord Euston by Richard Stainsby from 7 July 1747 to 22 July 1748 |
07 Jul |
1747 |
G2608 |
Farm & cottage half year rentals, Lady Day 1748 - Michaelmas 1748 |
1748 |
G2609 |
Rentals of estates of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire from 25 March to 29th Sept 1749 |
25 Mar |
1749 |
G2610 |
Rentals of estates of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire from 25 March to 29th Sept 1750 |
25 Mar |
1750 |
G2611 |
Rentals of farm rents in Northamptonshire estates of Lord Euston in 1743 |
1743 |
G2612 |
Letter of Williams to R. Stainsby instructing him to settle Burghall's account 9 May 1757 |
09 May |
1757 |
G2613 |
Letter from George Burghall to R. Stainsby about his bills rendered 5 June 1757 |
05 Jun |
1757 |
G2614 |
Letter from Joseph Sharpe to J.A. Stainsby, Lord Hertford would like to see R. Stainsby about the late Duke of Grafton's affairs. 10 May 1757 |
10 May |
1757 |
G2615 |
Letter from Lord FitzRoy to Richard Stainsby as to the yearly produce of the Tottenham Court estate May 1757 |
May |
1757 |
G2616 |
Copy of a letter from Paul Saunders to John Wade to take inventories of the late Duke of Grafton's interests at Wakefield Lodge by order of the Executors 14 May 1757 |
14 May |
1757 |
G2617 |
Copy of a letter from Richard Stainsby to Thomas Bedford as to the late Duke of Grafton's estate 14 May 1757 |
14 May |
1757 |
G2618 |
Copy of a letter to Lord Hertford from Richard Stainsby begging to be excused taking part in the affairs of the Trust on grounds of ill health 16 May 1757 |
16 May |
1757 |
G2619 |
Letter from Thomas Bedford to Richard Stainsby as to the collection of rents also as to an application from the daughter of Thomas French of Stony Stratford to be appointed tenant of the Toll there 12 June 1757 |
12 Jun |
1757 |
G2620 |
Letter from Thomas Bedford to Richard Stainsby regarding to giving notice to tenants of the date of the Audit 14 June 1757 |
14 Jun |
1757 |
G2621 |
Letter of Attorney authority to receive Rents. Executors of the late Duke of Grafton to Richard Stainsby of Hodeston, Hertford, gent 20 June 1757
Papers relating to the affairs of the late Duke of Grafton. Lord Hertford and other Executors |
20 Jun |
1757 |
G2622 |
Copy of letter from R. Stainsby to Lord Hertford about letter of attorney and Audit at Towcester 22 June 1757 |
22 Jun |
1757 |
G2623 |
Copy of letter from J.A. Stainsby to Lord Hertford about Sir Thomas Samwell and the arrears due of the estate at Bradden, Northants 24 June 1757 |
24 Jun |
1757 |
G2624 |
Letter from Richard Stainsby to J.A. Stainsby about the arrears due of Sir Thomas Samwell 30 June 1757 |
30 Jun |
1757 |
G2625 |
Copy of letter from J.A. Stainsby to Lord Hertford about Mr Butcher 1 July 1757 |
01 Jul |
1757 |
G2626 |
Copy of letter from Richard Stainsby to Lord Hertford about the audit of accounts and the arrears due from Sir Thomas Samwell also Letter from Richard Stainsby to J.A. Stainsby about these accounts. 3 July 1757 |
03 Jul |
1757 |
G2627 |
Copy of letter from Richard Stainsby to Sir Thomas Samwell relating to suggested composition of arrears due. 7 July 1757 |
07 Jul |
1757 |
G2628 |
Copy of letter from Richard Stainsby to Lord Hertford about the accounts and the Audit. 19 July 1757 |
19 Jul |
1757 |
G2629 |
Copy of a letter from Richard Stainsby to the Lord Hertford that the accounts of the eatste are ready 22 Oct 1757 |
22 Oct |
1757 |
G2630 |
Minutes of Quit Rent accounts 29 Nov 1757 |
29 Nov |
1757 |
G2631 |
Copy of letter J.A. Stainsby to Mr Holland regarding the Audit of estates rents 10 Jan 1758 |
10 Jan |
1758 |
G2632 |
Enclosing account of arrears unpaid at 10 Jan 1758 |
10 Jan |
1758 |
G2633 |
Letter from Henry Woolley to J.A. Stainsby about the Duke of Grafton's subscription to the Hospital 26 Jan 1758 |
26 Jan |
1758 |
G2634 |
Letter from Thomas Bedford to J.A. Stainsby about a debt due to Thomas Laughton 12 Feb 1758 |
12 Feb |
1758 |
G2635 |
Letter from Thomas Laughton of Towcester to Richard Stainsby about his accounts 21 Feb 1758 |
21 Feb |
1758 |
G2636 |
Copy of letter to Lord Hertford with the accounts of the Tottenham Court estate 14 July 1758 |
14 Jul |
1758 |
G2637 |
Statement of arrears due Tottenham Court estate 12 July 1758 |
12 Jul |
1758 |
G2638 |
Letter from Henry Cocksedge regarding his account 1 May 1759 |
01 May |
1759 |
G2639 |
Copy of a letter to Lord Hartford about the accounts of Henry Cocksedge 5 June 1759 |
05 Jun |
1759 |
G2640 |
Copy of letter to Lord Herford about auditing John Mason's accounts 23 June 1759 |
23 Jun |
1759 |
G2641 |
Letter from John Mason to Joseph Sharpe and R. Stainsby about coming to London about his accounts 13 July 1759 |
13 Jul |
1759 |
G2642 |
Copy of letter to Lord Hertford with a report of Mr Mason's accounts 24 Sept 1759 |
24 Sep |
1759 |
G2643 |
Copy of a letter to Lord Hertford from J.A. Stainsby transmitting the accounts of Richard Stainsby |
G2644 |
Copy of letter to Lord Hertford about a legacy 20 Oct 1762 |
20 Oct |
1762 |
G2645 |
Letter to the Duke of Grafton about the accounts of Henry Cocksedge 6 Aug 1764 |
06 Aug |
1764 |
G2646 |
Copy of report sent to Lord Hertford as to the Rentals of Tottenham Court estate for 1754 - 55. Nov 1755 |
Nov |
1755 |
G2647 |
Minute of the Produce of the Tottenham Court estate from 1741 - 1756. 22 Dec 1756 |
22 Dec |
1756 |
G2648 |
Abstarct of the accounts of the Tottenham Court and Highgate estates 14 March 1752 |
14 Mar |
1752 |
G2649 |
Measurements of land taken out of Home Field for a new road in Tottenham 23 April 1757 |
23 Apr |
1757 |
G2650 |
Letter from J.A. Stainsby to Lord Hertford relating to a treaty with the Rev. Dr. Brown 19 Jan 1758 |
19 Jan |
1758 |
G2651 |
Account of land at Tottenham Court. Place - rent - to whom rented 13 Dec 1745 |
13 Dec |
1745 |
G2652 |
William Francis of Tottenham ordered to answer the complaint of the Surveyor to the Islington Turnpike Trust 12 April 1758 |
12 Apr |
1758 |
G2653 |
Letter from John Sayer, keeper in Salcie Forest to the Duke of Grafton enclosing his bill for keeping 1755 - 57 |
1755 - 57 |
G2654 |
Account of Court Books of the Honour of Grafton delivered by Henry Cocksedge to Augustus Ceasar Thompson 21 Sept 1753
Returned by James Dover 11 Aug 1756. 2 copies |
21 Sep |
1753 |
G2655 |
Accounts of the assignees of A.C. Thompson, stewards, Northampton, bankrupt to the executors of the late Duke of Grafton |
G2656 |
Minutes of accounts for the estates of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire, Wakefield, Tottenham 7 Dec 1755
Fines and quit rents unpaid by Mr Annesley at Tottenham 29 Aug 1754 |
07 Dec |
1755 |
G2657 |
Bills of Mrs Ward, housekeeper at Wakefield Lodge. 1 Oct 1756 - 6 May 1757 |
01 Oct |
1756 |
G2658 |
Accounts of the estate of Robert Lane, taylor to the Duke of Grafton 1752 |
1752 |
G2659 |
Will of Lord Augustus Charles Lennox FitzRoy 20 July 1871
Two copies |
20 Jul |
1871 |
G2660 |
As in G2659 |
G2661 |
Codicil to the Will of 20 July 1871, of Lord Augustus Charles Lennox FitzRoy 30 May 1872 |
30 May |
1872 |
G2662 |
Letter of indemnity to the Trustees of the estate of the late J.M. Balfour against cliams for Probate Duty July 1875
Trustees. - Marquess of Salisbury, Lord Charles FitzRoy, A.J. Balfour. M.P. by the 7 younger children of Lady Blanche Balfour. - Eleanor Mildred, Alice Blanche, Cecil Charles, Francis Maitland, Gerald William, Eustace John, Evelyn Raleigh, with letter from J. Gibson of Edinburgh |
July |
1875 |
G2663 |
Conveyance of Twyford Bridge Toll House for £15. Trustees of Turnpike road Hardingstone and Old Stratford, to the Duke of Grafton 25 Feb 1878 |
25 Feb |
1878 |
G2664 |
Commission as Second Lieutenant in the 60th Foot. Lord Augustus Charles Lennox FitzRoy from 17 May 1839. dated 26 June 1839 |
26 Jun |
1839 |
G2665 |
Commision as Major - General from half pay unattached.
Lord Augustus Charles Lennox FitzRoy C.B. from 28 June 1868, signed 20 Aug 1875 |
20 Aug |
1875 |
G2666 |
Commission as Lieutenant-General in the Land Forces. Lord Augustus Charles Lennox FitzRoy from 21 May 1880, signed 12 June 1880. George |
12 Jun |
1880 |
G2667 |
Copy of the Duke of Grafton's certificate of contract for the Redemption of Land Tax 31 May 1810 |
31 May |
1810 |
G2668 |
Mortgage of land at Aldrington, Lincs. 5 June 1668. James Powell of Sibsy, Lincs, to Stephen Browne of Rathby
1 signature, parchment |
05 Jun |
1668 |
G2669 |
Sun Fire Insurance Policy. Michaelmas 1873/4. Lord Charles FitzRoy house and premises at Whittlebury for £6250 |
Mich |
1873/4 |
G2670 |
Particulars and conditions of sale of Jackson's farm at Potterspury June 1846 |
Jun |
1864 |
G2671 |
Rent accounts of Edward Robinson, ropemaker, Potterspury 1859-60 |
1859-60 |
G2672 |
Purchase of property at Potterspury by Edward Robinson from William Farren 1859 |
1859 |
G2673 |
Description of property at Potterspury of Edward Robinson. With plan |
G2674 |
Schedule of deeds relating to property at Potterspury of Edward Robinson, to Samuel Redgrave in execution of a mortgage of £500. 1851 |
1851 |
G2675 |
Conveyance of house and garden premises at Whittlebury for £21. 26 Nov 1877. Trustees of the Towcester road to Lord Charles FitzRoy
3 seals, 3 signatures, parchment |
26 Nov |
1877 |
G2676 |
Book of Rents 1868, Receipts and Rents 1869 |
1868 |
G2677 |
Surplus Labour at Wakefield Farm 1861/2 |
1861/2 |
G2678 |
List of Jewellery belonging to Eleanor, Henry and Alfred. Signed by Charles FitzRoy |
G2679 |
Inclosure Act 1780. Tiffield Manor and Parish |
1780 |
G2680 |
Inclosure Act 1782. Calverton, and Westside, Stony Stratford, Bucks |
1782 |
G2681 |
Piddington and Hackleton Inclosure 1782 |
1782 |
G2682 |
Copy of council's opinion in ther matter of the petition in Bankruptcy of Lord FitzRoy 4 Jan 1872. 15 Feb 1872 |
15 Feb |
1872 |
G2683 |
List of Silver Plate, damaged |
G2684 |
Instructions for making a will under Act. 1. Vic. C. 20 |
G2685 |
Letter from Messrs Lewis and Lewis to Lord Charles FitzRoy enclosing documents from John Wicks.
1. Withdrawing charges against Lord Charles FitzRoy.
2. Allowance of £200 a year by the Duke of Grafton to Wicks. 12 March 1880 |
12 Mar |
1880 |
G2686 |
Counterpart of demise from the Duke of Grafton to secure £5000 for 21 years lands in Northamptonshire, Whittlebury, ffoxcoat, Adthorpe, Greens Norton, 8 Sept 1741 Robert Britiffe of Norwich
2 seals, 2 signatures |
08 Sep |
1741 |
G2687 |
Security for £10,000, portion of Lady Dorothy Boyle d. of the Earl of Burlington on her marriage with George, Earl of Euston 3 Oct. 1741
5 seals, 5 signatures |
03 Oct |
1741 |
G2688 |
Demise of estates called, Finckley, Southampton 24 July 1694. Earl of Bathe to Edmund Rolfe senior of Snoddington, Southampton, Edmund Rolfe, junior of ffinckley, Southampton
1 seal, 1 signature |
24 Jul |
1694 |
G2689 |
Counterpart of lease as in G2699 24 July 1694 |
24 Jul |
1694 |
G2690 |
Lease from the Duke of Grafton to Horatio Walpole of Westminster and George Townsend of Lincoln's Inn of the Honour of Grafton 25 July 1721
3 seals, 3 signatures |
25 Jul |
1721 |
G2691 |
Copy of G2690 |
G2692 |
Declaration of lease by the Duke of Grafton as in G2690. 28 July 1721
1 seal, 1 signature |
28 Jul |
1721 |
G2693 |
Duke of Grafton granted administration under the will of Henrietta, Duchess of Grafton dcd. 26 July 1727 |
26 Jul |
1727 |
G2694 |
Assignment from Anne Watkins of Cowbridge to Lord Castlemaine in Trust for the Duke of Grafton monies arising from the First Fruits and Tenths Office 20 July 1723
3 seals, 3 signatures |
20 Jul |
1723 |
G2695 |
Surrender of lease of estates, Tottenham Court 26 Feb 1721. Thomas Coplestone of Bowden, Devon to Dr Edward Pelling |
26 Feb |
1721 |
G2696 |
Surrender as in G2695. 28 Feb 1721 |
28 Feb |
1721 |
G2697 |
Settlement. Marquis of Worcester son of the Duke of Beaufort for portions for young children 1695 |
1695 |
G2698 |
Charles FitzRoy, Duke of Grafton admitted as a Free Burgess of the town of Ipswich 23 August 1709 |
23 Aug |
1709 |
G2699 |
Apointment by the Duke of Grafton of £333.6.8 and £500 out of the Comons upon the Excise Office to raise portions for daughters and younger sons 23 Aug 1728
3 seals, 1 signature |
23 Aug |
1728 |
G2700 |
Assignment of remainder of a term of 4½ years lease in consideration for £400. 27 Feb 1724. William Pickering of Stoke Bruerne |
27 Feb |
1724 |
G2701 |
Particulars of receipts at Wakefield Lodge by John Roper 1 Jan 1823 - April 1846 |
01 Jan |
1823 -1846 |
G2702 |
1. Barbara, Duchess of Cleveland, George, Lord Viscount Grandison.
2. James Mundy of Inner Temple London esq.Cardell Goodman of St. Martins in the Fields Co Middlesex esq
Viscount Grandison at the requestof the Duchess of Cleveland assigns to (2)
Annuity of £4,700 issuing out of the post of post master general and £6,000 issuing out of the revenue of Excise on beer, Ale and other Excisable Liquors arising within the City of London and the Counties of Middlesex, Surrey, Southampton, Sussex, Wiltshire, Dorset, Devon, Cornwall, Gloucester, Lincoln, Warwick, Leicester, Stafford, Derby, Worcester, Salop and Oxford and also 2 capital messuages called Nonsuch Little Park and Nonsuch Great Park or Worcester House with all messuags etc. With yearly rent of £100 arising out of the premises together with all arrears as in letters patent of Charles II to George, Lord Viscount Grandison, Edward Villiers, late Sir Edward Knight dated 19 January 1668/9 and [-] October 1674 and 18 January 1670/1 and 23 Febuary 1672/3 in trust for Barbara, Duchess of Cleveland. Considerstion 5/- |
19 Jan |
1668/9 |
G2703 |
Indenture - Release 1. Charles Duke of Grafton to 2. John Duke of Marlborough for £5,00 of the mansion house of Nonsuch (Surrey), Nonsuch Little Park (671a.) and Nonsuch Great Park (1, - 2), the Great Park Meadow together with Worcester House. 30.1. 1710/11 |
30 Jan |
1710/11 |
G2704 |
Indenture - Declaration 1. Barbara Duchess of Cleveland. 2. Charles Duke of Grafton. Declaring the uses of a trust in lease/ release 22/23 June 1709 |
23 Jun |
1709 |
G2705 |
Indenture - Release (Lease missing). 1. Barbara Duchess of Cleveland 2. Charles Duke of Grafton only son and heir of Henry Duke of Grafton dec.
(1) release to (2). Capital messuage, mansion house known as Nonsuch Co. Surrey Nonsuch Little Park, Nonsuch 23 June 1709 |
23 Jun |
1709 |
G2706 |
Power of the Duke of Grafton to revoke the annuity of £300 granted to Charles FitzRoy of St. James Westminster
1 seal, 1 signature |
G2707 |
Assignment of the mansion of Corkfield ffakenham, Suffolk to Sir Nicholas Lestrange to secure £2400, 3 Aug 1709 Sir Thomas Hanmer of Hanmer, fflint and Isabella, Dowager Duchess of Grafton his wife
1 seal, 1 signature |
03 Aug |
1709 |
G2708 |
Lease for a year, Cleveland House 19 July 1693. Earl of Litchfield and others to William Gulston of the Middle Temple, Aaron Kinton of St. Clements Danes
2 seals, 2 signatures, parchment |
19 Jul |
1693 |
G2709 |
Counterpart of lease of Finckley Farm for 14 years. 20 June. Lord Granville of Potteridge, Devon to Edmund Rolfe of ffinckley, Andover
1 seal, 1 signature |
20 Jun |
No year |
G2710 |
Assignment on trust. 23 March 1718. Sir Thomas Hanmer of Hanmer fflint and Isabella, Duchess of Grafton his Wife. Charles Duke of Grafton. William Sherd of St. Martins in the fields
4 seals, 4 signtures
The paintings as follows:-
Senator and Secretary by Raphael
Two Pharisees tempting the Saviour Van Dyke
Holy Family by Palma
Madonna, child and the Baptisit del Vago pupil of Raphael
Queen Dido receiving news of Aeneas flight
David with head of Goliath Carlo Dolce?
Lord Strafford Van Dyke
Doge of Venice Van Dyke
Man in the Dark Leonardo di Vinci
Lord Arlington with Star and Garter Lilly
Duke of Southampton by Sir Peter Lilly
Lord Euston by Kneller |
23 Mar |
1718 |
G2711 |
Mortgage with Covenant to levy a ffine, land at Potterspury 3 Nov 1752. John Brown of Potterspury, butcher and Elizabeth his wife, to Bud Yerly of Passenham, keeper Elizabeth devisee of Mary Ludget
2 seals, 2 marks |
03 Nov |
1752 |
G2712 |
Attested copy of the will of Mary Ludgate of Potterspury 14 Nov 1751 |
14 Nov |
1751 |
G2713 |
Attested copy of the original wiil as in G2712 |
G2714 |
Assigment of cottages at Potterspury in Trust for William Stevens of Potterspury, shepherd 23 May 1755. Bud Yerby of Passenham, keeper to Michael Rooker of Heathencote, gent
4 seals, 2 signatures, 2 marks |
23 May |
1755 |
G2715 |
Feoffment of cottages at Potterspury 22 May 1755. John Brown of Potterspury, butcher to William Stevens of the same, shepherd
1 seal, 1 mark |
22 May |
1755 |
G2716 |
Probate of the will of John Colvert of Potterspury, taylor 30 Jan 1807. Adminstration granted to Joshua Gray declared at less than £50 8 Jan 1819. Legacy duty on the above 8 Jan 1819 enclosed |
30 Jan |
1807 |
G2717 |
Attested copy of the Probate of the will of William Stevens of Potterspury 14 March 1764 proved 21 Dec 1770 |
21 Dec |
1770 |
G2718 |
Feoffment of cottage or tenement at Potterspury 8 March 1776. William Bason the elder of Potterspury, mason to John Colvert of the same, taylor and Joseph Scrivener his trustee, with bond to indemnify against Dower 8 March 1776
2 seals, 2 signatures |
08 Mar |
1776 |
G2719 |
Conveyance of cottage at Potterspury 21 April 1854. John Gray of Potterspury, mason, to Alfred Scrivener of the same, farmer
Copy of the certificate of Marriage at Potterspury, Joshua Gray and Sophia Colvert 29 June 1801.
Baptism. Hannah d. of the above 16 May 1802. John son of the above born and bapitised 5 Aug. 1804 |
21 Apr |
1854 |
G2720 |
Schedule of deeds and documents relating to cottage at Potterspury 1879 |
1879 |
G2721 |
Conveyance of cottages and premise at Potterspury 5 Aug 1879. Trustees under the liquidaton of Alfred Scrivener to the Duke of Grafton |
05 Aug |
1879 |
G2722 |
Abstract of the Title of the Trustees under the liquidation of Alfred Scrivener of cottages at Potterspury 1879 |
1879 |
G2723 |
Title deeds relating to house and premises purchased of Pickering and Rd Phipps by George Godfrey. Conveyance of several cottages and premises at Pottespury 19 Sept 1864. George Godfrey of Stoney Stratford, glazier, to the Duke of Grafton. Agreement for 5 cottages as above 31 Aug 1864, enclosed |
19 Sep |
1864 |
G2724 |
Abstarct of the Title of the assignees of William Masom of Potterspury 1860. |
1860 |
G2725 |
Additional abstract of Title 1861, as in G2724 |
1861 |
G2726 |
Conveyance of cottages and premises at Potterspury 29 April 1864. James Ratliff of Potterspury, timber dealer to W. Sander of Yardley Gobion |
29 Apr |
1864 |
G2727 |
Conveyance of cottages and premises occupied for some years past by James Ratliffe, at Potterspury 20 May 1864. William Wilkins Sanders of Yardley Gobion, general merchant to George Godfrey of Stony Startford, plumber and glaizier.
Copy of agreement to sell
2 seals, 2 signatures |
20 May |
1864 |
G2728 |
Extract from the Will of Reuben Capes of Whittlewood Forest, keeper. A.C. and R. Scrivener, executors. 24 Jan 1795 |
24 Jan |
1795 |
G2729 |
Attested copy of Conveyance of 4 cottages and premises at Potterspury 23 April 1808. Arthur Capes of Passenham, gent, son of Ruben Capes to Joseph Sanders and trustees of Potterspury |
23 Apr |
1808 |
G2730 |
Copy of the Will of Joseph Sanders of Potterspury, carpenter, 8 Jan 1826. Proved 6 July 1826 |
06 Jul |
1826 |
G2731 |
Attested copy of Conveyance of cottages and premises at Potterspury 21 May 1835. Thomas Sanders of Daventry, schoolmaster to Mary Fawkes of Fritwell, Oxon. With copies of Marriage certificate of Adrian Fawkes and Mary Sanders 28 Aug 1809. Burial Adrian Fawkes 23 Nov 1834 aged 53. William Sanders 24 Sept 1833 aged 60. Ann Sanders 12 May 1833 aged 79 |
21 May |
1835 |
G2732 |
Attested copy of Conveyance of 4 cottages and premises at Potterspury 19 & 20 Oct 1837. Mary Fawkes of Fritwell, Oxon. to James Ratliff of Potterspury, timber dealer |
19 Oct |
1837 |
G2733 |
Attested copy of appointment by way of Mortgage to secure £220. 4 cottages and premises at Potterspury 21 Oct 1837. James Ratliff of Potterspury, timber merchant to William Druce of the same, farmer |
21 Oct |
1837 |
G2734 |
Extract from the Will of William Druce of Potterspury, farmer. 11 Oct 1844 |
11 Oct |
1844 |
G2735 |
Attested copy of reconveyance of Mortgage to secure £220 cottages and premises at Potterspury. 22 Oct 1852. George Claridge, Dairy Farm Wakefield, gent to James Ratliffe, of Potterspury, timber merchant |
22 Oct |
1852 |
G2736 |
Covenant for the production of deeds 22 Oct 1852. William Mason of Potterspury, timber merchant, to James Ratliffe of the same timber dealer
2 seals, 2 signatures |
22 Oct |
1852 |
G2737 |
Conveyance of 3 cottages and premises at Potterspury 6 Oct 1860. Messrs Pickering Phipps and Richard Phipps, brewers, to George Godfrey of Stony Stratford, glazier
4 seals, 3 signatures |
06 Oct |
1860 |
G2738 |
Grant of arms to John, Lord Granville of Potheridge, co. Devon 6 July 1703 |
06 Jul |
1703 |
G2739 |
Lease for six months of an estate, Nonsuch, Surrey 22 Aug 1728. Duke of Grafton to Thomas Gibson and John Webb both Esq. of London
1 seal, 1 signature, damaged |
22 Aug |
1728 |
G2740 |
Bargain and sale of an estate at Bardwell, Suffolk 24 Sept 1741. Sir George Walter of Worcester Park, Surrey, Richard Whitworth of Adbeston, Stafford, Eqs. to Wentworth Odiam of St. James, Westminster
2 seals, 2 signatures, much damaged |
24 Sept |
1741 |
G2741 |
Copy of G2740 much damaged |
G2742 |
Assignment of ¼ of ground adjoining house in Bond Street 23 Aug 1728. Duke of Grafton to Thomas Gibson and John Jacob
1 seal, 1 signature, damaged |
23 Aug |
1728 |
G2743 |
Lease for a year of the manor of Euston, Euston Hall or Little Hall, Suffolk. Also Manors of Cockfield, alias Cockfield Hall, Little Fakenham, Barnham alias Bernam, Calthorpe alias Calthorphall alias Caltopphall, Baggotts and Playford in county of Suffolk 2 Oct 1741. Duke of Grafton to Bryan ffairfax, William Kent, both of St. James, Westminster
1 seal, 1 signature |
02 Oct |
1741 |
G2744 |
Grant and Release of estate of Nonsuch, Surrey to secure £10,000 23 Aug 1728. Duke of Grafton to Thomas Gibson and John Jacobs both of St. James Westminster
1 seal, 1 signature damaged |
23 Aug |
1728 |
G2745 |
Counterpart of G2744 damaged |
G2746 |
Lease for a year of estate Barnham, Suffolk. Susanna Yelverton to Duke of Grafton 173-? Greatly damaged |
G2747 |
Conveyance of Berkshire House als Cleveland House, St James 20 July 1693. Isabella, Duchess of Grafton to William Gurlston of the Middle Temple. Aaron Kinton of St. Clements Danes
7 seals 2 signatures |
20 Jul |
1693 |
G2748 |
Assignment of land near St. James's Park 9 May 1683. Robert Rossington of the city of London, gent. To Hon. John FitzPatrick of St. Martins in the ffields
1 seal, 1 signatures |
9 May |
1683 |
G2749 |
Act for vesting certaine pieces of Parcells of ground in the parishes of St. James and St. Martins in the ffields, of the estate of the late Duke of Grafton to be sold. Very fragile |
G2750 |
Grant of the parts in 15 of the Manor of Brynnamy and Straton in Cornwall 4 July 1662. John Seyntaubyn and Katherine his wife to the Earl of Bathe and Katherine his wife
2 seals, 2 signatures |
04 July |
1662 |
G2751 |
Timber and Bark accounts of the Grafton estates 1871-2, 1878-9 |
1871 |
G2752 |
Corn and straw accounts sent to Wakefield Lodge and Puxley 1849 - 1860 |
1849 - 1860 |
G2753 |
Marriage settlement on the marriage of Augustus Henry, Duke of Grafton and Elizabeth Wrottesley 23 June 1769. The Manor of Euston, Suffolk |
23 Jun |
1769 |
G2754 |
Counterpart of lease for 14 years of 2 Particulars in Greens Norton 14 July 1709. Duke of Grafton to Elizabeth Harris, of Duston, widdow
1 seal, 1 mark |
14 Jul |
1709 |
G2755 |
Counterpart of lease for 8 years of severall lands at Greens Norton 1 Dec 1708. Duke of Grafton to John Howes of Greens Norton, yeoman
1 seal, 1 signature |
01 Dec |
1708 |
G2756 |
Counterpart of lease for seven years of 5 Particulars at Grimscote and Cold Higham 2 June 1709. Duke of Grafton to Henry Howes of Cold Higham, yeoman
1 seal, 1 signature |
June |
1709 |
G2757 |
Counterpart of lease of lands at Grimscott and Cold Higham 23 Dec 1708. Duke of Grafton to James Purser of ffoxton, yeoman
1 seal, 1 signature |
23 Dec |
1708 |
G2758 |
Lease for 8 years of lands at ffoxcote for 8 years and 3 months 17 July 1710. Duke of Grafton to Henry Cockerill of Hanaly, Towcester
1 seal, 1 signature |
17 Jul |
1710 |
G2759 |
Counterpartof lease for 3½ years of lands at Duncote and Sewell. Duke of Grafton to William Howes of Greens Norton, yeoman
1 seal, 1 signature |
G2760 |
Counterpart of lease for seven and a half years of particulars at Blakesley, and Sewell, 16 Nov 1709 Duke of Grafton to Edward Holmes of Blakesley, yeoman
1 seal, 1 signature |
16 Nov |
1709 |
G2761 |
Counterpart of lease for 7½ years of particulars at Cold Higham 2 Dec. 1710, Duke of Grafton to Lucy Carter
1 seal, 1 signature |
02 Dec |
1710 |
G2762 |
Counterpart of lease for seven years and 10 months of severall Particulars at Grimscote and Cold Higham July 1708 Duke of Grafton to Thomas Pinckard, senior of Cold Higham, yeoman, Thomas Pinckard, junior of Grimscote, yeoman
2 seals, 2 signatures |
July |
1708 |
G2763 |
Release of lands at Poundstocke, Stratton, Cornwall 14 Jan 1679. Sir William Godolphin of Godolphin, Cornwall, to Charles Godolphin, brother of the above
2 seals, 2 signatures |
14 Jan |
1679 |
G2764 |
Lease for a year as in G2763. 13 Jan 1679
2 seals, 2 signatures |
13 Jan |
1679 |
G2765 |
Annuity of £50 issuing from estates in Cornwall, ffowerth July 1675. John, Earle of Bathe, ffrancis Arundell of Stanbury, Cornwall
1 signature |
1675 |
G2766 |
Bargain and Sale of estates, plantations in Barbadoes. 20 July 1679. John, Earle of Bathe to Dame Anne, Lady Willoughby of Parham
1 seal, 1 signature |
20 Jul |
1679 |
G2767 |
Demise of lands at Stambery, Cornwall 7 April 1673. Abraham Barnefield of East Putford, Devon, gent. Henry Doble of London, embroderer
1 seal , 1 signature |
07 Apr |
1673 |
G2768 |
Counterpart of assignment 23 March 1653 Thomas Ivat? of Comb Martyn, Devon, Esq. Symon Thurley of London, gent
2 seals, 2 signatures |
23 Mar |
1653 |
G2769 |
Defeazance £4000 30 Aug 1683 from Richard Parry of London, merchant. Mathias Vincent of London, merchant John Earle of Bathe
2 seals, 2 signatures |
30 Aug |
1683 |
G2770 |
Sir Lawrence Esmond of Huntingtown, Catherlaugh, Ireland. Release of all suits, claims, demands, etc. to Rebecca, Lady Granville and Henry Duke of Bowfort 1 Sept. 1709 |
01 Sep |
1709 |
G2771 |
Bargain and Sale 14 parts of 15 and 1 part of 3 of estate in Cornwall. 1 July 1661. Gregory Pearse of St. Buttolph without, Aldergate, leather seller. ffrancis Whitewick? of the Inner Temple, George Neyle of Gray's Inn
1 seal, 1 signature |
01 Jul |
1661 |
G2772 |
Will of Jacob Herrewin, merchant of Thames Street London 30 Oct 1630. Administration granted to George Pearse of St. Buttolph without, Aldergate. Leather seller |
30 Oct |
1630 |
G2773 |
Bargain and sale of 14 parts of 15 of lands Binnamy, Stratton, Cornwall 23 Dec 1670. Susanna Vasse of Stratton, Cornwall. John, Earle of Bathe
1 seal, 1 signature |
23 Dec |
1670 |
G2774 |
Lease for a year as in G2773 20 Dec 1670
1 seal, 1 signature |
20 Dec |
1670 |
G2775 |
Bargain and Sale of 14 parts of 15 of estate at Stratton, Cornwall. 25 March 1639. Bovill Grenvile of Stow, Cornwall, Esq. to Richard Vasse of Stratton, yeoman
1 seal, 1 signature |
25 Mar |
1693 |
G2776 |
Release of 14 parts of 15 of estate at Stratton 10 Oct 1639 Sir Bovill Grenvile of Cornwall to William Gayer of Ockhampton, Devon, merchant
1 seal, 1 signature |
10 Oct |
1639 |
G2777 |
Lease of a tenement at Killhampton, Cornwall 29 Sept 1672. Thomas Phillipps of Fughill? Cornwall, gent Henry Dobell of St. Clement Danes, taillor
1 seal, 1 signature |
29 Sep |
1672 |
G2778 |
Lease of land at Killhampton, Cornwall 9 Nov 1673 Abraham Barnefield of Bucklandbrewer, Devon Henry Dobell of St. Clement Danes, taillor
1 seal |
09 Nov |
1673 |
G2779 |
Bond for 24,000 libros Tournois. 8 April 1650. Yues Guillonson de Kervadonne,? Thomas Samborne and Gilbert Sweete all merchants of Morlaix, France, to Cyprian More of London, gent in trust for Sir John Grenvile, governor of His Maties islands of Sorlinges? or Silley |
08 Apr |
1650 |
G2780 |
Sale of a term of years 2 parts of 5 Barton of Stanbury, Cornwall 4 March 1666. John Seyntaubin, Sheriff of Cornwall to Thomas Doble of London |
04 Mar |
1666 |
G2781 |
Agreement to lease of land at Morwinstow, Barton of Stanbury, Cornwall for 7 years Thomas Waddon of Morwinstow of Henry and Thomas Doble of London 4 Oct 1670 |
04 Oct |
1670 |
G2782 |
Lease for 7 years of land at Barton of Stanbury, Cornwall 6 Oct 1670 Henry and Thomas Doble of London to Immannuel Hutchings of Morwinstow, Cornwall |
06 Oct |
1670 |
G2783 |
Bond for performance of covenants 29 Feb 1675 Henry and Thomas Doble of London |
29 Feb |
1675 |
G2784 |
Bond to Pay £261 on 14th Oct 1665 ffrancis Arundell bound to Henry Doble of London, embroaderer |
14 Oct |
1665 |
G2785 |
Fine. Trinity Term, circa 1611. Thomas Arundell, Esq. Pltf. John Dustym and Mary his wife. Defts. 1/5th part of the manor of Stambery and lands elsewhere in Cornwall |
Trinity Term |
c.1611 |
G2786 |
Copy of Fine. Circa 1598 Thomas Smythe and George Cooke, Pltfs. John Dustym and Mary his wife. Defdts. 1/5th part of the estate in Stanbery and Morewinstow, Cornwall |
c.1598 |
G2787 |
Address of congratualtion to the King on the birth of a son, Duke of Cornwall from Burrough 18th June 4th year of the reign of [?James II 1688?] date and place not indicated |
18 Jun |
1688? |
G2788 |
Copy of a lease for 31 years of land at Killgawan, Co. Wexford at £18 a year Earle of Bathe to Edward Tottenham of Ballyhasca, Co. Wexford |
G2789 |
Lease of land at Kenton, Devon for 19 years 19 Dec 1701 John Granville of Potheridge, Devon, Esq. to Lucretia Mole of Kenton, Devon
1 seal, 1 mark |
19 Dec |
1701 |
G2790 |
Articles of agreement with enclosures 17 Feb 1667. Jane ffawcett of Barwick upon Tweed adminstrarix of the will of James ffawcett and John, Earle of Bathe, son of Sir Bevin Greenville of Stow, Cornwall
1 seal, 1 mark
Certificate of Jane ffawcett as administrarix Counterbond for £104 Bevill Greenefield, Grinvile, 21 Dec 1640. Jane ffawcett release to John Earle of Bathe, son of Sir Bevill Greenvill Bond of Sir Bevill Grenvile to James ffawcet for £416 3 Jan 1655
Bond to Mary ffawcett for £520 3 Jan 1655
Bond for £30 Bevill Grenville of Stowe to Robert Poole, haberdasher, London 20 June 1640 |
17 Feb |
1667 |
G2791 |
Lease for 19 years, lands at Venbridge, Kenton, Devon 1701, John Granville of Potheridge, Devon to John Rowell of Kenton, Devon
1 seal, 1 signature |
1701 |
G2792 |
Surrender to the King's Majestie of rights etc. by the Portreeve, Burgesses and Comonalty of the Burrough of Fowey, Cornwall, with a request for a new Charter and authorising the Earle of Bathe to act on their behalf 10 Nov 1684
seal of the Burrough and many signatures |
10 Nov |
1684 |
G2793 |
Lease of a house at Lincoln's Inn with schedule of doors, locks bolts etc. 1 Jan 1661 Earle of Bathe to Sir George Cartaret
1 seal |
01 Jan |
1661 |
G2794 |
Conveyance. 10 Dec 1684
1. John, Earl of Bath, Thomas, Lord Crewe, Hon Bernard Greenville, esq., brother of the said John, Earl of Bathe, Sir Robert Atkins of Sapperton, co. Gloucs. kt. of the Bath, Sir Edward Atkins, kt.
2. John Hoskins of the Inner Temple, London, esq
3. Rt Hon Sidney, Lord Godolphin, Baron of Rialton, co. Cornwall, by 2 to 3 at the direction of 1 of the custody of two perambulations in Crambourne Chase in the Forest of Windsor, Lodge and Woods; for the term of lives of the Earl of Clasendon and Earl of Rochester and after their decease for thirty one years. Consideration: £2000
10 Dec |
1684 |
G2795 |
Commision of Lieutenancy granted 6 May 1691 by letter patent to John Earl of Bath and Charles, Lord Granville, his son and heir for the counties of Devon and Cornwall |
06 May |
1691 |
G2796 |
Assigment of lands at Road, Ashton, Stock Breuerne, Aldrington April 1709 William Blunt of Road, yeoman to Elizabeth Chivall of Ashton
1 seal, 1 signature |
April |
1709 |
G2797 |
Release of lands at Stambury, Cornwall 15 June 1678 Narcissus Luttrell of Gray's Inn to Earle of Bathe of Stambury
1 seal, 1 signature |
15 Jun |
1678 |
G2798 |
Release of estates in Yorkshire [Lancs.?] 5 Nov 1695. Clitheroe, Ightenhull, Colne, Chatborne, Haslingden etc. Ralph, Earl of Montagu and Christopher Moncke of Newhall, Essex, Eqs. To John Waddell of Lincoln's Inn. Anthony Warde of ffurnivall's Inn
4 seals, 4 signatures |
05 Nov |
1695 |
G2799 |
Book of Particulars of Payments at Wakefield Lodge etc. in Northamptonshire from June 1759 to Dec 1764 |
June |
1759 |
G2800 |
Book of Particulars of Payments at Wakefield Lodge etc. in Northamptonshire from June 1759 to Dec 1764 |
Dec |
1764 |