Date Doc ref: Occupation Forename Surname At Payment
1536 Longleat Carpenter John Albart 7d. 7s  
1536 Longleat Carpenter Crystoffer Aldwyn 7d. 7s  
1536 Longleat Carpenter Richard Albart 7d. 6s 5d  
1536 Longleat Mason Randoll Awood 7d. 2s 4d  
1536 Longleat Tiler James Atwyke 8d 2s 8d  
1536 Longleat Tiler Willyam Peny 8d 2s 9d  
1536 Longleat Tiler Thomas Towson 8d 2s 3d  
1536 Longleat Tiler John Mayer 8d 2s 4d  
1536 Longleat Plasterer Robert Bandell 8d 2s 8d  
1536 Longleat Plasterer Henry Brunt 8d 2s 8d  
1536 Longleat Plasterer John Flower 8d 2s 8d  
1536 Longleat Labourer to masons John Carter 5d 20d  
1536 Longleat Labourer to tilers Wyllyam Battman 5d 20d  
1536 Longleat Labourer to tilers Abraham Comberland 5d 20d  
1536 Longleat Labourer to tilers Wyllyam Burdges 5d 20d  
1536 Longleat Labourer to tilers Wyllyam Hyde 5d 20d  
1536 Longleat Labourer to plasterer Rychard Dorman 5d 20d  
1536 Longleat Labourer to plasterer Robert Monde 5d 20d  
1536 Longleat Labourer to plasterer Wyllyam Gybbes 5d 20d  
1536 Longleat Common labourer John Smythe 5d 20d  
1536 Longleat Common labourer Edmonde Kyndle 5d 20d  
1536 Longleat Common labourer Wyllyam Gresward 5d 20d  
1536 Longleat Common labourer John Rychardson 5d 20d  
1536 Longleat Common labourer John Hydd 5d 15d  
1536 Longleat Common labourer Albyn Rauff 5d 15d  
1536 Longleat Common labourer Thomas Whyt 5d 20d  
1536 Longleat Common labourer Robert Pollyng 5d 20d  
1536 Longleat Common labourer Robert Carter 5d 10d  
1536 Longleat Common labourer Wyllyam Mycham 5d 10d  
1536 Longleat Common labourer Thomas Tedyngton 5d 10d  
1536 Longleat Purvysor Thomas Smyth 5d 4s 2d  
1536 Longleat Clerk Thomas Campe 6d 14s  
1537 Bodleian Carpenter Harry Garrett 8d 14s 8d Fellyng and hewyng of tymber in Sawcy Forest for makyng, framyng and setting up of 5 new dore steeds with 5 new cleare story wyndowes sett in the newe walles of the kynges bowlynge aley and other new dore steedes sett up in the olde orchard, also reparing, guestyng, new crestyng, spurring and new plankyng the bridge at Yardley made redy for cartts to conveye herd stone from Castell Thorpe to the same manor, moreover not only formyng and setting up of a newe particion to enclose the kynges closett, making of a pentyse over the Quenes dynyng chamber wyndowe, making of hodes and whelebarrowes for masons' labourers with like hewing and making of ladders for the said masons, tilers and plasterers, but alsoe repayring, bording and furring of the crestes under the leades in the dynyng and long chamber and the Quenes dynyng chamber with like makyng of a water cartte to carey water to the morter makers.
1537 Bodleian Carpenter Robard Garrett 8d 12s 10d
as above
1537 Bodleian Carpenter William Sawly 8d 12s 10d
as above
1537 Bodleian Carpenter Thomas Roughed 7d. 12s 10d
as above
1537 Bodleian Carpenter John Wedan 7d. 12s 10d
as above
1537 Bodleian Carpenter John Crowe 7d. 12s 10d
as above
1537 Bodleian Carpenter William Godderd 6d  
as above
1537 Bodleian Carpenter Richard Malle 8d 4d Workyng as well upon the mayng of a dooble doore with battons kerved for the kynges closett as tracyng out a wyndowe for the same closett to the kerved owt lattys wise for the kynges grace to looke out.
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Rawndall Hood 7d. 12s 10d Workyng upon hewyng of frestone parells of jawmes, mattells and koynes for 2 new chymnes theone for the kynges privye chamber, thother for the grome porters lodgyng
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Nycolas Danyell 7d. 12s 10d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Thomas Woodowes 7d. 12s 10d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason William Jenson 7d. 12s 10d
as above
Bodleian Setter at 3s 8d a work John Coles 3s 8d 11s  
1537 Bodleian Plasterer Hary Brykkes 7d. 9s 11d Workyng as well upon rouf castyng the watch of the water tabulls of the leades for that the water shall not peryshe the tymber under the said leades as also upon plasteryng with lyme and hare the new particions made by the carpenters to enclose the kynges chamber.
1537 Bodleian Sawyer the couple (1) Richard Travell 14d 2s 8d Workyng as well upon the kyngs chamber and sawyng tymber into puncheons, quarters and plankes as also sawing of ladder peces for ladders to be made for the said masons, tilers and plaisterers.
1537 Bodleian Sawyer the couple (1) John Shape    
as above
1537 Bodleian Sawyer the couple (2) John Cooke 14d 19s 10d
as above
1537 Bodleian Sawyer the couple (2) Thomas Haynes    
as above
1537 Bodleian Tiler Alessaunder Lackes 7d. 12s 10d Workyng as well uppon rippyng and untyling with new tyling, lathyng and poyntyng the kynges prevy chamber, his bed chamber and hys dynyng chamber
1537 Bodleian Tiler William Jones 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Duffeld 8d 16s Workyng as well upon lynyng, trosyng owte and bryngyng up the fowndacions of the new work over the north syde of the orcherd made by the kynges commaundement to enclose the new bowlynge aley for his Grace to bowle in as also upon bryngyng up of thother walles to enclose tow voyde places syermerth the waters therone upon the este syde of the bowlyng aley. (total £3-18s-2d) (f. 163 ) to the churchyarde wall joyning thother at the weste end, buttyng upon the hyghe waye with the like enclosyng the same aley at bothe endes severall from the saide waytyng places with like walles of 14 fote highe, as also upon 5 dore stedes made out in the same walles, one out to the highewaye another ledyng to Grafton Park in the weste voide, to witt tow into the bowlyng aley and oone in the voyde cowrte at the este end of the same bowlynge aley ledyng into the pastures and to Hartwell Park.
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Jennyns 8d 13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Richerd Atterbere 8d 13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Carter 8d 13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Nycolas Worwyk 8d 13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Thomas Chese 8d 13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason William Marshall 8d 13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Torpor 8d 13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Thomas Denton 7d. 13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Atterbere 7d. 13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Gyrnell 7d. 13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Asserve 7d. 13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason William Hull 7d. 13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason William Moore 7d. 13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Chese 7d. 13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason William Chese 7d. 13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Thomas Tomes   13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Wakfeld   13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Robard Mayer   13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Hary Gardyner   13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason James Bullock   13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Jeffery Mandall   13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Hary Wilson 7d. 12s 3d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason William Jonson 7d. 12s 3d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Ares 7d. 12s 3d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Richard Smythe 7d. 12s 3d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Hull 7d. 12s 3d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Thomas Thorpe 7d. 12s 3d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason William Attwyne 7d. 12s 3d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Lolley 7d. 12s 3d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Sympson 7d. 12s 3d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason William Dyxson 7d. 11s
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Thomas Burges 7d. 11s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason George Hull 6d 10s 6d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Nycolas Hartt 6d 10s
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Englishe 6d 10s
as above
1537 Bodleian Plummer Thomas Raynoldes 7d. 9s 11d Workyng as well upon rippyng of the leades and gutters over the kynges bedchamber, his dynyng chamber and prevy chamber, his chappell and watchyng chamber, as also mendyng the cowraunts of the said leades and gutters with the mendyng and reparyng with newe leade diverse fawltes in the saide leades with repairyng, sotherynge and mendyng diverse rackes and faultes in the said leades and gutters with diverse other places in the said manor.
1537 Bodleian Plummer James Light 6d 2s 6d
as above
1537 Bodleian Laborers and fremasons John Pottell 5d 9s 2d Workyng as well upon syftyng of rubyshe frome the lyme and makyng of morter and scaffoldyng as also diggyng of fowdacons for the said chymneys with servyng the said free masons and diggyng of free stone at Cosgrave quarry for the said work
1537 Bodleian Laborers and fremasons John Bernerd 5d 9s 2d
as above
1537 Bodleian Laborers and fremasons Thomas Haynes 5d 9s 2d
as above
1537 Bodleian Laborers and fremasons Richerd Hylton 5d 9s 2d
as above
1537 Bodleian Laborers and fremasons Richerd Pavy 5d 8s 9d
as above
1537 Bodleian Laborers and fremasons Lawrence Monk 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer Roger Warwyk 5d 9s 2d Laborers in syftyng of rubishe from the lyme, makyng of morter, pynnyng of tyle, letyng of here and servyng the said tylers and playsterers.
1537 Bodleian Labourer Richerd Adkyns 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer Nycolas Twynne 5d 7s 1d Laboryng in hetyng of yrons, makyng of fiers for hetynge the same with servyng the plommers with yrons
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons William Gresswood 5d 9s 7d Laboryng as well upon dyghyng and moyvyng up of hard stone at Rodhell and Hartwell quarres as also moyvyng and dyghyng downe of the olde walles at Castell Thorpe and helpyng to lode the saide stones into cartes and not only dighyng of lome to make morter for the rouf masons but likewyse of skaffoldyng and servyng the said rouffe masons with morter and stone
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Robert Polyng 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Hary Lysko 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Haryson 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Stephens 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Thomas Sessy 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons William Lighwood junior 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons William Herd 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Rauff Capper 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Richerd Sperman 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Thomas Lorde 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons William Bartrann 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Thomas Wright 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Persyvall Denyson 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons William Laverock 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Richerd Cook 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Dyngle 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Rauff Dyer 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Roberd Wright 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Marshall 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons William Roo 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons William Alen 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Nycolas Jennyns 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Thomas Attfeld 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Richerd Tysley 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Thomas Stephenson 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Hary Farmor 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons William Yong 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Nycolas Burton 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Symond 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John White 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Richerd Bowes 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Thomas Banbroke 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Roger Bakaer 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Philipp 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons William Lawson 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons William Gardyner 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Roger Breknoke   8s 4d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Shakelton   8s 4d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Myles   8s 4d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Lawrence Mownt   8s 4d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Roberd Woodowes   8s 4d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Batten   7s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons William Burtton   7s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Lightwod   7s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Hed   7s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Thomas Jones   7s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons William Apryce   7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Thomas Gyfford   7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons William Long   7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Abett   5s 10d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons William Fraunsis   5s 10d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Gylberd Flexman   5s 10d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Kynghton   4s 8d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer Hary Nycolls 5d 7s 6d laborers Laboryng as well upon dighyng and careyng of diverse greate hilles of rubyshe over the northe syde of the old orchard as also levelyng the grownd for the said bowlyng aley, dighing and castyng of therthe in Cosgrave feld, serching, fyndyng and makyng a new sand pytt upon Thomas Hayswoods grownd, with also fellyng and cuttyng of trees for tymber in the kinges stoore in his forest of Sawsy redy for carpenters to hewghe and worke upon.
1537 Bodleian Common labourer William Mendall 5d 7s 6d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer Hary Chease 5d 7s 6d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer Roberd Everett 5d 7s 6d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer Thomas Mylles 5d 7s 6d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer Nycolas Browghton 5d 7s 6d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer John Browghton 5d 7s 6d
as above
1537 Bodleian Tailor & overseer William Normanton 5d 7s 11d Tailor and overseer of cartts and laborers careying and castyng downe walles at Castell Thorpe.
1537 Bodleian Tailor & overseer Thomas Lumberd 5d 7s 6d The tailor of cartts at Grafton receiver and deliverer of necessaries
1537 Bodleian Purvysor William Aldyngton 6d 12s makyng of provision not only for working labourers and carts but also of tymber, borde, lathe, frestone, hard stone, lyme, brek, tyle, sand, lome, iron work, nayles and leade and for the carriadge of same
1537 Bodleian Purvysor John Hulberd 6d 14s as above
1537 Bodleian Felling timber John Crowe 16d lode 21s 4d John Crowe for fellyng and squaryng of 16 loades of tymber in Sawcy forest of the kyngs stone to be imployed in his mannor of Grafton at 16d the lode 21s-4d.
1537 Bodleian Carpenter         Carpenters workyng as well upon felling and hewing of tymber of the kynges store and Sawcy forest, as makyng of new dores to the doresteds sett up in the said new walles of the too voyde cowrttes and bowlynge aley, 3 of the dores lyned and not only new geisting the rouf over the kynges chappell, transpoosyng and makyng a dore to the same chappell but lykewise laying of crests in the kynges sellers and buttre, makyng of ladders, whelebarowes, handbarowes and hoods, moreover as well in crestyng and bordyng a flower, framyng and settynge up with 2 dores, 2 particons upon the same flower and Mr Russhells lodgyng, as also in makyng a dryvyng of slates, drawyng of bordes redy for both sydes of the bowlynge alley to beare theither bank wyse aslope for the bowles to playe upon, furthermore not only makyng of seates within the said bowlynge aley for the kynges grace to rest on, closing up brest hegh thest and west end of the bowlyng aley with borde for gentylmen to leane, with settyng on locks upon the doores of the bowlyng aley and voyde cowrtts and elsewhere uppon lodgyngs within the mannor, but alsoe makyng of tabulls, trestells, stooles and formes for the said lodgyngs
1537 Bodleian Carpenter Hary Garratt 8d 11s 4d
as above
1537 Bodleian Carpenter John Nedham 8d 13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Carpenter John Crowe 8d 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Carpenter John Richerdson 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Carpenter Hary Mynche 7d. 12s 10d
as above
1537 Bodleian Carpenter Roberd Garratt 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Carpenter William Goodred 6d 8s 6d
as above
1537 Bodleian Kerver Richerd Malle 8d 12s Kerver Workyng as well upon framyng up of tow doore cases sett up in the kynges closett as kerving out of borde 2 lights made lattys wyse sette in the same cases for the kyng to look at with like makyng of 2 foldyng leaves sett on the yoon side of the same lattys within the saide closett to opyn and shutt when need requyreth with like setyng up the doore made for the same closett with batens kervyd
1537 Bodleian           Freemasons Workyng upon hewyng, seasenyng and settyng of frestone as well for mantell dryppes, parrells and quoynes for the said tow chymnes as hewyng and settyng of quoynes for the wyndowes and doores in the new walles.
1537 Bodleian Freemanson Rawndall Hed 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Freemanson Nycolas Danyell 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Freemanson Thomas Wedowes 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Setter at 3s 4d the week John Coles   11s
as above
1537 Bodleian Sawyer 14d couple Richard Travell   26s 4d Sawyers Workyng upon brekyng and sawyng of timber into poncheons, quarters and plankes as like sawyng peces to make ladders for masons, tilers and plommers
1537 Bodleian Sawyer 14d couple John Sharpe      
1537 Bodleian Bricklayer Richard Dawes 7d. 9s 11d Breklayers Workyng upon fynyshyng up to the eavys of the kynges privy chamber, the brek work laid the ynsyde of both the chymney in the kynges privy chamber and the chymney in the grome porters lodgyng
1537 Bodleian Plasterer Nycolas Yngerthorpe 7d. 7d Plaisterers Workyng upon dawbyng and plasteryng the tow new particons sett up in Mr Russhells lodgyng
1537 Bodleian Plasterer Harry Brykkes 7d. 3s 4d as above
1537 Bodleian           Tilers Workyng upon ryppyng and untylyng the prevy bakehouse, the north syde of the skelary, the est syde of the kechyn for the lords, the ynner syde of the lodgyngs from the gate howse to the kechyn as new tylyng and poyntyng the said roomes and offices ayen and not only unrippyng, new lathyng and poyntyng ayen the offices along over the streete syde from the gate to the est ends of the place towards the churche, unripping and serchyng over the vyse of the new stayer, new lathyng and poyntyng ayen and lathyng over the jakes in Mr Cowntrolers chamber.
1537 Bodleian Tiler Alessaundre Lecke 7d. 9s 11d  
1537 Bodleian Tiler William Jones 7d. 9s 11d  
1537 Bodleian           Roughmasons Workyng upon bryngyng up of the walles inclosyng the bowlyng alley, the walles of the tow voyde cowrtes, as copyng of the walles throwgheout both of the cowrtes and bowlynge aley with particons of the same with like workyng in laying and fyllyng the said chymnes with hard stone within the quoynes
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Duffyld 8d 12s
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Jenys 7d. 10s 6d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Ricard Atterbere 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Atterbere 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Carter 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Nycolas Warwyk 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Copper 7d. 12s 3d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Asserbe 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason William Marshall 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Richerd Smythe 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason William Moore 7d. 12s 3d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Chese 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Thomas Chese 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Thomas Denton 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason William Hall 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason William Chese 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Thomas Tomes 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Wakefeld 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Robert Maye 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Hary Gardyner 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason James Bullock 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Jeffre Mendall 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Hary Wylson 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason William Jonson 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Ares 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Hull 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Thomas Thorpe 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason William Attwyn 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Hobley 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Sympson 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason William Dyxson 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Thomas Burges 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason George Hull 6d 8s
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Nicolas Hart 6d 8s
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Englisshe 6d 8s
as above
1537 Bodleian           Laborers to fre masons labouring upon syftyng of rubyshe from the lyme, makeyng of morter and skaffoldyng as also servyng of the said fremasons, rouf masons and brekelayer, workyng upon the chemnes with stone, brek and morter
1537 Bodleian Labourer to Freemason John Pottell 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to Freemason John Barnard 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to Freemason William Rye 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to Freemason William Clarke 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to Freemason Thomas Haynes 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to Freemason Richerd Hylton 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to Freemason William Pavy 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to Freemason Lawrence Monk 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian           Laborers to tilers and plasterers laboryng in syftyng of lyme, makyng of morter, pynnyng of tyle, kertyng of here and servyng the said tilers and plaisterers
1537 Bodleian Labourer to tilers & plasterers Roger Warwyk 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to tilers & plasterers Richerd Adkyngs 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to tilers & plasterers John Alan 5d 2s 6d
as above
1537 Bodleian           Laborers to roughe masons laboryng in movyng and dyghyng downe the olde walles at Castell Thorpe, helpynge to lode stone into carts, digging of lome to make morter in the Farmors close, makyng skaffoldyng and servyng the ruffe masons with morter and stone, also dighyng of clay by syde Yardley for the bankes of the aley with like dighyng of grett turffes for the bankes without the alley to walk upon
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Symonds 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Whitt 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Richerd Lewes 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Thomas Banbrok 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Roger Baker 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Philipp 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons William Lawson 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons William Gardyner 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Roger Breknok 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Shakleton 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Myles 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Lawrence Mownt 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Roberd Wood 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Laten 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons William Burton 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Roger Hiptkyns 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Hed 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Abbott 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Gylberd Flaxmans 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian           Common labourers laboryng upon rammyng and levelyng the grownd of the bowlyng aley with lome as also settynge owt the bankes slope with potters claye for bowylys to banke and playe upon, with like turvyng with grene turffe the walkyng places over the northe syde of the bowlyng aley within the wall and not only fellyng of trees by the kynges commaundment without the wall on the northe side of the bowlyng aley, within and withoute the bothe voyde cowrtes, but likewise of trees in the hedgys of the highewaye and the Farmors close playne done for the kynges grace to see to the parke and to the pasture.
1537 Bodleian Common labourer Hary Nicolls 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer William Marshall 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer Hary Chese 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer Roberd Overett 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer Thomas Mylles 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer Nicolas Browghton 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer John Howghton 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer Thomas Glune 5d 10d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer William Lygnell 5d 10d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer James Aleyth 5d 20d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer William Haxsold 5d 20d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer John Jakson 5d 20d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer Thomas Jakson 5d 20d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer Jeffry Ferys 5d 20d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer Richerd Waren 5d 20d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer John Harrett 5d 20d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer Roberd Bateman 5d 20d
as above
1537 Bodleian Potter John Yngram 7d. 2s 11d The potter maker laboryng upon the temperyng the said cleye redy for the work men to laye upon the sydes sloped with the same claye of the bowlyng aley.
1537 Bodleian Tailor & overseer William Normanton 5d 6s 8d Tailor and overseer of cartts well laden overseying the laborers not only at Thorpe castyng downe the walles of the castell but lykewyse overseeing the dyggers of claye and turffe with the cartts laden at the Potters pytt
1537 Bodleian Tailor of carts & receiver Thomas Lumberd 6d 10s Tailors of cartts, recevors and delyverers of all necessaries at Grafton mannor
1537 Bodleian Purveyor William Addyngton 6d 12s Purveyors provydyng not only cartts but allso other necessarie
1537 Bodleian Clerk John Hubberd 6d 14s The clerke
1539 N. U. L Carpenter John Bodwyn 8d. 16s : workyng not only in new makyng of a wynding stayer comyng out of the kynges bedchambre in to a nother new chambre made under the sayd bedchambr with a cler story to geve lyght and ij doers mad in the sayd chambre. Also making and framyng of an offyce for a new pastory ther of 48 fote longe and a new roffe over, a gret ovyn yonyng to the sayd pastory and new makyng of 3 grett shedds over the rangys and bordyng of them wher as they rost mett and makyng of 3 partycons, 1 in the kynges gret watyng chamber, 1 in the wardrobe of beddes and the other in the lorde prevy sellys lodgyng. Makyng of 4 close stolls for the ladys chambers with new also makyng of tabulls formes trestells and cobards to fornyshe all the lodgyng within the sayd courte, workyng in new makyng of dores and wyndowes for dyvers lodgyngs ther. Makyng and framyng also of a rooffe for the lodgyng wher as the spycery offyce dyd lye, with other necessaries ther done in many and sondry places
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Thomas Dykson 8d. 16s
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Jamys Becke 8d. 16s
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Nycholas Jakson 8d. 14s 6d
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Wylliam Mores 8d. 14s 6d
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter John Locke 8d. 14s 6d
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Wylliam Blakenall 8d. 9s 4d
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Raff Albery 8d. 9s 4d
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter John Pecoke 7d. 8s 2d
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Rychard Down 7d. 8s 2d
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Paul Whytte 7d. 8s 2d
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter John Crow 7d. 9s 10d
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter John Godryd 7d. 14s
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Christofer Gooderd 7d. 14s
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Christofer Focat 7d. 14s
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Thomas Smyth 7d. (? 10s blot)
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Thomas Smyth younger 7d. 6s
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter John Sawll 7d. 14s
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Lawrence Bordman 7d. 14s 6d
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter John Anewton 7d. 12s 10d
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Symon Clerke 7d. 14s
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Thomas Baxter 7d. 14s
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter John Stokdall 7d. 14s
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter William Baxtar 7d. 14s
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Lawrence Bradshaw 7d. 10s 6d
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Rycharde Colman 6d. 12s
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Jamys Londe 6d. 12s
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Raffe Cope 6d. 12s
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter John Amore 6d. 3s
as above
1539 N. U. L Sawyer Rychard Duff (1) 14d 16s 4d Workyng not only in the sawying of postes plankes grondsells bemys and rafters for the sayd carpenters to worke on and also in the sawying of great plankys for dressers made and sett redy in all the kychyns ther and in the larders also and dressars set redy at every range made without the kychyns and sawyng off plankses for the stayer steppes formes and trestells ther made in a redynes.
1539 N. U. L Sawyer Thomas Wode (1) 14d 16s 4d
as above
1539 N. U. L Sawyer Christofer Sutton (2) 13d 20s 7d
as above
1539 N. U. L Sawyer John Watts (2) 13d 20s 7d
as above
1539 N. U. L Sawyer Cuthbert Valentyn (3) 12d 13s
as above
1539 N. U. L Sawyer John Valentyn (3) 12d 13s
as above
1539 N. U. L Sawyer Rychard Hechyn (4) 12d 12s
as above
1539 N. U. L Sawyer Christofer Carter (4) 12d 12s
as above
1539 N. U. L Sawyer Wylliam Coll (5) 12d 13s
as above
1539 N. U. L Sawyer Wylliam Thugur (5) 12d 13s
as above
1539 N. U. L Sawyer John Segbe (6) 12d 13s
as above
1539 N. U. L Sawyer Richard Thongur (6) 12d 13s
as above
1539 N. U. L Rough Mason John Wells 8d. 16s Workyng not only in takyng downe the old walle that was decayed and fallen done bytwen the orcharde and the churchyerde, new makyng up of a nother wall ther reparyng of wallys that wer fallen down bryngyng them up agayn on the southe ende towards the feldes, as also upon the bryngyng up of a new foundacon for a new oven made within the new pastry, makyng of new botomes and new (? roof word on fold in page) for 3 ovens within the gret kychyn, makyng chimneys theron in the kynges bedchamber and the (fold in page ) in the chambre under the sayd bedchambre, also the makyng of a jaykes house adionyng to the kynges bed chambre with makyng of all the ( ) new in the kychyns ther and in other places wher as the met was dressyd with dyvers necessarys ther done in many sondry places
1539 N. U. L Rough Mason Davy Fells 8d. 16s
as above
1539 N. U. L Rough Mason John Ottwaye 8d. 16s
as above
1539 N. U. L Rough Mason Thomas Weekes 8d. 16s
as above
1539 N. U. L Rough Mason Wylliam Corke 8d. 14s
as above
1539 N. U. L Rough Mason Thomas Wylsher 8d. 14s
as above
1539 N. U. L Rough Mason John Chesse 8d. 10s
as above
1539 N. U. L Rough Mason John Lownder 7d. 14s
as above
1539 N. U. L Rough Mason Nycolas Flott 7d. 14s
as above
1539 N. U. L Rough Mason John Thomson 7d. 14s
as above
1539 N. U. L Rough Mason Wyllam Twynn 7d. 14s
as above
1539 N. U. L Rough Mason Symon Atkyns 7d. 12s 10d
as above
1539 N. U. L Rough Mason Thomas Jones 7d. 12s 10d
as above
1539 N. U. L Rough Mason Wyllam Mylls 7d. 12s 3d
as above
1539 N. U. L Rough Mason John Sadler 7d. 12s 3d
as above
1539 N. U. L Rough Mason Thomas Chesse 7d. 8s 10d
as above
1539 N. U. L Mason Henry Wyllson 6d. 7s
as above
1539 N. U. L Mason Wyllam Chesse 6d. 7s 6d
as above
1539 N. U. L Mason Robert Adcoke 6d. 6s
as above
1539 N. U. L Mason Thomas Tonys 6d. 6s
as above
1539 N. U. L Mason Robert Hede 6d. 3s
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons Wyllam Lawson 5d 10s Workyng in slakyng of lyme and syftyng of the same, makyng of morter, servyng the masons with the a voydyng of all the rubbryshe mad by the masons and carpynters, laboryng in dygyng of sande and lome for the sayd workmen with ladyng and unladyng of carts with freston for the masons and dygyng of fundacons for the sayd chymneys and jakys
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons John Abott 5d 10s
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons Thomas Jacson 5d 10s
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons Rychard Wryght 5d 10s
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons Gylbert Harryson 5d 10s
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons Thomas Stokes 5d 10s
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons Thomas Harryson 5d 6s 8d
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons John Pedelbery 5d 8s 9d
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons Thomas Mylls 5d 10s
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons Wyllam Barteram 5d 8s 9d
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons Wyllam Lentrope 5d 3s 4d
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons Thomas Hayle 5d 8s 9d
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons John Evans 5d 5s 5d
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons Wyllam Barteram younger 5d 8s 4d
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons Wyllam Rogers 5d 8s 4d
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons Thomas Lorde 5d 5s 10d
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons Thomas Harryson 5d 3s 4d
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons Thomas Dekes 4d 4s
as above
1539 N. U. L Tiler Jamys Estweke 8d. 13s 4d Workyng not only in new poyntyng all the kynges lodgyng with tylles and morter, also in reparyng and mendyng all other offyces lodgyngs within the sayd court, also lattyng of the new pastery and over the grett ovyn and tyllyng over the new stayers and over the new jakys
1539 N. U. L Tiler Raynolde Smyth 7d. 2s 10d
as above
1539 N. U. L Tiler Rycharde Gybson 6d. 9s 5d
as above
1539 N. U. L Tiler Wyllam Cocke 6d. 7s
as above
1539 N. U. L Tiler John Mayer 6d. 7s
as above
1539 N. U. L Tiler Edward Powes 6d. 2s 6d
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to Tilers Rychard Warren 5d 5s Laboryng in makyng of morter servyng the tyllers with lathe tyll and morter and a voydyng the rubbryshe made be the sayd tyllers
1539 N. U. L Labourer to Tilers Wyllam Phylypys 5d 5s
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to Tilers Robert Revet 5d 2s
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to Tilers John Coplande 5d 15d
as above
1539 N. U. L Common labourer John Bodye 5d 6s
as above
1539 N. U. L Common labourer John Potell 5d 15d
as above
1539 N. U. L Common labourer Owen Broberd 5d 5s 10d
as above
1539 N. U. L Common labourer Wyllam Barseley 5d 20d
as above
1539 N. U. L Common labourer Harry Wylson 4d 4d
as above
1539 N. U. L Common labourer Thomas Stocks 4d 4d
as above
1539 N. U. L Common labourer Edward Coston 4d 4d
as above
1539 N. U. L Common labourer Rychard Homer 4d 5d
as above
1539 N. U. L Purveyor Thomas Thorneton 6d. 12s makyng provysyon of all necessarys nedfull to be hade ther for the forsayd wurkmen to worke on.
1539 N. U. L Receiver Robert Woodwarde 5d 10s Receaver and delyverer of necessariis and overseer of the workemen
1539 N. U. L Clerke John Haywoode 6d. 14s that kepyth the rekenyng of thys forsayd workys.
1572 E 351/3337 Freemanson & rough masons     9d, 10d, 12d   Free masons and rough masons at 9d., 10d and 12d per diem and hewing asler at 1d. and 1d farthing le fote and also workinge by greate viz: crests at 3d le fote and severall tabule at 2d le fote with £145-2s-8d for laying 2177 perches of rough walles and ashler at 16d le perche and with £103-7s for working 4,134 fote for windowes at 6d le fote and also with £15 for rough casting thold house £497-12-5d and a half.
1572 E 351/3337 Carpenters     10d, 11d, 12d   Carpenters at 10d, 11d and 12d per diem and workinge by the ton at 15d le ton and workinge by great with £19-6s-8d for making two floores and 4 rooffes in the new buildings and with £9 for taking down and making the rooffe and floure over the gate house £103-5s.
1572 E 351/3337 Clarke of the worke there William Daukes 8d. 68s Clarke of the worke there viz: William Daukes at 8d per diem, 68s, and William Savage 49s at 12d per diem at severall tymes £6-7s.
1572 E 351/3337 Clarke of the worke there William Savage 12d 49s Clarke of the worke there viz: William Daukes at 8d per diem, 68s, and William Savage 49s at 12d per diem at severall tymes £6-7s.
1572 E 351/3337 Sawyer       £21 4s 9d Sawyers at 16d, 18d and 19d per diem the paire £21-4s-9d and a half.
1572 E 351/3337 Bricklayer tylers & plasterers     10d   Bricklayers, tylers and plaisterers at 10d per diem and by greate with £65-15s for mending 23 ton of chymnes, new laying tyle over the old buildinge £20, plaistering and mending diverse faultes in the said old building £20 and plaistering all the new building and with £25-13s-8d for making two ranges £11 over the greate kitchyn, 22 ton of chynmes £8-16s and laying 117 perch -11ft of brick at 12d le perch 117s-8d £100-14s-2d
1572 E 351/3337 Artificers & labourers lyme burners     6d, 7d, 10d, 12d   Wages of artificers and labourors: viz: lyme burners at 6d., 7d, 10d and 12d per diem and by the quarter at 10d le quarter £30-17s-8d.
1572 E 351/3337 Slaters     10d £8.11s.8d Slaters: at 10d per diem £8-11s-8d
1572 E 351/3337 Plumbers     12d £15 15s Plumbers: at 12d per diem £15-15s
1572 E 351/3337 Painters       £4 14s Paynters: paynting barres of windows and casements by the dozen at 8d le dozen £4-14s.
1572 E 351/3337 Paryors     12d 36s Pavyors: at 12d per diem 36s.
1572 E 351/3337 Joiners     8d & 12d £9 6s Joiners: at 8d and 12d per diem and by greate £9-6s
1572 E 351/3337 Quarrie men     6d & 8d   Quarrie men: at 6s and 8d per diem and diggers of ruffe stone at 3d le lode £8-9s-8d.
1572 E 351/3337 Watchers of the lyme kylne     4d 53s Watchers of the lyme kylne in the night at 4d per noctem 53s.
1572 E 351/3337 Labourers     6d, 7d, 8d, 10d £91 17s 3d Laborors at 6d, 7d, 8d and 10d per diem £91-17s-3d farthing.
1572 E 351/3337 Slaterer John Holmes   £52 for coveringe 4 roomes £40 in the new buildinge and for three other short rooffes in the said new building £11, findinge slate and carreadge at his own proper costs and chardges according to severall bargaines made with him in that behalf. £52.
1572 E 351/3337 Surveryor William Spicer 3s 4d £24 3s 4d Chardges of William Spicer surveyor of the worke there rydinge into sondrie the Queenes Majestys shiers with a Commission to preste workemen and laborers to worke in the foresaid works at diverse and sondrie tymes 3s.-4d per diem £24-3s-4d.
1572 E 351/3337 Workmen & labourers       £18 15d 10d Conduct money gyven unto the saide workmen and laborers being preste to work at Grafton £18-15s.-10d.
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Tellor Robert Freke     of the receipte ymployed uppon the workes at Grafton,
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Clarke of the peale Robert Peter      
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Freemansons     12d £8 17s Free masons: at 12d per diem £8-17s.
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Sawyers         Sawyers: at 16d the couple and by the cwt at 13d.
1574 E. 351/ 3338           For sawing 60 poll of paile at 3s le poll £5-11s
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Carpenters     8d, 10d £13 3s Carpenters: at 8d and 10d per diem and by the ton £13-3s
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Roughlayers     10d 52s 10d Roughlayers: at 10d per diem 52s-10d
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Plasterers     12d £6 9s 4d Plaisterers: at 12d per diem £6-9s-4d
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Joiners     10d £7 18s 2d Joiners: 10d per diem £7-18s-2d
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Bricklayers     12d 5s Bricklayers: at 12d per diem 5s
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Labourers     7d. £30 19s 8d Labourers: at 7d per diem £30-19s-8d.
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Purveyor Richard Richardson 8d 56s Richard Richardson purveyor at 8d per diem 56s
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Clarke of the works John White 6d 40s John White clarke of the works at 8d per diem 40s
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Surveryor John Dollyn 10d 74s 8d John Dollyn the surveyor's clarke of the Quene's Majesty's works for his riding charges and attendance ther 48 days at 10d per diem 74s-8d.
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Carpenters       £35 2s 6d Carpenters: for making a rose for the paisterie containing 30 ft and another rose for the kitchine 60 foot £13, for making 9 particons and a passag goinge from the sellor to the shrauntes lodginge and for bording 11 roomes underfott and sawing of the same £13, for making and setting up 60 rodes of payle at 2s-4d per rode £7 and for making 17,000 of lathes at 2s-6d the thousand 42s-6d. In all £35-2s-6d.
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Rough masons       £45 16s 8d Roufe masons: viz: for 305 ft. of paving stone for the flooring of 3 new ovens in the paisterie, finding the stone and carriadge 101s-8d, for new making of the south wall of the gallerie with roufe stone, coping the same with bricke from the gate going into the parkeuntill the gate going into the house £13-6s-8d, for mending and copinge of the notyh wall in the gallerie £6, for making the rough wall in the new staires 26s.-8d, the rough wall in the linerie, kitchen and boyling house 60s, the wall joining uppon the church 73s, mending the sincke in the gallerie 6s.-8d, paving the greate kitchine and makinge a sincke 25s., paving the linerie, kitchine 13s-4d and mending the wall called the parsonage wall 6s.-8d, in all £21-8s-4d. The whole £45-16s-8d.
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Plasterers       43s Plasterers: loaming 13 floores and making 21 flores 43s
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Tylers       £4 3s 4d Tylers: lying the linerie, kitchynge and the new butterie £4-3s-4d
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Joiners       76s 11d Joyners: for making 41 dores 50s-4d, setting upp battaynes 20s and other necessaries 6s.-8d. In all 76s-11d.
1574 E 351/3210           Wages of artificers, workmen and labourers:-
1574 E 351/3210 Carpenters       50s 8d Carpenters by great 50s-8d.
1574 E 351/3210 Matlayers       30s Matlayers by great and for their charges 30s.
1574 E 351/3210 Smiths       53s 10d Smiths for setting up and placing the foresaid iron work and for their attendance there 53s.-10d.
1586 E 351/3220 Masons     16d & 12d £8 15s 4d Masons: at 16d and 12d per diem £8-15s.-4d.
1586 E 351/3220 Carpenters     12d £1 12s Carpenters: at 12d per diem £1-12s
1586 E 351/3220 Sawyers     22d £4 0s 8d Sawyers: at 22d the couple £4-0s-8d
1586 E 351/3220 Bricklayers & tilers     12d £12 12d Bricklayers and tilers: at 12d per diem £12-12s
1586 E 351/3220 Plombers     12d 100s Plombers: at 12d per diem 100s.
1586 E 351/3220 Labourers     8d £22 13s 2d laborers: at 8d per diem £22-13s-2d
1586 E 351/3220 Purveyors Thomas English 16d 113s 4d Purveyors: Thomas English 85 days at 16d. 113s-4d
1586 E 351/3220 Clarke     12d £4 5s Clarkes: John Thorpe at 12d per diem £4-5s
1586 E 351/3220 Carpenter Thomas Dryver   £11 Thomas Dryver carpenter chardges in mendinge of the Tarrys and for putting in of newe beames and rafters and trussing upp of the gutters ready to fall down over the gallery, new joystinge over the greate chamber bay windowe which was ready to fall down, puttinge in of joice and rafters over the lobbie and privie chamber for the workmanship of the same, the queen findinge all manner of stuffe £11.
1586 E 351/3220 Bricklayer & plasterer Robert Burrowes   £12 Robert Burrowes bricklayer and plasterer for new ruffe castinge of all the decayed walls within both the courts, mending the plastered walls and ceelings in the gallery and the great chamber, the presence and the privie chamber and making up of the brick wall, the queen finding all manner of stuff £12.
1619 LR9/11/12 Carpenter Thomas Webbe 16d 12s Carpenters occupied in mending of the utter gates and making a wickett to that, bourding upp the great garratt windowes and others with the old bourds that laye on the tarrys, making of foure new standard ladders of 40, 43, 42 and 36 rounds a peece and 2 shorter of 20 roundes a peece.
1619 LR9/11/12 Carpenter William Lynnell 14d 4s 8d
as above
1619 LR9/11/12 Carpenter William Haughton 16d 16s
as above
1619 LR9/11/12 Carpenter William Haughton 12d 2s 8d
as above
1619 LR9/11/12 Carpenter Richard Himplinges 12d 8s
as above
1619 LR9/11/12 Sawyers         Sawyers cutting out of the two young spires had out of the parke for making the aforesaid ladders, done by the carpenters aforesaid
1619 LR9/11/12 Tiler Richard Weston 16d 14s 8d Tylers occupied in pointing and mending all the roofes, slated and tyled over the new buildings with some new and ould slates and tyles.
1619 LR9/11/12 Tiler Thomas Boone 16d 18s 8d as above
1619 LR9/11/12 Labourers Robert Blysse 9d 10s 6d Labourers in making morter for stocking lyme and servyng the tylers.
1619 LR9/11/12 Labourers William Wilks 6d 8s 3d
as above
1619 LR9/11/12 Labourers Edward Mason 6d 2s
as above
1619 LR9/11/12 Labourers Thomas Marssey 6d 2s
as above
1619 LR9/11/12 Labourers Thomas Acton 6d 2s
as above
1619 LR9/11/12 Mason Richard Gifford 16d 8s A mason imployed in making up of the woodyard wall and bricking up of one of the grete garratt windows. At 16d per diem Richard Gifford 8s., at 8d per diem William Haile labourer 4s.
1619 LR9/11/12 Labourer William Haile 8d 4s A mason imployed in making up of the woodyard wall and bricking up of one of the grete garratt windows. At 16d per diem Richard Gifford 8s., at 8d per diem William Haile labourer 4s.
Date Doc ref: Occupation Forename Surname At Payment
1536 Longleat Carpenter John Albart 7d. 7s  
1536 Longleat Carpenter Crystoffer Aldwyn 7d. 7s  
1536 Longleat Carpenter Richard Albart 7d. 6s 5d  
1536 Longleat Mason Randoll Awood 7d. 2s 4d  
1536 Longleat Tiler James Atwyke 8d 2s 8d  
1536 Longleat Tiler Willyam Peny 8d 2s 9d  
1536 Longleat Tiler Thomas Towson 8d 2s 3d  
1536 Longleat Tiler John Mayer 8d 2s 4d  
1536 Longleat Plasterer Robert Bandell 8d 2s 8d  
1536 Longleat Plasterer Henry Brunt 8d 2s 8d  
1536 Longleat Plasterer John Flower 8d 2s 8d  
1536 Longleat Labourer to masons John Carter 5d 20d  
1536 Longleat Labourer to tilers Wyllyam Battman 5d 20d  
1536 Longleat Labourer to tilers Abraham Comberland 5d 20d  
1536 Longleat Labourer to tilers Wyllyam Burdges 5d 20d  
1536 Longleat Labourer to tilers Wyllyam Hyde 5d 20d  
1536 Longleat Labourer to plasterer Rychard Dorman 5d 20d  
1536 Longleat Labourer to plasterer Robert Monde 5d 20d  
1536 Longleat Labourer to plasterer Wyllyam Gybbes 5d 20d  
1536 Longleat Common labourer John Smythe 5d 20d  
1536 Longleat Common labourer Edmonde Kyndle 5d 20d  
1536 Longleat Common labourer Wyllyam Gresward 5d 20d  
1536 Longleat Common labourer John Rychardson 5d 20d  
1536 Longleat Common labourer John Hydd 5d 15d  
1536 Longleat Common labourer Albyn Rauff 5d 15d  
1536 Longleat Common labourer Thomas Whyt 5d 20d  
1536 Longleat Common labourer Robert Pollyng 5d 20d  
1536 Longleat Common labourer Robert Carter 5d 10d  
1536 Longleat Common labourer Wyllyam Mycham 5d 10d  
1536 Longleat Common labourer Thomas Tedyngton 5d 10d  
1536 Longleat Purvysor Thomas Smyth 5d 4s 2d  
1536 Longleat Clerk Thomas Campe 6d 14s  
1537 Bodleian Carpenter Harry Garrett 8d 14s 8d Fellyng and hewyng of tymber in Sawcy Forest for makyng, framyng and setting up of 5 new dore steeds with 5 new cleare story wyndowes sett in the newe walles of the kynges bowlynge aley and other new dore steedes sett up in the olde orchard, also reparing, guestyng, new crestyng, spurring and new plankyng the bridge at Yardley made redy for cartts to conveye herd stone from Castell Thorpe to the same manor, moreover not only formyng and setting up of a newe particion to enclose the kynges closett, making of a pentyse over the Quenes dynyng chamber wyndowe, making of hodes and whelebarrowes for masons' labourers with like hewing and making of ladders for the said masons, tilers and plasterers, but alsoe repayring, bording and furring of the crestes under the leades in the dynyng and long chamber and the Quenes dynyng chamber with like makyng of a water cartte to carey water to the morter makers.
1537 Bodleian Carpenter Robard Garrett 8d 12s 10d
as above
1537 Bodleian Carpenter William Sawly 8d 12s 10d
as above
1537 Bodleian Carpenter Thomas Roughed 7d. 12s 10d
as above
1537 Bodleian Carpenter John Wedan 7d. 12s 10d
as above
1537 Bodleian Carpenter John Crowe 7d. 12s 10d
as above
1537 Bodleian Carpenter William Godderd 6d  
as above
1537 Bodleian Carpenter Richard Malle 8d 4d Workyng as well upon the mayng of a dooble doore with battons kerved for the kynges closett as tracyng out a wyndowe for the same closett to the kerved owt lattys wise for the kynges grace to looke out.
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Rawndall Hood 7d. 12s 10d Workyng upon hewyng of frestone parells of jawmes, mattells and koynes for 2 new chymnes theone for the kynges privye chamber, thother for the grome porters lodgyng
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Nycolas Danyell 7d. 12s 10d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Thomas Woodowes 7d. 12s 10d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason William Jenson 7d. 12s 10d
as above
Bodleian Setter at 3s 8d a work John Coles 3s 8d 11s  
1537 Bodleian Plasterer Hary Brykkes 7d. 9s 11d Workyng as well upon rouf castyng the watch of the water tabulls of the leades for that the water shall not peryshe the tymber under the said leades as also upon plasteryng with lyme and hare the new particions made by the carpenters to enclose the kynges chamber.
1537 Bodleian Sawyer the couple (1) Richard Travell 14d 2s 8d Workyng as well upon the kyngs chamber and sawyng tymber into puncheons, quarters and plankes as also sawing of ladder peces for ladders to be made for the said masons, tilers and plaisterers.
1537 Bodleian Sawyer the couple (1) John Shape    
as above
1537 Bodleian Sawyer the couple (2) John Cooke 14d 19s 10d
as above
1537 Bodleian Sawyer the couple (2) Thomas Haynes    
as above
1537 Bodleian Tiler Alessaunder Lackes 7d. 12s 10d Workyng as well uppon rippyng and untyling with new tyling, lathyng and poyntyng the kynges prevy chamber, his bed chamber and hys dynyng chamber
1537 Bodleian Tiler William Jones 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Duffeld 8d 16s Workyng as well upon lynyng, trosyng owte and bryngyng up the fowndacions of the new work over the north syde of the orcherd made by the kynges commaundement to enclose the new bowlynge aley for his Grace to bowle in as also upon bryngyng up of thother walles to enclose tow voyde places syermerth the waters therone upon the este syde of the bowlyng aley. (total £3-18s-2d) (f. 163 ) to the churchyarde wall joyning thother at the weste end, buttyng upon the hyghe waye with the like enclosyng the same aley at bothe endes severall from the saide waytyng places with like walles of 14 fote highe, as also upon 5 dore stedes made out in the same walles, one out to the highewaye another ledyng to Grafton Park in the weste voide, to witt tow into the bowlyng aley and oone in the voyde cowrte at the este end of the same bowlynge aley ledyng into the pastures and to Hartwell Park.
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Jennyns 8d 13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Richerd Atterbere 8d 13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Carter 8d 13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Nycolas Worwyk 8d 13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Thomas Chese 8d 13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason William Marshall 8d 13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Torpor 8d 13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Thomas Denton 7d. 13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Atterbere 7d. 13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Gyrnell 7d. 13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Asserve 7d. 13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason William Hull 7d. 13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason William Moore 7d. 13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Chese 7d. 13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason William Chese 7d. 13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Thomas Tomes   13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Wakfeld   13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Robard Mayer   13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Hary Gardyner   13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason James Bullock   13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Jeffery Mandall   13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Hary Wilson 7d. 12s 3d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason William Jonson 7d. 12s 3d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Ares 7d. 12s 3d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Richard Smythe 7d. 12s 3d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Hull 7d. 12s 3d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Thomas Thorpe 7d. 12s 3d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason William Attwyne 7d. 12s 3d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Lolley 7d. 12s 3d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Sympson 7d. 12s 3d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason William Dyxson 7d. 11s
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Thomas Burges 7d. 11s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason George Hull 6d 10s 6d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Nycolas Hartt 6d 10s
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Englishe 6d 10s
as above
1537 Bodleian Plummer Thomas Raynoldes 7d. 9s 11d Workyng as well upon rippyng of the leades and gutters over the kynges bedchamber, his dynyng chamber and prevy chamber, his chappell and watchyng chamber, as also mendyng the cowraunts of the said leades and gutters with the mendyng and reparyng with newe leade diverse fawltes in the saide leades with repairyng, sotherynge and mendyng diverse rackes and faultes in the said leades and gutters with diverse other places in the said manor.
1537 Bodleian Plummer James Light 6d 2s 6d
as above
1537 Bodleian Laborers and fremasons John Pottell 5d 9s 2d Workyng as well upon syftyng of rubyshe frome the lyme and makyng of morter and scaffoldyng as also diggyng of fowdacons for the said chymneys with servyng the said free masons and diggyng of free stone at Cosgrave quarry for the said work
1537 Bodleian Laborers and fremasons John Bernerd 5d 9s 2d
as above
1537 Bodleian Laborers and fremasons Thomas Haynes 5d 9s 2d
as above
1537 Bodleian Laborers and fremasons Richerd Hylton 5d 9s 2d
as above
1537 Bodleian Laborers and fremasons Richerd Pavy 5d 8s 9d
as above
1537 Bodleian Laborers and fremasons Lawrence Monk 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer Roger Warwyk 5d 9s 2d Laborers in syftyng of rubishe from the lyme, makyng of morter, pynnyng of tyle, letyng of here and servyng the said tylers and playsterers.
1537 Bodleian Labourer Richerd Adkyns 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer Nycolas Twynne 5d 7s 1d Laboryng in hetyng of yrons, makyng of fiers for hetynge the same with servyng the plommers with yrons
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons William Gresswood 5d 9s 7d Laboryng as well upon dyghyng and moyvyng up of hard stone at Rodhell and Hartwell quarres as also moyvyng and dyghyng downe of the olde walles at Castell Thorpe and helpyng to lode the saide stones into cartes and not only dighyng of lome to make morter for the rouf masons but likewyse of skaffoldyng and servyng the said rouffe masons with morter and stone
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Robert Polyng 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Hary Lysko 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Haryson 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Stephens 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Thomas Sessy 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons William Lighwood junior 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons William Herd 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Rauff Capper 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Richerd Sperman 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Thomas Lorde 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons William Bartrann 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Thomas Wright 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Persyvall Denyson 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons William Laverock 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Richerd Cook 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Dyngle 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Rauff Dyer 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Roberd Wright 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Marshall 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons William Roo 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons William Alen 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Nycolas Jennyns 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Thomas Attfeld 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Richerd Tysley 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Thomas Stephenson 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Hary Farmor 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons William Yong 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Nycolas Burton 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Symond 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John White 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Richerd Bowes 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Thomas Banbroke 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Roger Bakaer 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Philipp 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons William Lawson 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons William Gardyner 5d 9s 7d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Roger Breknoke   8s 4d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Shakelton   8s 4d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Myles   8s 4d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Lawrence Mownt   8s 4d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Roberd Woodowes   8s 4d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Batten   7s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons William Burtton   7s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Lightwod   7s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Hed   7s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Thomas Jones   7s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons William Apryce   7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Thomas Gyfford   7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons William Long   7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Abett   5s 10d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons William Fraunsis   5s 10d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Gylberd Flexman   5s 10d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Kynghton   4s 8d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer Hary Nycolls 5d 7s 6d laborers Laboryng as well upon dighyng and careyng of diverse greate hilles of rubyshe over the northe syde of the old orchard as also levelyng the grownd for the said bowlyng aley, dighing and castyng of therthe in Cosgrave feld, serching, fyndyng and makyng a new sand pytt upon Thomas Hayswoods grownd, with also fellyng and cuttyng of trees for tymber in the kinges stoore in his forest of Sawsy redy for carpenters to hewghe and worke upon.
1537 Bodleian Common labourer William Mendall 5d 7s 6d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer Hary Chease 5d 7s 6d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer Roberd Everett 5d 7s 6d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer Thomas Mylles 5d 7s 6d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer Nycolas Browghton 5d 7s 6d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer John Browghton 5d 7s 6d
as above
1537 Bodleian Tailor & overseer William Normanton 5d 7s 11d Tailor and overseer of cartts and laborers careying and castyng downe walles at Castell Thorpe.
1537 Bodleian Tailor & overseer Thomas Lumberd 5d 7s 6d The tailor of cartts at Grafton receiver and deliverer of necessaries
1537 Bodleian Purvysor William Aldyngton 6d 12s makyng of provision not only for working labourers and carts but also of tymber, borde, lathe, frestone, hard stone, lyme, brek, tyle, sand, lome, iron work, nayles and leade and for the carriadge of same
1537 Bodleian Purvysor John Hulberd 6d 14s as above
1537 Bodleian Felling timber John Crowe 16d lode 21s 4d John Crowe for fellyng and squaryng of 16 loades of tymber in Sawcy forest of the kyngs stone to be imployed in his mannor of Grafton at 16d the lode 21s-4d.
1537 Bodleian Carpenter         Carpenters workyng as well upon felling and hewing of tymber of the kynges store and Sawcy forest, as makyng of new dores to the doresteds sett up in the said new walles of the too voyde cowrttes and bowlynge aley, 3 of the dores lyned and not only new geisting the rouf over the kynges chappell, transpoosyng and makyng a dore to the same chappell but lykewise laying of crests in the kynges sellers and buttre, makyng of ladders, whelebarowes, handbarowes and hoods, moreover as well in crestyng and bordyng a flower, framyng and settynge up with 2 dores, 2 particons upon the same flower and Mr Russhells lodgyng, as also in makyng a dryvyng of slates, drawyng of bordes redy for both sydes of the bowlynge alley to beare theither bank wyse aslope for the bowles to playe upon, furthermore not only makyng of seates within the said bowlynge aley for the kynges grace to rest on, closing up brest hegh thest and west end of the bowlyng aley with borde for gentylmen to leane, with settyng on locks upon the doores of the bowlyng aley and voyde cowrtts and elsewhere uppon lodgyngs within the mannor, but alsoe makyng of tabulls, trestells, stooles and formes for the said lodgyngs
1537 Bodleian Carpenter Hary Garratt 8d 11s 4d
as above
1537 Bodleian Carpenter John Nedham 8d 13s 5d
as above
1537 Bodleian Carpenter John Crowe 8d 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Carpenter John Richerdson 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Carpenter Hary Mynche 7d. 12s 10d
as above
1537 Bodleian Carpenter Roberd Garratt 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Carpenter William Goodred 6d 8s 6d
as above
1537 Bodleian Kerver Richerd Malle 8d 12s Kerver Workyng as well upon framyng up of tow doore cases sett up in the kynges closett as kerving out of borde 2 lights made lattys wyse sette in the same cases for the kyng to look at with like makyng of 2 foldyng leaves sett on the yoon side of the same lattys within the saide closett to opyn and shutt when need requyreth with like setyng up the doore made for the same closett with batens kervyd
1537 Bodleian           Freemasons Workyng upon hewyng, seasenyng and settyng of frestone as well for mantell dryppes, parrells and quoynes for the said tow chymnes as hewyng and settyng of quoynes for the wyndowes and doores in the new walles.
1537 Bodleian Freemanson Rawndall Hed 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Freemanson Nycolas Danyell 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Freemanson Thomas Wedowes 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Setter at 3s 4d the week John Coles   11s
as above
1537 Bodleian Sawyer 14d couple Richard Travell   26s 4d Sawyers Workyng upon brekyng and sawyng of timber into poncheons, quarters and plankes as like sawyng peces to make ladders for masons, tilers and plommers
1537 Bodleian Sawyer 14d couple John Sharpe      
1537 Bodleian Bricklayer Richard Dawes 7d. 9s 11d Breklayers Workyng upon fynyshyng up to the eavys of the kynges privy chamber, the brek work laid the ynsyde of both the chymney in the kynges privy chamber and the chymney in the grome porters lodgyng
1537 Bodleian Plasterer Nycolas Yngerthorpe 7d. 7d Plaisterers Workyng upon dawbyng and plasteryng the tow new particons sett up in Mr Russhells lodgyng
1537 Bodleian Plasterer Harry Brykkes 7d. 3s 4d as above
1537 Bodleian           Tilers Workyng upon ryppyng and untylyng the prevy bakehouse, the north syde of the skelary, the est syde of the kechyn for the lords, the ynner syde of the lodgyngs from the gate howse to the kechyn as new tylyng and poyntyng the said roomes and offices ayen and not only unrippyng, new lathyng and poyntyng ayen the offices along over the streete syde from the gate to the est ends of the place towards the churche, unripping and serchyng over the vyse of the new stayer, new lathyng and poyntyng ayen and lathyng over the jakes in Mr Cowntrolers chamber.
1537 Bodleian Tiler Alessaundre Lecke 7d. 9s 11d  
1537 Bodleian Tiler William Jones 7d. 9s 11d  
1537 Bodleian           Roughmasons Workyng upon bryngyng up of the walles inclosyng the bowlyng alley, the walles of the tow voyde cowrtes, as copyng of the walles throwgheout both of the cowrtes and bowlynge aley with particons of the same with like workyng in laying and fyllyng the said chymnes with hard stone within the quoynes
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Duffyld 8d 12s
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Jenys 7d. 10s 6d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Ricard Atterbere 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Atterbere 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Carter 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Nycolas Warwyk 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Copper 7d. 12s 3d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Asserbe 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason William Marshall 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Richerd Smythe 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason William Moore 7d. 12s 3d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Chese 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Thomas Chese 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Thomas Denton 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason William Hall 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason William Chese 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Thomas Tomes 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Wakefeld 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Robert Maye 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Hary Gardyner 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason James Bullock 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Jeffre Mendall 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Hary Wylson 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason William Jonson 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Ares 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Hull 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Thomas Thorpe 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason William Attwyn 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Hobley 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Sympson 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason William Dyxson 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Thomas Burges 7d. 9s 11d
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason George Hull 6d 8s
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason Nicolas Hart 6d 8s
as above
1537 Bodleian Rough Mason John Englisshe 6d 8s
as above
1537 Bodleian           Laborers to fre masons labouring upon syftyng of rubyshe from the lyme, makeyng of morter and skaffoldyng as also servyng of the said fremasons, rouf masons and brekelayer, workyng upon the chemnes with stone, brek and morter
1537 Bodleian Labourer to Freemason John Pottell 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to Freemason John Barnard 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to Freemason William Rye 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to Freemason William Clarke 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to Freemason Thomas Haynes 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to Freemason Richerd Hylton 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to Freemason William Pavy 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to Freemason Lawrence Monk 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian           Laborers to tilers and plasterers laboryng in syftyng of lyme, makyng of morter, pynnyng of tyle, kertyng of here and servyng the said tilers and plaisterers
1537 Bodleian Labourer to tilers & plasterers Roger Warwyk 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to tilers & plasterers Richerd Adkyngs 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to tilers & plasterers John Alan 5d 2s 6d
as above
1537 Bodleian           Laborers to roughe masons laboryng in movyng and dyghyng downe the olde walles at Castell Thorpe, helpynge to lode stone into carts, digging of lome to make morter in the Farmors close, makyng skaffoldyng and servyng the ruffe masons with morter and stone, also dighyng of clay by syde Yardley for the bankes of the aley with like dighyng of grett turffes for the bankes without the alley to walk upon
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Symonds 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Whitt 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Richerd Lewes 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Thomas Banbrok 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Roger Baker 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Philipp 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons William Lawson 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons William Gardyner 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Roger Breknok 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Shakleton 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Myles 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Lawrence Mownt 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Roberd Wood 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Laten 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons William Burton 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Roger Hiptkyns 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Hed 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons John Abbott 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Labourer to rough masons Gylberd Flaxmans 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian           Common labourers laboryng upon rammyng and levelyng the grownd of the bowlyng aley with lome as also settynge owt the bankes slope with potters claye for bowylys to banke and playe upon, with like turvyng with grene turffe the walkyng places over the northe syde of the bowlyng aley within the wall and not only fellyng of trees by the kynges commaundment without the wall on the northe side of the bowlyng aley, within and withoute the bothe voyde cowrtes, but likewise of trees in the hedgys of the highewaye and the Farmors close playne done for the kynges grace to see to the parke and to the pasture.
1537 Bodleian Common labourer Hary Nicolls 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer William Marshall 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer Hary Chese 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer Roberd Overett 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer Thomas Mylles 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer Nicolas Browghton 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer John Howghton 5d 7s 1d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer Thomas Glune 5d 10d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer William Lygnell 5d 10d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer James Aleyth 5d 20d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer William Haxsold 5d 20d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer John Jakson 5d 20d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer Thomas Jakson 5d 20d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer Jeffry Ferys 5d 20d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer Richerd Waren 5d 20d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer John Harrett 5d 20d
as above
1537 Bodleian Common labourer Roberd Bateman 5d 20d
as above
1537 Bodleian Potter John Yngram 7d. 2s 11d The potter maker laboryng upon the temperyng the said cleye redy for the work men to laye upon the sydes sloped with the same claye of the bowlyng aley.
1537 Bodleian Tailor & overseer William Normanton 5d 6s 8d Tailor and overseer of cartts well laden overseying the laborers not only at Thorpe castyng downe the walles of the castell but lykewyse overseeing the dyggers of claye and turffe with the cartts laden at the Potters pytt
1537 Bodleian Tailor of carts & receiver Thomas Lumberd 6d 10s Tailors of cartts, recevors and delyverers of all necessaries at Grafton mannor
1537 Bodleian Purveyor William Addyngton 6d 12s Purveyors provydyng not only cartts but allso other necessarie
1537 Bodleian Clerk John Hubberd 6d 14s The clerke
1539 N. U. L Carpenter John Bodwyn 8d. 16s : workyng not only in new makyng of a wynding stayer comyng out of the kynges bedchambre in to a nother new chambre made under the sayd bedchambr with a cler story to geve lyght and ij doers mad in the sayd chambre. Also making and framyng of an offyce for a new pastory ther of 48 fote longe and a new roffe over, a gret ovyn yonyng to the sayd pastory and new makyng of 3 grett shedds over the rangys and bordyng of them wher as they rost mett and makyng of 3 partycons, 1 in the kynges gret watyng chamber, 1 in the wardrobe of beddes and the other in the lorde prevy sellys lodgyng. Makyng of 4 close stolls for the ladys chambers with new also makyng of tabulls formes trestells and cobards to fornyshe all the lodgyng within the sayd courte, workyng in new makyng of dores and wyndowes for dyvers lodgyngs ther. Makyng and framyng also of a rooffe for the lodgyng wher as the spycery offyce dyd lye, with other necessaries ther done in many and sondry places
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Thomas Dykson 8d. 16s
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Jamys Becke 8d. 16s
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Nycholas Jakson 8d. 14s 6d
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Wylliam Mores 8d. 14s 6d
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter John Locke 8d. 14s 6d
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Wylliam Blakenall 8d. 9s 4d
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Raff Albery 8d. 9s 4d
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter John Pecoke 7d. 8s 2d
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Rychard Down 7d. 8s 2d
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Paul Whytte 7d. 8s 2d
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter John Crow 7d. 9s 10d
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter John Godryd 7d. 14s
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Christofer Gooderd 7d. 14s
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Christofer Focat 7d. 14s
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Thomas Smyth 7d. (? 10s blot)
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Thomas Smyth younger 7d. 6s
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter John Sawll 7d. 14s
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Lawrence Bordman 7d. 14s 6d
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter John Anewton 7d. 12s 10d
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Symon Clerke 7d. 14s
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Thomas Baxter 7d. 14s
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter John Stokdall 7d. 14s
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter William Baxtar 7d. 14s
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Lawrence Bradshaw 7d. 10s 6d
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Rycharde Colman 6d. 12s
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Jamys Londe 6d. 12s
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter Raffe Cope 6d. 12s
as above
1539 N. U. L Carpenter John Amore 6d. 3s
as above
1539 N. U. L Sawyer Rychard Duff (1) 14d 16s 4d Workyng not only in the sawying of postes plankes grondsells bemys and rafters for the sayd carpenters to worke on and also in the sawying of great plankys for dressers made and sett redy in all the kychyns ther and in the larders also and dressars set redy at every range made without the kychyns and sawyng off plankses for the stayer steppes formes and trestells ther made in a redynes.
1539 N. U. L Sawyer Thomas Wode (1) 14d 16s 4d
as above
1539 N. U. L Sawyer Christofer Sutton (2) 13d 20s 7d
as above
1539 N. U. L Sawyer John Watts (2) 13d 20s 7d
as above
1539 N. U. L Sawyer Cuthbert Valentyn (3) 12d 13s
as above
1539 N. U. L Sawyer John Valentyn (3) 12d 13s
as above
1539 N. U. L Sawyer Rychard Hechyn (4) 12d 12s
as above
1539 N. U. L Sawyer Christofer Carter (4) 12d 12s
as above
1539 N. U. L Sawyer Wylliam Coll (5) 12d 13s
as above
1539 N. U. L Sawyer Wylliam Thugur (5) 12d 13s
as above
1539 N. U. L Sawyer John Segbe (6) 12d 13s
as above
1539 N. U. L Sawyer Richard Thongur (6) 12d 13s
as above
1539 N. U. L Rough Mason John Wells 8d. 16s Workyng not only in takyng downe the old walle that was decayed and fallen done bytwen the orcharde and the churchyerde, new makyng up of a nother wall ther reparyng of wallys that wer fallen down bryngyng them up agayn on the southe ende towards the feldes, as also upon the bryngyng up of a new foundacon for a new oven made within the new pastry, makyng of new botomes and new (? roof word on fold in page) for 3 ovens within the gret kychyn, makyng chimneys theron in the kynges bedchamber and the (fold in page ) in the chambre under the sayd bedchambre, also the makyng of a jaykes house adionyng to the kynges bed chambre with makyng of all the ( ) new in the kychyns ther and in other places wher as the met was dressyd with dyvers necessarys ther done in many sondry places
1539 N. U. L Rough Mason Davy Fells 8d. 16s
as above
1539 N. U. L Rough Mason John Ottwaye 8d. 16s
as above
1539 N. U. L Rough Mason Thomas Weekes 8d. 16s
as above
1539 N. U. L Rough Mason Wylliam Corke 8d. 14s
as above
1539 N. U. L Rough Mason Thomas Wylsher 8d. 14s
as above
1539 N. U. L Rough Mason John Chesse 8d. 10s
as above
1539 N. U. L Rough Mason John Lownder 7d. 14s
as above
1539 N. U. L Rough Mason Nycolas Flott 7d. 14s
as above
1539 N. U. L Rough Mason John Thomson 7d. 14s
as above
1539 N. U. L Rough Mason Wyllam Twynn 7d. 14s
as above
1539 N. U. L Rough Mason Symon Atkyns 7d. 12s 10d
as above
1539 N. U. L Rough Mason Thomas Jones 7d. 12s 10d
as above
1539 N. U. L Rough Mason Wyllam Mylls 7d. 12s 3d
as above
1539 N. U. L Rough Mason John Sadler 7d. 12s 3d
as above
1539 N. U. L Rough Mason Thomas Chesse 7d. 8s 10d
as above
1539 N. U. L Mason Henry Wyllson 6d. 7s
as above
1539 N. U. L Mason Wyllam Chesse 6d. 7s 6d
as above
1539 N. U. L Mason Robert Adcoke 6d. 6s
as above
1539 N. U. L Mason Thomas Tonys 6d. 6s
as above
1539 N. U. L Mason Robert Hede 6d. 3s
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons Wyllam Lawson 5d 10s Workyng in slakyng of lyme and syftyng of the same, makyng of morter, servyng the masons with the a voydyng of all the rubbryshe mad by the masons and carpynters, laboryng in dygyng of sande and lome for the sayd workmen with ladyng and unladyng of carts with freston for the masons and dygyng of fundacons for the sayd chymneys and jakys
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons John Abott 5d 10s
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons Thomas Jacson 5d 10s
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons Rychard Wryght 5d 10s
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons Gylbert Harryson 5d 10s
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons Thomas Stokes 5d 10s
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons Thomas Harryson 5d 6s 8d
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons John Pedelbery 5d 8s 9d
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons Thomas Mylls 5d 10s
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons Wyllam Barteram 5d 8s 9d
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons Wyllam Lentrope 5d 3s 4d
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons Thomas Hayle 5d 8s 9d
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons John Evans 5d 5s 5d
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons Wyllam Barteram younger 5d 8s 4d
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons Wyllam Rogers 5d 8s 4d
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons Thomas Lorde 5d 5s 10d
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons Thomas Harryson 5d 3s 4d
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to rough masons Thomas Dekes 4d 4s
as above
1539 N. U. L Tiler Jamys Estweke 8d. 13s 4d Workyng not only in new poyntyng all the kynges lodgyng with tylles and morter, also in reparyng and mendyng all other offyces lodgyngs within the sayd court, also lattyng of the new pastery and over the grett ovyn and tyllyng over the new stayers and over the new jakys
1539 N. U. L Tiler Raynolde Smyth 7d. 2s 10d
as above
1539 N. U. L Tiler Rycharde Gybson 6d. 9s 5d
as above
1539 N. U. L Tiler Wyllam Cocke 6d. 7s
as above
1539 N. U. L Tiler John Mayer 6d. 7s
as above
1539 N. U. L Tiler Edward Powes 6d. 2s 6d
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to Tilers Rychard Warren 5d 5s Laboryng in makyng of morter servyng the tyllers with lathe tyll and morter and a voydyng the rubbryshe made be the sayd tyllers
1539 N. U. L Labourer to Tilers Wyllam Phylypys 5d 5s
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to Tilers Robert Revet 5d 2s
as above
1539 N. U. L Labourer to Tilers John Coplande 5d 15d
as above
1539 N. U. L Common labourer John Bodye 5d 6s
as above
1539 N. U. L Common labourer John Potell 5d 15d
as above
1539 N. U. L Common labourer Owen Broberd 5d 5s 10d
as above
1539 N. U. L Common labourer Wyllam Barseley 5d 20d
as above
1539 N. U. L Common labourer Harry Wylson 4d 4d
as above
1539 N. U. L Common labourer Thomas Stocks 4d 4d
as above
1539 N. U. L Common labourer Edward Coston 4d 4d
as above
1539 N. U. L Common labourer Rychard Homer 4d 5d
as above
1539 N. U. L Purveyor Thomas Thorneton 6d. 12s makyng provysyon of all necessarys nedfull to be hade ther for the forsayd wurkmen to worke on.
1539 N. U. L Receiver Robert Woodwarde 5d 10s Receaver and delyverer of necessariis and overseer of the workemen
1539 N. U. L Clerke John Haywoode 6d. 14s that kepyth the rekenyng of thys forsayd workys.
1572 E 351/3337 Freemanson & rough masons     9d, 10d, 12d   Free masons and rough masons at 9d., 10d and 12d per diem and hewing asler at 1d. and 1d farthing le fote and also workinge by greate viz: crests at 3d le fote and severall tabule at 2d le fote with £145-2s-8d for laying 2177 perches of rough walles and ashler at 16d le perche and with £103-7s for working 4,134 fote for windowes at 6d le fote and also with £15 for rough casting thold house £497-12-5d and a half.
1572 E 351/3337 Carpenters     10d, 11d, 12d   Carpenters at 10d, 11d and 12d per diem and workinge by the ton at 15d le ton and workinge by great with £19-6s-8d for making two floores and 4 rooffes in the new buildings and with £9 for taking down and making the rooffe and floure over the gate house £103-5s.
1572 E 351/3337 Clarke of the worke there William Daukes 8d. 68s Clarke of the worke there viz: William Daukes at 8d per diem, 68s, and William Savage 49s at 12d per diem at severall tymes £6-7s.
1572 E 351/3337 Clarke of the worke there William Savage 12d 49s Clarke of the worke there viz: William Daukes at 8d per diem, 68s, and William Savage 49s at 12d per diem at severall tymes £6-7s.
1572 E 351/3337 Sawyer       £21 4s 9d Sawyers at 16d, 18d and 19d per diem the paire £21-4s-9d and a half.
1572 E 351/3337 Bricklayer tylers & plasterers     10d   Bricklayers, tylers and plaisterers at 10d per diem and by greate with £65-15s for mending 23 ton of chymnes, new laying tyle over the old buildinge £20, plaistering and mending diverse faultes in the said old building £20 and plaistering all the new building and with £25-13s-8d for making two ranges £11 over the greate kitchyn, 22 ton of chynmes £8-16s and laying 117 perch -11ft of brick at 12d le perch 117s-8d £100-14s-2d
1572 E 351/3337 Artificers & labourers lyme burners     6d, 7d, 10d, 12d   Wages of artificers and labourors: viz: lyme burners at 6d., 7d, 10d and 12d per diem and by the quarter at 10d le quarter £30-17s-8d.
1572 E 351/3337 Slaters     10d £8.11s.8d Slaters: at 10d per diem £8-11s-8d
1572 E 351/3337 Plumbers     12d £15 15s Plumbers: at 12d per diem £15-15s
1572 E 351/3337 Painters       £4 14s Paynters: paynting barres of windows and casements by the dozen at 8d le dozen £4-14s.
1572 E 351/3337 Paryors     12d 36s Pavyors: at 12d per diem 36s.
1572 E 351/3337 Joiners     8d & 12d £9 6s Joiners: at 8d and 12d per diem and by greate £9-6s
1572 E 351/3337 Quarrie men     6d & 8d   Quarrie men: at 6s and 8d per diem and diggers of ruffe stone at 3d le lode £8-9s-8d.
1572 E 351/3337 Watchers of the lyme kylne     4d 53s Watchers of the lyme kylne in the night at 4d per noctem 53s.
1572 E 351/3337 Labourers     6d, 7d, 8d, 10d £91 17s 3d Laborors at 6d, 7d, 8d and 10d per diem £91-17s-3d farthing.
1572 E 351/3337 Slaterer John Holmes   £52 for coveringe 4 roomes £40 in the new buildinge and for three other short rooffes in the said new building £11, findinge slate and carreadge at his own proper costs and chardges according to severall bargaines made with him in that behalf. £52.
1572 E 351/3337 Surveryor William Spicer 3s 4d £24 3s 4d Chardges of William Spicer surveyor of the worke there rydinge into sondrie the Queenes Majestys shiers with a Commission to preste workemen and laborers to worke in the foresaid works at diverse and sondrie tymes 3s.-4d per diem £24-3s-4d.
1572 E 351/3337 Workmen & labourers       £18 15d 10d Conduct money gyven unto the saide workmen and laborers being preste to work at Grafton £18-15s.-10d.
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Tellor Robert Freke     of the receipte ymployed uppon the workes at Grafton,
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Clarke of the peale Robert Peter      
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Freemansons     12d £8 17s Free masons: at 12d per diem £8-17s.
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Sawyers         Sawyers: at 16d the couple and by the cwt at 13d.
1574 E. 351/ 3338           For sawing 60 poll of paile at 3s le poll £5-11s
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Carpenters     8d, 10d £13 3s Carpenters: at 8d and 10d per diem and by the ton £13-3s
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Roughlayers     10d 52s 10d Roughlayers: at 10d per diem 52s-10d
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Plasterers     12d £6 9s 4d Plaisterers: at 12d per diem £6-9s-4d
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Joiners     10d £7 18s 2d Joiners: 10d per diem £7-18s-2d
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Bricklayers     12d 5s Bricklayers: at 12d per diem 5s
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Labourers     7d. £30 19s 8d Labourers: at 7d per diem £30-19s-8d.
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Purveyor Richard Richardson 8d 56s Richard Richardson purveyor at 8d per diem 56s
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Clarke of the works John White 6d 40s John White clarke of the works at 8d per diem 40s
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Surveryor John Dollyn 10d 74s 8d John Dollyn the surveyor's clarke of the Quene's Majesty's works for his riding charges and attendance ther 48 days at 10d per diem 74s-8d.
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Carpenters       £35 2s 6d Carpenters: for making a rose for the paisterie containing 30 ft and another rose for the kitchine 60 foot £13, for making 9 particons and a passag goinge from the sellor to the shrauntes lodginge and for bording 11 roomes underfott and sawing of the same £13, for making and setting up 60 rodes of payle at 2s-4d per rode £7 and for making 17,000 of lathes at 2s-6d the thousand 42s-6d. In all £35-2s-6d.
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Rough masons       £45 16s 8d Roufe masons: viz: for 305 ft. of paving stone for the flooring of 3 new ovens in the paisterie, finding the stone and carriadge 101s-8d, for new making of the south wall of the gallerie with roufe stone, coping the same with bricke from the gate going into the parkeuntill the gate going into the house £13-6s-8d, for mending and copinge of the notyh wall in the gallerie £6, for making the rough wall in the new staires 26s.-8d, the rough wall in the linerie, kitchen and boyling house 60s, the wall joining uppon the church 73s, mending the sincke in the gallerie 6s.-8d, paving the greate kitchine and makinge a sincke 25s., paving the linerie, kitchine 13s-4d and mending the wall called the parsonage wall 6s.-8d, in all £21-8s-4d. The whole £45-16s-8d.
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Plasterers       43s Plasterers: loaming 13 floores and making 21 flores 43s
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Tylers       £4 3s 4d Tylers: lying the linerie, kitchynge and the new butterie £4-3s-4d
1574 E. 351/ 3338 Joiners       76s 11d Joyners: for making 41 dores 50s-4d, setting upp battaynes 20s and other necessaries 6s.-8d. In all 76s-11d.
1574 E 351/3210           Wages of artificers, workmen and labourers:-
1574 E 351/3210 Carpenters       50s 8d Carpenters by great 50s-8d.
1574 E 351/3210 Matlayers       30s Matlayers by great and for their charges 30s.
1574 E 351/3210 Smiths       53s 10d Smiths for setting up and placing the foresaid iron work and for their attendance there 53s.-10d.
1586 E 351/3220 Masons     16d & 12d £8 15s 4d Masons: at 16d and 12d per diem £8-15s.-4d.
1586 E 351/3220 Carpenters     12d £1 12s Carpenters: at 12d per diem £1-12s
1586 E 351/3220 Sawyers     22d £4 0s 8d Sawyers: at 22d the couple £4-0s-8d
1586 E 351/3220 Bricklayers & tilers     12d £12 12d Bricklayers and tilers: at 12d per diem £12-12s
1586 E 351/3220 Plombers     12d 100s Plombers: at 12d per diem 100s.
1586 E 351/3220 Labourers     8d £22 13s 2d laborers: at 8d per diem £22-13s-2d
1586 E 351/3220 Purveyors Thomas English 16d 113s 4d Purveyors: Thomas English 85 days at 16d. 113s-4d
1586 E 351/3220 Clarke     12d £4 5s Clarkes: John Thorpe at 12d per diem £4-5s
1586 E 351/3220 Carpenter Thomas Dryver   £11 Thomas Dryver carpenter chardges in mendinge of the Tarrys and for putting in of newe beames and rafters and trussing upp of the gutters ready to fall down over the gallery, new joystinge over the greate chamber bay windowe which was ready to fall down, puttinge in of joice and rafters over the lobbie and privie chamber for the workmanship of the same, the queen findinge all manner of stuffe £11.
1586 E 351/3220 Bricklayer & plasterer Robert Burrowes   £12 Robert Burrowes bricklayer and plasterer for new ruffe castinge of all the decayed walls within both the courts, mending the plastered walls and ceelings in the gallery and the great chamber, the presence and the privie chamber and making up of the brick wall, the queen finding all manner of stuff £12.
1619 LR9/11/12 Carpenter Thomas Webbe 16d 12s Carpenters occupied in mending of the utter gates and making a wickett to that, bourding upp the great garratt windowes and others with the old bourds that laye on the tarrys, making of foure new standard ladders of 40, 43, 42 and 36 rounds a peece and 2 shorter of 20 roundes a peece.
1619 LR9/11/12 Carpenter William Lynnell 14d 4s 8d
as above
1619 LR9/11/12 Carpenter William Haughton 16d 16s
as above
1619 LR9/11/12 Carpenter William Haughton 12d 2s 8d
as above
1619 LR9/11/12 Carpenter Richard Himplinges 12d 8s
as above
1619 LR9/11/12 Sawyers         Sawyers cutting out of the two young spires had out of the parke for making the aforesaid ladders, done by the carpenters aforesaid
1619 LR9/11/12 Tiler Richard Weston 16d 14s 8d Tylers occupied in pointing and mending all the roofes, slated and tyled over the new buildings with some new and ould slates and tyles.
1619 LR9/11/12 Tiler Thomas Boone 16d 18s 8d as above
1619 LR9/11/12 Labourers Robert Blysse 9d 10s 6d Labourers in making morter for stocking lyme and servyng the tylers.
1619 LR9/11/12 Labourers William Wilks 6d 8s 3d
as above
1619 LR9/11/12 Labourers Edward Mason 6d 2s
as above
1619 LR9/11/12 Labourers Thomas Marssey 6d 2s
as above
1619 LR9/11/12 Labourers Thomas Acton 6d 2s
as above
1619 LR9/11/12 Mason Richard Gifford 16d 8s A mason imployed in making up of the woodyard wall and bricking up of one of the grete garratt windows. At 16d per diem Richard Gifford 8s., at 8d per diem William Haile labourer 4s.
1619 LR9/11/12 Labourer William Haile 8d 4s A mason imployed in making up of the woodyard wall and bricking up of one of the grete garratt windows. At 16d per diem Richard Gifford 8s., at 8d per diem William Haile labourer 4s.