No. |
Date |
Year |
G1601 |
Lease for a year as in G1600 28 Sept 1723
4 seals, 4 signatures |
28 Sep |
1723 |
G1602 |
Draft of G1600 |
G1603 |
Assignment of Mortgage on land at Alderton and Paulerspury 29 Sept 1724. Charles Holt of Leighton Buzzard, Bucks, gent, Joyce and Grace Letitia Horton of Alderton to William Sherd of Wakefield Lodge. Christopher Eaton of Luton, clerke, in trust for the Duke of Grafton
6 seals, 5 signatures |
29 Sep |
1724 |
G1604 |
Will of James Horton of Alderton als Aldrington 10 June 1657. Administration granted to Elizabeth Horton relict of the above 25 Feb 1658 |
10 Jun |
1657 |
G1605 |
Bargain and Sale for £1550, estates at Road, Hartwell, Ashton, Shitlanger, Blisworth 27 March 1764. Richard Lansdown of Woodborough, Somerset, gent, to John Clarke of Hardingston, gent |
27 Mar |
1764 |
G1606 |
Grant and Confirmation of land at Alderton, 10 June 1644. Edward Miles of Aldrington, gent, to his sister, Elizabeth Webb of the same relict of Richard Webb of Heathencote |
10 Jun |
1644 |
G1607 |
Release and quit of all Claims and receipts 15 Jan 1706. John Walker of Alderton, junior, to Joyce Horton of the same widow and Aministrix of the Will of James Horton
1 seal, 1 mark |
15 Jan |
1706 |
G1608 |
Will of Elizabeth Horton of Alderton 26 July 1686, James Horton her son, granted administer |
26 Jul |
1686 |
G1609 |
Bargain and Sale land at Alderton and Paulerspury 21 Nov 1721. Thomas Litchfield of Geyton, gent and Jonathan Wicken of Towcester, innholder, assignee of estate of James Horton, bankrupt, to George Horton
3 seals, 3 signatures |
21 Nov |
1721 |
G1610 |
Land at Paulerspury, John Gray of Alderton, joyner, to James Horton of Alderton, gent, 1 April 1697
1 seal, 1 signature |
01 Apr |
1697 |
G1611 |
Marriage Settlement. Terrier annexed of land at Aldrington 2 Feb 1686/7. James Horton of Aldrington, gent. Joyce Sheppard of Abthorpe. Thomas Pargiter of Abthorpe
4 seals, 4 signatures |
02 Feb |
1687 |
G1612 |
Draft Copy of G1611 Joynture Deed |
G1613 |
Marriage Settlement 15 Feb 1648. Elizabeth Webb, widow of Alderton. James Horton of Humley, Lei. gent
5 signatures |
15 Feb |
1648 |
G1614 |
Bargain and Sale of land at Paulerspury 11 April 1671. Edward Hales of Paulerspury, Esq. to Henry Gray of Aldrington, carpenter
2 seals, 2 signatures |
11 Apr |
1671 |
G1615 |
Rental of the Estate of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire. Ladyday 1797 - Michaelmas 1797 |
1797 |
G1616 |
Rental of the Estate of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire. March 1806 - Ladyday 1807 |
Mar |
1806 - 1807 |
G1617 |
Rental of the Estate of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire. 10 Oct 1762 - 5 April 1763 |
10 Oct |
1762 |
G1618 |
Rental of the Estate of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire. 5 April 1762 - 10 Oct 1762 |
05 Apr |
1762 |
G1619 |
Rental of the Estate of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire. 5 April 1760 - 10 Oct 1760 |
05 Apr |
1760 |
G1620 |
Rental of the Estate of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire. 10 Oct 1759 - 5 April 1760 |
10 Oct |
1759 |
G1621 |
Rental of the Estate of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire. 10 Oct 1760 - 5 April 1762 |
10 Oct |
1760 |
G1622 |
Rental of the Estate of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire. 10 Oct 1760 - 5 April 1761 |
10 Oct |
1760 |
G1623 |
Rental of the Estate of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire. 10 Oct 1758 - 5 April 1759 |
10 Oct |
1758 |
G1624 |
Rental of the Estate of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire. 5 April 1758 - 10 Oct 1758 |
05 Apr |
1758 |
G1625 |
Rental of the Estate of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire. 5 April 1759 - 10 Oct 1759 |
05 Apr |
1759 |
G1626 |
Rental of the Estate of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire. 10 Oct 1757 - 5 April 1758 |
10 Oct |
1757 |
G1627 |
Rental of the Estate of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire. 5 April 1757 - 10 Oct 1757 |
05 Apr |
1757 |
G1628 |
Rental of the Estate of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire. 10 Oct 1753 - 5 April 1754 |
10 Oct |
1753 |
G1629 |
Rental of the Estate of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire. March 1750 - Ladyday 1751 |
Mar |
1750 |
G1630 |
Rental of the Estate of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire. March 1747 - Ladyday 1748 Farm & cottage rents |
Mar |
1747 |
G1631 |
Abstract of Plans. Terriers. c.1728 Paulers Perry and Heathcut |
c. 1728 |
G1632 |
Abstract of Plans. Terriers. c.1728 Paulerspury, Potterspury, Yardley, ffoscote |
c.1728 |
G1633 |
Abstract of Plans. Terriers. c.1728 Potterspury and Yardley. Map G358 |
c.1728 |
G1634 |
Abstract of Plans. Terriers. c.1728 Stoke, Churchfield |
c.1728 |
G1635 |
Abstract of Plans. Terriers. c.1728 Grafton. See Map G439 |
c.1728 |
G1636 |
Abstract of Plans. Terriers. c.1728 Stokebruerne, Shittlehanger |
c.1728 |
G1637 |
Abstract of Land measured but not Plan'd. Paulerspury and Tocester Corsegrove, Danshanger Darlscot Blaksly and Whittlebury |
G1638 |
Account of the Rents and Profits of the Estates of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire and Payments made Feb 1748 - March 1749 |
Feb |
1748 |
G1639 |
Account of the Rents and Profits of the Estates of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire and Payments made March 1751 - March 1752 |
Mar |
1751 |
G1640 |
Account of the Rents and Profits of the Estates of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire and Payments made March 1738 |
Mar |
1738 |
G1641 |
Account of the Rents and Profits of the Estates of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire and Payments made March 1747 |
Mar |
1747 |
G1641b |
Account of the Rents and Profits of the Estates of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire and Payments made 12 Feb 1753 - 19 Feb 1754 |
12 Feb |
1753 |
G1642 |
Accounts of the Rents, Profits and Payment of the Estates of the Duke of Grafton in Tottenham and Highgate. To Michaelmas 1742 |
1742 |
G1643 |
Accounts of the Rents, Profits and Payment of the Estates of the Duke of Grafton in Tottenham and Highgate. Mich. 1742 - Laday 1743 |
1742 |
G1644 |
Accounts of the Rents, Profits and Payment of the Estates of the Duke of Grafton in Tottenham and Highgate. Laday 1748 - Mich 1750 |
1748 |
G1645 |
Accounts of the Rents, Profits and Payment of the Estates of the Duke of Grafton in Tottenham and Highgate. Laday 1750 - Laday 1751 |
1750 |
G1646 |
Cottage Rents on the Estates of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire 10 Oct 1755 - 1757 |
10 Oct |
1755 |
G1647 |
Cottage Rents on the Estates of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire 1765 - 1767 |
1765 |
G1648 |
Cottage Rents on the Estates of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire 1762 |
1762 |
G1649 |
Accounts relating to Wakefield Jan 1743 - May 1744 |
1744 |
G1650 |
Accounts relating to Wakefield June 1744 - July 1745 |
1744 |
G1651 |
Accounts relating to Wakefield Nov 1747 - Feb 1749 |
1747 |
G1652 |
Accounts relating to Wakefield March 1749 - March 1751 |
1749 |
G1653 |
Particulars of receipts at Wakefield Lodge 1759 - 1774 |
1759 |
G1654 |
Alphabetical list of Tenants, Mannors to which they belong, Value of Farms on the estates of the Duke of Grafton c.1727 |
c.1727 |
G1655 |
Law Charges. The Duke of Grafton to the Representative of the late Jasper Blythman 1715 - 1736 |
1715 - 1736 |
G1656 |
Accounts of the Duke and Duchess of Grafton as executrix and adminstrator of the late Lady Granville. Rent Roll in Ireland (after 1712) |
1712 |
G1657 |
Terrier of the Farm of Francis Blunt of Hartwell End 15 March 1751 |
15 Mar |
1751 |
G1658 |
Particulars of Wakefield Farm. Crop produced and used of the fields. 1769/70 |
1769 - 1770 |
G1659 |
Particulars of Wakefield Farm. Crop produced and used of the fields. 1769 |
1769 |
G1660 |
Particulars of Wakefield Farm. Crop produced and used of the fields. 1779/84 |
1779 - 1784 |
G1661 |
Book of Mares covered at Wakefield Lodge 1766, 1767, 1768 |
1766 - 1768 |
G1662 |
Book of Mares covered at Wakefield Lodge 1770, 1771, 1772, 1773,1774 |
1770 - 1774 |
G1663 |
Bill for threshing barley. John Jones 17 March 1808
Samuel Kingston bill for ditching ploughing etc. 11 Jan 1741
Bill for threshing & winnowing John Addington, John Battams Sept 1741
Samuel Kingston & John Battams bill Sept 1742
Bill for hay work, Samuel Kingston & John Battams
List of Barby names 22 April 173(2)? |
1741 -1808 |
G1664 |
List of Tenants and quantity of land allotted in the Neather Field, Blisworth May 1790 |
May |
1790 |
G1665 |
Particulars of Houses, Inclosed Grounds belonging to farms at Stoke Bruerne 1752 |
1752 |
G1666 |
Blisworth Inclosures and occupiers, undated |
G1667 |
Particulars of farms, houses and Inclosed Ground from Survey 1727, Shittlehanger 1752 |
1727 & 1752 |
G1668 |
Particulars of lands, place and date not given |
G1669 |
Grafton Estates:- Abstract of the Leasehold Estates belonging to the Honor of Grafton, undated |
G1670 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms & Cottages.Michaelmas 1775 - Lady Day 1776 |
1775 - 1776 |
G1671 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms & Cottages. 52 Books From 1775 - 1776, 1782 - 1806, 1821 - 1826 |
G1672 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Lady Day 1783 to Michaelmas 1783 |
1783 |
G1673 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms, Lady Day to Michaelmas 1784 |
1784 |
G1674 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Lady Day 1785 to Michaelmas 1785 |
1785 |
G1675 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms & Cottages September 29 1785 to March 25th 1786 |
1785 - 1786 |
G1676 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Lady Day 1786 to Michaelmas 1786 |
1786 |
G1677 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms & (Cottages rents for a year). Michaelmas 1786 to Lady Day 1787 |
1786 - 1787 |
G1678 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Lady Day 1787 to Michaelmas 1787 |
1787 |
G1679 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Michaelmas 1787 to Lady Day 1788. Cottages Lady Day 1787 to Lady Day 1788 |
1787 - 1788 |
G1680 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Lady Day 1778 to Michaelmas 1788 |
1788 |
G1681 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Michaelmas 1788 to Lady Day 1789. Cottages Lady Day 1788 to Lady Day 1789 |
1788 - 1789 |
G1682 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Lady Day 1789 to Michaelmas 1789 |
1789 |
G1683 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Michaelmas 1789 to Lady Day 1790. Cottages Lady Day 1789 - Lady Day 1790 |
1789 - 1780 |
G1684 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Lady Day 1790 to Michaelmas 1790 |
1790 |
G1685 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Michaelmas 1790 to Lady Day 1791. Cottages. Lady Day 1790 to Lady Day 1791 |
1790 - 1791 |
G1686 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Lady Day 1791 to Michaelmas 1791 |
1791 |
G1687 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Michaelmas 1791 to Lady Day 1792. Cottages Lady Day 1791 to Lady Day 1792 |
1791 - 1792 |
G1688 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Lady Day 1792 to Michaelmas 1792 |
1792 |
G1689 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Lady Day 1793 to Michaelmas 1793 |
1793 |
G1690 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Michaelmas 1793 to Lady Day 1794. Cottages Lady Day 1793 to Lady Day 1794 |
1793 - 1794 |
G1691 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Lady Day 1794 to Michaelmas 1794 |
1794 |
G1692 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Michaelmas 1794 to Lady Day 1795. Cottages Lady Day 1794 to Lady Day 1795 |
1794 - 1795 |
G1693 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Lady Day 1795 to Michaelmas 1795 |
1795 |
G1694 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Michaelmas 1795 to Lady Day 1796. Cottages March 25th 1795 to March 25th 1796 |
1795 - 1796 |
G1695 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Lady Day 1796 to Michaelmas 1796 |
1796 |
G1696 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Lady Day 1798 to Michaelmas 1798 |
1798 |
G1697 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Michaelmas 1798 to Lady Day 1799. Cottages Lady Day 1789 to Lady Day 1799 |
1798 - 1799 |
G1698 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Lady Day 1799 to Michaelmas 1799 |
1799 |
G1699 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Michaelmas 1799 to Lady Day 1800 Cottages Lady Day 1799 to Lady Day 1800 |
1799 - 1800 |
G1700 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Lady Day 1800 to Michaelmas 1800 |
1800 |
G1701 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Michaelmas 1800 to Lady Day 1801. Cottages Lady Day 1800 to Lady Day 1801 |
1800 -1801 |
G1702 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Lady Day 1801 to Michaelmas 1801 |
1801 |
G1703 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Sept. 1801 to March 25 1802. Cottages Lady Day 1801 to Lady Day 1802 |
1801 -1802 |
G1704 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Lady Day 1802 to Michaelmas 1802 |
1802 |
G1705 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Michaelmas 1802 to Lady Day 1803. Cottages Lady Day 1802 to Lady Day 1803 |
1802 - 1803 |
G1706 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Lady Day 1803 to Michaelmas 1803 |
1803 |
G1707 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Michaelmas 1803 to Lady Day 1804. Cottages. Lady Day 1803 to Lady Day 1804 |
1803 - 1804 |
G1708 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Lady Day 1804 to Michaelmas 1804 |
1804 |
G1709 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Michaelmas 1804 to Lady Day 1805. Cottages Lady Day 1804 to Lady Day 1805 |
1804 - 1805 |
G1710 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Lady Day 1805 to Michaelmas 1805 |
1805 |
G1711 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Michaelmas 1805 to Lady Day 1806. Cottages Lady Day 1805 to Lady Day 1806 |
1805 - 1806 |
G1712 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Lady Day 1806 to Michaelmas 1806 |
1806 |
G1713 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Lady Day 1821 to Michaelmas 1821 |
1821 |
G1714 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Michaelmas 1821 to Lady Day 1822. Cottages Lady Day 1821 to Lady Day 1822 |
1821 - 1822 |
G1715 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Michaelmas 1822 to Lady Day 1823. Cottages Lady Day 1822 to Lady Day 1823 |
1822 - 1823 |
G1716 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Lady Day 1823 to Michaelmas 1823 |
1823 |
G1717 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Michaelmas 1823 to Lady Day 1824. Cottages Lady Day 1823 to Lady Day 1824 |
1823 - 1824 |
G1718 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Lady Day 1824 to Michaelmas 1824 |
1824 |
G1719 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Michaelmas 1824 to Lady Day 1825. Cottages Lady Day 1824 to Lady Day 1825 |
1824 - 1825 |
G1720 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Lady Day 1825 to Michaelmas 1825 |
1825 |
G1721 |
Rentals of Estates in Northamptonshire belonging to the Duke of Grafton Farms Michaelmas 1825 to Lady Day 1826. Cottages Lady Day 1825 to Lady Day 1826 |
1825 - 1826 |
G1722 |
Book No 1 of Particular Payments and Receipts at Wakefield Lodge 24th May 1757 - June 1759 |
1757 - 1759 |
G1723 |
Book No 1 of Particular Payments and Receipts at Wakefield Lodge 24th May 1757 - June 1759 |
1757 - June 1759 |
G1724 |
Book No 2 of Particular Payments and Receipts at Wakefield Lodge 24 June 1759 - 25 Dec 1763 |
1759 - 1763 |
G1725 |
Book No 1 of Particular Payments and Receipts at Wakefield Lodge 14th Sept 1757 - 1758 Includes cottage & other small rents |
1757 - 1758 |
G1726 |
Book No 1 of Particular Payments and Receipts at Wakefield Lodge Michaelmas 1758 June 26th 1759 Includes cottage & other small rents |
1758 - 1759 |
G1727 |
Book No. 2 Particular of Receipts at Wakefield Lodge from 24 June 1759 - 24 June 1763 |
1759 - 1763 |
G1728 |
Rentals Cottages on the Estate of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire 25 March 1771 |
25 Mar |
1771 |
G1729 |
Rentals of Farms & Cottages on the Estate of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire for Michaelmas 1809 - Lady Day 1810 |
1809 - 1810 |
G1730 |
Rentals of Farms on the Estate of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire Lady Day - Michaelmas 1810 |
1810 |
G1731 |
Rentals of Farms on the Estate of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire Michaelmas 1831 |
1831 |
G1732 |
Rentals of Farms on the Estate of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire 29 Sept 1832 |
1832 |
G1733 |
Rentals of Farms on the Estate of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire Lady Day 1832 |
1832 |
G1734 |
Rentals of Farms on the Estate of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire For Michaelmas 1833 |
1833 |
G1735 |
Rentals of Farms on the Estate of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire For 25 March 1833 |
1833 |
G1736 |
Rentals of Farms on the Estate of the Duke of Grafton in Northamptonshire For the Year 1834 |
1834 |
G1737 |
Valuation of the Timber in Earl Bathurst's Coppices in Silston, undated |
G1738 |
Thomas Bedford's Day Book 1749 - 1759 |
1749 - 1759 |
G1739 |
Wakefield Lodge Writing case |
G1740 |
Abstract of Monthly Bills and Expenses in and about the House and Stables at Wakefield Lodge 25 March - 8th Nov 1782 |
25 Mar |
1782 |
G1741 |
Abstract of Monthly Bills and Expenses in and about the House and Stables at Wakefield Lodge 25 Dec 1781 - 7 Nov 1782 |
25 Dec |
1781 |
G1742 |
Abstract of Monthly Bills and Expenses in and about the House and Stables at Wakefield Lodge 25 March 1782 - 8 Nov 1782 |
25 Mar |
1782 |
G1743 |
Abstract of Monthly Bills and Expenses in and about the House and Stables at Wakefield Lodge 25 March 1782 - 7 Nov 1782 |
25 Mar |
1782 |
G1744 |
Abstract of Monthly Bills and Expenses in and about the House and Stables at Wakefield Lodge 24 June 1782 - 25 Dec 1782 |
24 Jun |
1782 |
G1745 |
Abstract of Monthly Bills and Expenses in and about the House and Stables at Wakefield Lodge 24 Jun 1782 - 3 April 1783 |
24 Jun |
1782 |
G1746 |
Abstract of Monthly Bills and Expenses in and about the House and Stables at Wakefield Lodge 29 Sept 1782 - 4 April 1783 |
29 Sep |
1782 |
G1747 |
Abstract of Monthly Bills and Expenses in and about the House and Stables at Wakefield Lodge 29 Sep 1782 - 3 April 1783 |
29 Sep |
1782 |
G1748 |
Abstract of Monthly Bills and Expenses in and about the House and Stables at Wakefield Lodge 25 Dec 1782 - 6 Nov 1783 |
25 Dec |
1782 |
G1749 |
Abstract of Monthly Bills and Expenses in and about the House and Stables at Wakefield Lodge 30 April 1783 - 6 Nov 1783 |
20 Apr |
1783 |
G1750 |
Abstract of Monthly Bills and Expenses in and about the House and Stables at Wakefield Lodge 29 Sept 1783 - 24 Mar 1784 |
29 Sep |
1783 |
G1751 |
Abstract of Monthly Bills and Expenses in and about the House and Stables at Wakefield Lodge 25 Dec 1783 - 1 April 1784 |
25 Dec |
1783 |
G1752 |
Abstract of expenses at Wakefield Lodge including Land Tax, Poor Levys, Tythes, Compositions, Church Levys on the Estate 25 Dec 1781 - 24 June 1782 |
25 Dec |
1781 |
G1753 |
Abstract of expenses at Wakefield Lodge including Land Tax, Poor Levys, Tythes, Compositions, Church Levys on the Estate 2 Sept 1783 - Dec 25 1783 |
2 Sep |
1783 |
G1754 |
Abstract of expenses at Wakefield Lodge including Land Tax, Poor Levys, Tythes, Compositions, Church Levys on the Estate 25 Dec 1783 - 24 June 1784 |
25 Dec |
1784 |
G1755 |
Abstract of expenses at Wakefield Lodge including Land Tax, Poor Levys, Tythes, Compositions, Church Levys on the Estate Dec 25 1791 - Jun 19 1792 |
25 Dec |
1791 |
G1756 |
Abstract of expenses at Wakefield Lodge including Land Tax, Poor Levys, Tythes, Compositions, Church Levys on the Estate 1 Jan 1820 - 30 April 1821 |
Jan 1 |
1820 |
G1757 |
Abstract of expenses at Wakefield Lodge including Land Tax, Poor Levys, Tythes, Compositions, Church Levys on the Estate Dec 1821 |
1821 |
G1758 |
Grafton Estates:- Abstract of Land Tax and Levys on the Estates 25 Dec 1781 - 24 June 1782 |
1781 - 1782 |
G1759 |
Wakefield:- Garden labourer's accounts from 22 Sept 1787 - 19 Feb 1790 |
22 Sep |
1787 - 1790 |
G1760 |
Grafton Estates:- Abstract of Land Tax and Levys on the Estates Abstract of Land Tax and Levys on the Estates 25 Dec 1783 |
25 Dec |
1783 |
G1761 |
Grafton Estate:- Abstract of Land Tax and Levys on the Estates Abstract of Land Tax and Levys on the Estates Dec 25 1783 - June 22 1784 |
Dec 25 |
1783 |
G1762 |
Grafton Estates:- Abstract of Bills and expenses for repairs on the Estate from 24 Dec 1781 - 24 June 1784 |
24 Dec |
1781 - 1784 |
G1763 |
Grafton Estates:- Abstract of Bills and expenses for repairs on the Estate from 24 Dec 1781 - 24 June 1784 |
24 Dec |
1781 - 1784 |
G1764 |
Grafton Estates:- Abstract of Bills and expenses for repairs on the Estate from 24 Dec 1781 - 24 June 1784 |
24 Dec |
1781 - 1784 |
G1765 |
Grafton Estates:- Abstract of Bills and expenses for repairs on the Estate from 24 Dec 1781 - 24 June 1784 |
24 Dec |
1781 - 1784 |
G1766 |
Grafton Estates:- Abstract of Bills and expenses for repairs on the Estate from 24 Dec 1781 - 24 June 1784 |
24 Dec |
1781 - 1784 |
G1767 |
Grafton Estates:- Abstract of Bills and expenses for repairs on the Estate from 24 Dec 1781 - 24 June 1784 |
24 Dec |
1781 - 1784 |
G1768 |
Grafton Estates:- Abstract of Bills and expenses for repairs on the Estate from 24 Dec 1781 - 24 June 1784 |
24 Dec |
1781 - 1784 |
G1769 |
Grafton Estates:- Abstract of Bills and expenses for repairs on the Estate from 24 Dec 1781 - 24 June 1784 |
24 Dec |
1781 - 1784 |
G1770 |
Grafton Estates:- Abstract of Bills and expenses for repairs on the Estate from 24 Dec 1781 - 24 June 1784 |
24 Dec |
1781 - 1784 |
G1771 |
Grafton Estates:- Abstract of Bills and expenses for repairs on the Estate from 24 Dec 1781 - 24 June 1784 |
24 Dec |
1781 - 1784 |
G1772 |
Grafton Estates:- Abstract of Bills and expenses for repairs on the Estate from 24 Dec 1781 - 24 June 1784 |
24 Dec |
1781 - 1784 |
G1773 |
Grafton Estates:- Abstract of Land Tax and Levys on Woods and Land from 24 June - 25 Dec 1782 |
24 Jun |
1782 |
G1774 |
Abstract of expenses on the New Inclosures at Potterspury and Yardley 24 June - 25 Dec 1782 See: 2424 |
24 Jun |
1782 |
G1775 |
Abstract of labourer's weekly accounts at Wakefield Lodge 24 June - 25 Dec 1782 |
24 Jun |
1782 |
G1776 |
Grafton Estates:- Abstract of Modus Quit Rents charged on the Estates 24 June - 25 Dec 1782 |
24 Jun |
1782 |
G1777 |
Abstract of Sundry Payments made at Wakefield Lodge 24 June - 25 Dec 1782 |
24 Jun |
1782 |
G1778 |
Abstract of all Totals of payments made by J. Roper for the Duke of Grafton. Monthly Bills for Wakefield House Lodge. House Bills of repairs on the Estate. Expenses in and out the House. Land Tax and Levys on Woods and Lands. 24 Jun 1784 to 25 Dec 1784 |
24 Jun |
1784 |
G1779 |
Abstract of all Totals of payments made by J. Roper for the Duke of Grafton. Monthly Bills for Wakefield House Lodge. House Bills of repairs on the Estate. Expenses in and out the House. Land Tax and Levys on Woods and Lands. Dec 25 1884 to 24 June 1785 |
25 Dec |
1784 -1785 |
G1780 |
Abstract of all Totals of payments made by J. Roper for the Duke of Grafton. Monthly Bills for Wakefield House Lodge. House Bills of repairs on the Estate. Expenses in and out the House. Land Tax and Levys on Woods and Lands. Jun 24 1785 to 3 Nov 1785 |
24 Jun |
1785 |
G1781 |
Abstract of all Totals of payments made by J. Roper for the Duke of Grafton. Monthly Bills for Wakefield House Lodge. House Bills of repairs on the Estate. Expenses in and out the House. Land Tax and Levys on Woods and Lands. 25 Dec 1785 to 30 Jan 1786 |
25 Dec |
1785 - 1786 |
G1782 |
Abstract of all Totals of payments made by J. Roper for the Duke of Grafton. Monthly Bills for Wakefield House Lodge. House Bills of repairs on the Estate. Expenses in and out the House. Land Tax and Levys on Woods and Lands. Jun 24 1786 to 9 Nov 1786 |
24 Jun |
1786 |
G1783 |
Abstract of all Totals of payments made by J. Roper for the Duke of Grafton. Monthly Bills for Wakefield House Lodge. House Bills of repairs on the Estate. Expenses in and out the House. Land Tax and Levys on Woods and Lands. 24 Dec 1786 to 29 March 1787 |
24 Dec |
1786 - 1787 |
G1784 |
Abstract of all Totals of payments made by J. Roper for the Duke of Grafton. Monthly Bills for Wakefield House Lodge. House Bills of repairs on the Estate. Expenses in and out the House. Land Tax and Levys on Woods and Lands. 9 Nov 1787 |
09 Nov |
1787 |
G1785 |
Abstract of all Totals of payments made by J. Roper for the Duke of Grafton. Monthly Bills for Wakefield House Lodge. House Bills of repairs on the Estate. Expenses in and out the House. Land Tax and Levys on Woods and Lands. 25 Dec 1788 |
25 Dec |
1788 |
G1786 |
Abstract of all Totals of payments made by J. Roper for the Duke of Grafton. Monthly Bills for Wakefield House Lodge. House Bills of repairs on the Estate. Expenses in and out the House. Land Tax and Levys on Woods and Lands. 1789 |
1789 |
G1787 |
Abstract of all Totals of payments made by J. Roper for the Duke of Grafton. Monthly Bills for Wakefield House Lodge. House Bills of repairs on the Estate. Expenses in and out the House. Land Tax and Levys on Woods and Lands. 25 Dec 1788 to 2 April 1789 |
25 Dec |
1788 - 1789 |
G1788 |
Abstract of all Totals of payments made by J. Roper for the Duke of Grafton. Monthly Bills for Wakefield House Lodge. House Bills of repairs on the Estate. Expenses in and out the House. Land Tax and Levys on Woods and Lands. 25 Dec 1788 to 25 Dec 1789 |
25 Dec |
1788 - 1789 |
G1789 |
Abstract of all Totals of payments made by J. Roper for the Duke of Grafton. Monthly Bills for Wakefield House Lodge. House Bills of repairs on the Estate. Expenses in and out the House. Land Tax and Levys on Woods and Lands. 25 Dec 1789 to 1 April 1790 |
25 Dec |
1789 - 1790 |
G1790 |
Abstract of all Totals of payments made by J. Roper for the Duke of Grafton. Monthly Bills for Wakefield House Lodge. House Bills of repairs on the Estate. Expenses in and out the House. Land Tax and Levys on Woods and Lands. 25 Dec 1789 to 25 Dec 1790 |
25 Dec |
1789 - 1790 |
G1791 |
Abstract of all Totals of payments made by J. Roper for the Duke of Grafton. Monthly Bills for Wakefield House Lodge. House Bills of repairs on the Estate. Expenses in and out the House. Land Tax and Levys on Woods and Lands. 25 Dec 1790 to 31 March 1791 |
25 Dec |
1790 - 1791 |
G1792 |
Abstract of all Totals of payments made by J. Roper for the Duke of Grafton. Monthly Bills for Wakefield House Lodge. House Bills of repairs on the Estate. Expenses in and out the House. Land Tax and Levys on Woods and Lands. 25 Dec 1791 to 24 June 1792 |
25 Dec |
1791 - 1792 |
G1793 |
Abstract of all Totals of payments made by J. Roper for the Duke of Grafton. Monthly Bills for Wakefield House Lodge. House Bills of repairs on the Estate. Expenses in and out the House. Land Tax and Levys on Woods and Lands. Jun 24 1784 to Dec 25 1792 |
24 Jun |
1784 - 1792 |
G1794 |
Grafton Estates:- Sundry Bills for felling poplars, thatching, carpenter, Quicking allottments 1829, Hewitts & Smith garden shrubs in 1783 |
1829 |
G1795 |
Two plans 1. The Town of Norton 2. Certain fields, place not mentioned |
G1796 |
Poor and Church Rates at Stoke Bruerne 1829 |
1829 |
G1797 |
Substance of two lectures by the Rev. H. Moule entitled "Earth and Water" contrasting the two systems of Disposal of Sewage 1866 |
1866 |
G1798 |
Two Tracts |
G1799 |
Plan of Bournemouth with Map and list of Residents 1870 |
1870 |
G1800 |
Land Tax, Potterspury and Yardley Gobion 1800 - 1801 |
1800 - 1801 |