Date |
Doc ref: |
Forename |
Surname |
Place |
Details |
Payment |
Type |
1536 |
Longleat |
Edward |
Cutler |
Stony Stratford |
for a 1,000 fott of seasoned oken planch bord spent by the sayd carpenters at 3s-4d. the 100. |
33s 4d |
Planche borde |
1536 |
Longleat |
Thomas |
Bell |
Stony Stratford |
for 1,000 off peny nayle spent by the sayd carpenters at 6d. the 100. |
5s |
Nails |
1536 |
Longleat |
Thomas |
Bell |
Stony Stratford |
for 1000 off 5 peny nayle spent for lyk use at 5d. the 100 |
4s 2d |
Nails |
1536 |
Longleat |
Thomas |
Bell |
Stony Stratford |
for 4,000 of lath nayle spent by the tylors plasterers and glasyers at 12d the 1000 |
4s |
Nails |
1536 |
Longleat |
Thomas |
Farle |
Potterspury |
for 3 new keyes as one for the clerk off the kechyns lodgyng and one for the gentelmen ushers and thother for Mr Henag lodgyng |
12d |
Keys |
1536 |
Longleat |
Thomas |
Farle |
Potterspury |
for 2 payer of henges 2 payer off hocks for the quenes mayds 2 chambre dores waying 16 lb 1d and a half the lb. |
2s |
Locks |
1536 |
Longleat |
Rauff |
Crosla |
Northampton |
for 24 fott of new glase set in the kynges chambre off presence at 5d. the fott. |
10s |
Glass |
1536 |
Longleat |
Rauff |
Crosla |
Northampton |
for 18 fott off new glasse set in the kynges bed chambre at 5d the fott |
7s 6d |
Glass |
1536 |
Longleat |
Rauff |
Crosla |
Northampton |
for 18 fott of old glasse new set in leade set in the sayd chambre at 2d the fott |
3s |
Glass |
1536 |
Longleat |
Rauff |
Crosla |
Northampton |
for 12 fot off new glasse set in the kynges palyat chambre at 5d the fott |
5s |
Glass |
1536 |
Longleat |
Rauff |
Crosla |
Northampton |
for 26 fott of old glasse new set in leade set in the same chambre at 2d the fott |
4s 4d |
Glass |
1536 |
Longleat |
Rauff |
Crosla |
Northampton |
for mendyng off 4 panes in the same chambre at 4d the pane |
16d |
Glass |
1536 |
Longleat |
Rauff |
Crosla |
Northampton |
6 fott off new glasse set in the kynges closset at 5d the fott |
2s 6d |
Glass |
1536 |
Longleat |
Rauff |
Crosla |
Northampton |
for 7 fott of new glasse set at the kynges stayres hedd at 5d. the fott |
2s 1d |
Glass |
1536 |
Longleat |
Rauff |
Crosla |
Northampton |
for 18 fott off old glasse new set in leade set in the same wyndow at 2d the fot settyng |
3s |
Glass |
1536 |
Longleat |
Rauff |
Crosla |
Northampton |
for 24 fott off new glase set in the quenes great chambre at 5d the fott |
10s |
Glass |
1536 |
Longleat |
Rauff |
Crosla |
Northampton |
for 12 fot off old glasse new set in leade set in the same chambre at 2d the fot settyng |
2s |
Glass |
1536 |
Longleat |
Rauff |
Crosla |
Northampton |
for reparyng off 7 panes in the same chambre at 4d. the pece |
2s 4d |
Glass |
1536 |
Longleat |
Rauff |
Crosla |
Northampton |
for 18 fott off new glase set in the quenes raying chambre at 5d. the fot |
7s 6d |
Glass |
1536 |
Longleat |
Rauff |
Crosla |
Northampton |
for 18 fott off old glase new set in leade set in the same chambre at 2d. the fot settyng |
3s |
Glass |
1537 |
Bodleian |
James |
Warenton |
Grafton |
for 3 dosen herdells of hym bowght and imployed in makyng of skaffold |
6s |
Scaffold |
1537 |
Bodleian |
Richerd |
Whalley |
Grafton |
for one dosen herdells of hym had and imployed in the said works price |
3s |
Herdels |
1537 |
Bodleian |
William |
Addyngton |
Grafton |
for 400 planke borde of him browght and spent in the works done by the same carpenters at 3s the hundred with carridge from Stone in Strottford (Stoney Stratford) |
Planks |
1537 |
Bodleian |
Thomas |
Reynolds |
Eston |
for 48 lbs. of sother browght and imployed in the work of the plomers at 5d the lb. |
20s |
Sother |
1537 |
Bodleian |
Thomas |
Pavy |
Cosgrove |
for 8 lodes of freestone of hym had to make mantells, james, dripes and quoynes for the said chymney at 12d the lode undigged |
8s |
Freestone |
1537 |
Bodleian |
Richerd |
Holman |
Alderton |
300 plancks oken bordes to be imployed by the carpenters 3s-4d the hundred with carridge 10s. |
Planks |
1537 |
Bodleian |
Richerd |
Holman |
Alderton |
for 300 other planche borde to be imployed in the saide workes |
9s |
Planche borde |
1537 |
Bodleian |
Nycolas |
Wolffe |
Grafton |
for 2 hoggs heds of hyme bowghte to carey water, theone to carey water to a cartte theother sawyn in halfe to kepe water in for the morter makers at 8d the pece |
16d |
Water tubbes |
1537 |
Bodleian |
Richerd |
Cooper |
Yardley |
for 2 payles for the morter makers price 8d. |
Pails |
1537 |
Bodleian |
Richerd |
Cooper |
Yardley |
for 2 syffes to syfte rubishe from the lyme at 2d the pece |
4d |
Sifts |
1537 |
Bodleian |
Richerd |
Cooper |
Yardley |
for a garden reake with iron tethe of hym bowghte for levelyng of the aley 2d. |
2d |
Garden rake |
1537 |
Bodleian |
Thomas |
Holmes |
tanner for 4 bushells of here imployed by the plasterer at 1d the busshell 4d. |
4d |
Hair |
1537 |
Bodleian |
Thomas |
Lorde |
Potterspury |
for 2 busshells of tile pynnes of hym had for pynnyng of tile at 7d the busshell 21d. |
21d |
Tile pins |
1537 |
Bodleian |
Thomas |
Lumberd |
for 200 baste roopes by hym bowghte for skaffoldyng at three farthings the pece 15d. |
15d |
Rope |
1537 |
Bodleian |
Thomas |
Lumberd |
for 6 skuttells bowght for the laborers to carye awaye rubishe with |
1537 |
Bodleian |
Thomas |
Brydgewater |
Stony Stratford |
for 900 planches of hym bowght to be imployed in the said works 2s.8d the hundred. 24s. |
24s |
Planche borde |
1537 |
Bodleian |
James |
Astwyke |
Towcester |
for 700 lathes spent by the tilers at 6d. the hundred 3s. |
3s |
Laths |
1537 |
Bodleian |
James |
Astwyke |
Towcester |
4,200 brekes of hym bought at 12s the hundred 42s |
42s |
Bricks |
1537 |
Bodleian |
John |
Gyfford |
Lylyngstone |
for 4,700 breke for the chymnes 46s., carriage of 1,000 of brek from Lylyngstone to the mannor at 2d the hundred 20d., |
46s |
Bricks |
1537 |
Bodleian |
John |
Gyfford |
Lylyngstone |
4,100 tile for tyling at the manor 6s the thousand 24s.06d |
24s 6d |
Tiles |
1537 |
Bodleian |
William |
Normanton |
Castlethorpe |
for wedges, rasis and a sledge for brekyng of stone at the quarre 6d. |
6d |
Wedges & sledge |
1537 |
Bodleian |
Humfrey |
Warde |
Cosgrove |
24 quarters of lyme imployed by free masons, plasterers and tilers at 16d the quarter 32s. |
32s |
Lime |
1537 |
Bodleian |
William |
Webbe |
Hykle |
for lyme 16s. |
16s |
Lime |
1537 |
Bodleian |
Thomas |
Reynolds |
Eston |
20lb. More of sother 8s-4d |
8s 4d |
Sother |
1537 |
Bodleian |
Thomas |
Cawmfeld |
Alderton |
2,000 playne tile 6s. the thousand 12s. |
12s |
Tiles |
1537 |
Bodleian |
James |
Astwyke |
1,100 lathe 5s.-6d. |
5s 6d |
Laths |
1537 |
Bodleian |
Richard |
Walley |
Grafton |
60 poles 20d. |
20d |
Poles |
1537 |
Bodleian |
John |
Farmor |
Grafton |
364 lodes of lome spent in makyng morter for rouf masons and for the fowndacions of the aley 2d. the loode £3-0s-8d. |
£3 0s 8d |
Lome |
1537 |
Bodleian |
Thomas |
Warren |
Northampton |
smith for 5 payer of henges and 5 payer of hookes for the 5 new dores in the said new wall waying 46 pounds, 7s-6d |
7s 6d |
Hinges & hooks |
1537 |
Bodleian |
Stephon |
Gwythyn |
Stony Stratford |
203 quarters and 5 fotte of borde bowght for the bordynge of the sydes of the bowlyng aley at 2s-6d the hundred. |
7s 6d½ |
Boards |
1537 |
Bodleian |
Thomas |
Holmes |
tanner 9 busshels of here had and imployed by the plaisters. |
9d |
Hair |
1537 |
Bodleian |
Humrey |
Warde |
Cosgrove |
Cosgrave 16 quarters lyme at 16d the quarter |
21s 4d |
Lime |
1537 |
Bodleian |
Richerd |
Cooper |
makyng 3,300 lathes at 3d the hundred |
7s 6d |
Laths |
1537 |
Bodleian |
William |
Carter |
Stratford |
for 5 lbs. of candells spent at movyng of stone at Rood and Harttwell quarry |
7½d |
Candles |
1537 |
Bodleian |
Thomas |
Ball |
Stratford |
for 2 seasoned bordes for bordynge of flowers |
6s 8d |
Boards |
1537 |
Bodleian |
Richerd |
Whalley |
Grafton |
for a gryndestone for mending the fremasons, joiners and carpenters tools. |
16d |
Grindstone |
1537 |
Bodleian |
Nycolas |
Parkyns |
Hartwell |
Fellyng and hewyng of timber 5 lodes in Sausy forest at 16d, 6s-8d. |
6s 8d |
Timber |
1537 |
Bodleian |
Thomas |
Gyfford |
Lylyngstone |
1,100 tile 6s.-6d |
6s 6d |
Tiles |
1537 |
Bodleian |
Thomas |
Lumberd |
for 22 base ropes bowght for the skaffoldyng at three farthings the pece |
16½ |
Rope |
1537 |
Bodleian |
Thomas |
Lumberd |
for 4 skuttles bowght for laborers at 2d the pece |
10d |
Skuttles |
1537 |
Bodleian |
Thomas |
Lumberd |
for paper and ynk to wryght the bookes with |
3d |
Paper & ink |
1537 |
Bodleian |
William |
Addyngton |
Grafton |
Grafton a paille of hym bowght for the fremasons |
4d |
Hym |
1537 |
Bodleian |
Thomas |
Lumberd |
4 lbs of candells spent by the carpenters, kerver and laborers workyng in the aley the nyght for hastye spede 1d and a half the pound |
6d |
Candles |
1537 |
Bodleian |
George |
Heytofte |
Northampton |
12 stapulls for the manor 6d., for 6 small bolts and 18 thymbles to them 14d., 2 small iyvore locks 5d. the pece 10d., 4 payer of small hengis the payr imployed upon dores in the mannor 12d., for 2 thymbles for the greate foldynge gate next the churche on the strete syde, for 2 payer of syde jemews for the dore in the kinges closett 8d, for 8 syngle jemews for the lattys and casis sett in the kinges closett and nayles for them 10d. |
Ironwork |
1537 |
Bodleian |
John |
Marshall |
Paulerspury |
for 2 locks sett uppon the dores of thest and west end of the bowlyng aley with 3 keys 2s. For 12 keyes and dressyng of 12 old locks for them, set over diverse lodgyngs and offices within the mannor 2s.-4d. For 2 payer of hengis and hookes sett in doores waying 36lbs. 4s-7d. For 2 maister keys for the kynges prevy chamber door 12d per key 2s. |
Ironwork |
1537 |
Bodleian |
Thomas |
Wawyn |
Northampton |
Thomas Wawyn of Northampton smith for 5 lyvere locks with 5 keys and 5 stapulls 3s.-4d. To hym for 2 master keys to the kynges privy chamber dore 2s. |
Ironwork |
1537 |
Bodleian |
George |
Trowghton |
Stony Stratford |
1,000 6d penny nayles, for 1,000 5penny nayles at 6d the hundred 6s.-3d., 8,000 4penny nayles at 4d the hundred 2s.-8d., for 100 ten penny nayles 10d., 200 plommers nailes 5d, for the lathe nayles 15d. |
Nails |
1537 |
Bodleian |
Thomas |
Lumberd |
for nayles by him bowght at Northampton and 100 ten penny nailes 8d, 500 5 penny nayles at 6d the hundred 2s.-6d. |
Nails |
1537 |
Bodleian |
George |
Ketelwell |
Northampton |
glasier 60ft of old glasse new sett in leade in the kynges prevy chamber 2d. the foote 10s., 4 foote of olde glasse new sett in leade in the kynges dynyng chamber 8d., 2 foote of olde glasse new sette in the Quenes lodgyng, 2 foote of old glasse new sett in the hall 4d., 2 foote old glasse new sett in My Lord Chamberlyns ldogyng 4d., 16 foote old glasse new sett in the lodgyngs on both sydes the gate buttyng upon the street at 2d. the foote., 32 foote new glass sett in the hall at 5d the fote 13s.-4d., 6 fote new glasse sett in the kynges dynyng chamber at 5d the fote 2s.-6d., for 3 fote new glasse sett in the Quenes chamber 5d the fotte 15d., for 4 fote new glasse sett in My Lord Privy Seales chamber at 5d the fote 20d. |
33s 1d |
Glass |
1537 |
Bodleian |
George |
Ketelwell |
Northampton |
for 1 foote new glasse sett in Mr Russells chamber at 5d the foote 5d. |
Glass |
1537 |
Bodleian |
George |
Ketelwell |
Northampton |
2 fote new glasse sett in the Portters lodge 10d, 3 fote new glasse set in the lodgyng over the gate 15d., 2 fote new glasse set in a lodgyng next to the church 10d. A pane of new glasse of 2 fote sett in the wardrop of the kynges robes 10d. |
Glass |
1537 |
Bodleian |
George |
Ketelwell |
Northampton |
George Kettelwell for 180 quarrells sett in diverse lodgyngs within the said mannor and in the lodgyns on thout syde towards the street 7s-6d. |
7s 6d |
Glass |
1539 |
N. U. L |
John |
Fermor |
Grafton |
for 15 fotte of tymber of hym hade with the carryage price |
7d |
Timber |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Rycharde |
Whalle |
Grafton |
for on pece of tymber of hym hade contanyng 20 fott |
20d |
Timber |
1539 |
N. U. L |
To the baly of Grafton for 600 of borde of hym hade and spent at at 2s.- 4d. the 100 |
14s |
Planche borde |
1539 |
N. U. L |
John |
Mulse |
Northampton |
for 200 of planche borde of hym hade and spent at the kynges manor of Grafton at 2s-4d. the hundred |
4s 6d |
Planche borde |
1539 |
N. U. L |
John |
Joyner |
Northampton |
200 of planche borde of hym hade for the said manor of Grafton at 2s.-8d. the hundred |
5s 4d |
Planche borde |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Jamys |
Forest |
Stony Stratford |
for 300 of planche borde at 2s.-2d the hundred |
6s 6d |
Planche borde |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Jamys |
Astwyke |
Towcester |
for 300 of planche borde at 2s.-6d. the hundred |
7s 6d |
Planche borde |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Robert |
Monyng |
Towcester |
for 960 fote of planche borde at 2.-6d. the hundred |
23s 11d |
Planche borde |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Rycharde |
Hamon |
Alderton |
for 300 of planche borde at 2s-6d the hundred |
7s 6d |
Planche borde |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Rycharde |
Hamon |
Alderton |
for 340 fote off planche bodre at 2s.-4d. the hundred with carriage |
7s 4d |
Planche borde |
1539 |
N. U. L |
John |
Sanders |
Northampton |
for 200 of elmen planche borde at 2s.-2d. the hundrith |
4s 4d |
Planche borde |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Rycharde |
Travell |
Quinton |
for 459 fote of planche borde of hym hade for the kings manor forsayd at 2s-4d the hundred |
10s 8d |
Planche borde |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Wyllam |
Watkyns |
Cawnerton |
for 420 fote of planche borde of hym had at 2s.-6d. the hundred with carriage |
10s 8d |
Planche borde |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Rychard |
Dawes |
Stony Stratford |
for 252 fote of planche borde of him hade at 2s-4d. the hundreth summa |
5s 10d |
Planche borde |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Davy |
Rye |
Stony Stratford |
for 100 of borde of hym hade at 2s.-4d the hundred |
2s 4d |
Planche borde |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Thomas |
Davy |
Northampton |
for 950 of seasonyd planche borde of hym hade at 2s-6d. the hundred summa |
23s 9d |
Planche borde |
1539 |
N. U. L |
John |
Wally |
Grafton |
for 500 off planche seasonyd borde of hym had ther to be imployde at 2s-4d. the hundred |
11s 8d |
Planche borde |
1539 |
N. U. L |
John |
Wally |
Grafton |
for 13 plankys of hym hade for dressers and other necessariis ther to be imployde at 20 pense the pece |
21s 8d |
Plankys |
1539 |
N. U. L |
John |
Mulse |
Northampton |
for 50 syngyll quarters pryce |
8s |
syngyll quarters |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Thomas |
Davy |
for on loode of quarters of hym hade for the kynges use ther to be imployed |
10s |
Quarters |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Wyllam |
Pendryd |
Grafton |
for 7 gret plankys at 8d the pece |
4s |
Plankys |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Henry |
Cortes |
Northampton |
for 5 plankys of hym hade for the dressers at the kyngs manor of Grafton at 12d the pece |
5s |
Plankys |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Thomas |
Morlow |
Northampton |
for 6 plaankys of hym hade for the kyngs manor forsayde at 2s the pece |
12s |
Plankys |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Jamys |
Astwyke |
Towcester |
for 3 quarters and 2 busshells of lym at 2d per busshell |
4s 2d |
Lyme |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Jamys |
Astwyke |
Towcester |
for 9 quarters of lym at lyke 16d, the quarter |
12s |
Lyme |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Humfrey |
Warde |
Cosgrave |
52 quarters and a halfe and on busshell of lym of hym hade and spent in at the kyngs manor of Grafton at 16d the quarter |
£3 9s |
Lyme |
1539 |
N. U. L |
John |
Ines |
Towcester |
for 800 of bryke of (him) hade for Grafton at 10d the hundred |
6s 8d |
Bryke |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Thomas |
Gyfforde |
Lyllyngstone |
for 2,300 of bryke of hym hade and spent at the manor forsayde |
14s 5½d |
Bryke |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Thomas |
Gyfforde |
Lyllyngstone |
for 1,300 bryke of hym hade in lyke maner and for lyk use price |
7s 7d |
Bryke |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Master |
Pecalls |
Shelnay |
for 7,580 bryks of hym hade and spent at the kyngs manor of Grafton at 6s. a thousand |
45s 7d |
Bryke |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Rycharde |
Burforde |
Lelyngton |
for 3,000 bryke of hym hade to be imployed at the sayd manor at 6s. the thousand, with carriage, summa |
18s |
Bryke |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Rycharde |
Burforde |
Lelyngton |
for 6,500 of playn tylles of hym hade to be imployed in the sayde workes at 5s.-10d. the thousand, with carriage |
37s 11d |
Tiles |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Thomas |
Gyfforde |
Lyllyngstone |
for 6,300 of playn tylls of hym hade for lyke use at 5s. the thousand, summa |
31s 6d |
Tiles |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Thomas |
Gyfforde |
Lyllyngstone |
for 40 crest tylls |
3s 4d |
Tile Crest |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Thomas |
Gyfforde |
Lyllyngstone |
on lood of tyll shards |
16d |
Tile shards |
1539 |
N. U. L |
John |
Evys |
Towcester |
for 10,000 tylls of hym hade for the kyngs manor of Grafton at 5s.-10d the thousand, with carriage |
58s 4d |
Tiles |
1539 |
N. U. L |
John |
Ins |
Towcester |
for 18 crest tylles |
18d |
Tile Crest |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Thomas |
Gyforde |
for 51 crest tylls |
4s 3d |
Tile Crest |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Thomas |
Gyforde |
for 3 loddys of tylle sherds |
4s |
Tile sherds |
1539 |
N. U. L |
John |
Whale |
Grafton |
for straw |
2s 4d |
Straw |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Thomas |
Aswoode |
Cosgrave |
for the brekyng of hys grownde wher the sand was digyd |
10d |
Sand |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Jamys |
Astwyke |
Towcester |
for 2 syves at 1d and a half penny the pece |
3d |
Sives |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Jamys |
Astwyke |
Towcester |
for 3 paylls at 2d and a half penny the pece |
7½d |
Pails |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Jamys |
Astwyke |
Towcester |
for 12 fardom of small corde |
4d |
Cord |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Jamys |
Astwyke |
Towcester |
for a great cooller to ber water |
6d |
Water but |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Jamys |
Astwyke |
Towcester |
for 6 busshells heer |
12d |
Hair |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Whales Wife |
Grafton |
9 pownde of candells of her had and spent with the carpenters and masons |
12d |
Candles |
1539 |
N. U. L |
William |
Penderyd |
Grafton |
for a great bool for a close stolle |
6d |
Bowl |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Jamys |
Astwyke |
for 63 bondells of laths 6d. eche bondell |
Lath |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Raffe |
Cresy |
Northampton |
for glasyng in the kyngs pallett chamber of 3 wyndowes with new glace conteynyng 54 fote at 5d the fote |
22s 6d |
Glass |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Raffe |
Cresy |
Northampton |
in the sayd chamber 3 fote new set in leade at 2d the fote 6d. |
6d |
Glass |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Raffe |
Cresy |
Northampton |
in the kyngs raying chamber 8 fote of new glase at 5d. the fote 3s.-4d. |
3s 4d |
Glass |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Raffe |
Cresy |
Northampton |
in the olde chapell 11 fote of glase new set in leade at 2d. the fote 22d. |
22d |
Glass |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Raffe |
Cresy |
Northampton |
in the chamber next the chapell one fote of new glase pryce 5d. 5d. |
5s 5d |
Glass |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Raffe |
Cresy |
Northampton |
in the chamber over the porter loge or warde 2 fote of new glase pryce 10d |
10d |
Glass |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Raffe |
Cresy |
Northampton |
in M. Denys chamber 3 fote new set in glase at 2d the fote 6d |
6d |
Glass |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Raffe |
Cresy |
Northampton |
in the chamber under the closet chamber the wyndowe on the stayers goyng done to the sayd chamber 20 fote of new glase 8s.-6d. |
8s 6d |
Glass |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Raffe |
Cresy |
Northampton |
in the chamber under the prevy chamber 2 fote of glase new set in leade 4d |
4d |
Glass |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Raffe |
Cresy |
Northampton |
in all the sayd lodgyng ys 97 quarells stoppyd at half a penny the pece 4s. and half a penny |
4s ½d |
Glass |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Raffe |
Cresy |
Northampton |
in my lord prevy sealls chamber 4 fote of new glace pryce the fote 5d. 20d |
20d |
Glass |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Raffe |
Cresy |
Northampton |
in M. Denys lodgyng 16 fot of new glase at 5d. the fotte 6s.-8d. |
6s 8d |
Glass |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Rycharde |
Trowghton |
Stony Stratford |
for all sorte of naylls of hym hade and imployed in workys as followyth:- |
Nails |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Rycharde |
Trowghton |
Stony Stratford |
1,000 of 6d naylls 4s.-2 |
4s 2d |
Nails |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Rycharde |
Trowghton |
Stony Stratford |
2,000 of 5d. naylls 6s.-8d. |
6s 8d |
Nails |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Rycharde |
Trowghton |
Stony Stratford |
1,000 of 4d. naylls 2s.-6d |
2s 6d |
Nails |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Rycharde |
Trowghton |
Stony Stratford |
10,000 rouf naylls at 12d the thousand 10s |
10s |
Nails roof |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Rycharde |
Trowghton |
Stony Stratford |
8,000 spreg at 10d the thousand 6s.-8d |
6s 8d |
Nails speg |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Rycharde |
Trowghton |
Stony Stratford |
200 great spykyngs at 2s.-8d the hundred 5s.-4d |
5s 4d |
Nails great spykyngs |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Rycharde |
Trowghton |
Stony Stratford |
700 3d. nayls at 3d. the hundred 21d |
21d |
Nails |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Thomas |
Bott |
Northampton |
for naylls of hym hade for the sam works as followyth |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Thomas |
Bott |
Northampton |
7,000 spryngs at 10d the thousand 5s.-10d. |
5s 10d |
Nails spryngs |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Thomas |
Bott |
Northampton |
600 6d. naylls 2s |
2s |
Nails |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Thomas |
Bott |
Northampton |
500 5d naylls 20d |
20d |
Nails |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Thomas |
Bott |
Northampton |
500 4d nayls 15d |
15d |
Nails |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Thomas |
Bott |
Northampton |
5,000 roufe nayll 5s |
5s |
Nails roof |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Thomas |
Bott |
Northampton |
one hundred of spykyngs 2s.-6d |
2s 6d |
Nails spykyngs |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Thomas |
Bott |
Northampton |
400 3d. naylle 12d |
12d |
Nails |
1539 |
N. U. L |
John |
Wyllams gent |
Alderton |
7,500 sprygs at 10d the thousand 6s.-4d |
6s 4d |
Nails sprygs |
1539 |
N. U. L |
John |
Wyllams gent |
Alderton |
1,000 4d. naylls |
4d |
Nails |
1539 |
N. U. L |
John |
Wyllams gent |
Alderton |
1,000 of 6d. naylls 3s.-4d |
3s 4d |
Nails |
1539 |
N. U. L |
John |
Wyllams gent |
Alderton |
one hundred of gret spykyngs 3s.-4d |
3s 4d |
Nails great spykyngs |
1539 |
N. U. L |
John |
Wyllams gent |
Alderton |
4,000 roufe naylls 4s., |
4s |
Nails roof |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Jamys |
Aswyke |
Towcester |
13,000 of roufe naylls 13s |
13s |
Nails roof |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Jamys |
Aswyke |
Towcester |
2,000 6d. naylls |
Nails |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Jamys |
Aswyke |
Towcester |
1,000 of 5d. naylls 3s.-4d |
3s 4d |
Nails |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Jamys |
Aswyke |
Towcester |
1,500 4d nayle |
Nails |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Jamys |
Aswyke |
Towcester |
8,000 of sprygge 6s.-8d |
6s 8d |
Nails sprygge |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Thomas |
Wawyn blacksmith |
Northampton |
12 stokloks of hym hade at 10d the pece 10s |
10s |
Stokloks |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Thomas |
Wawyn blacksmith |
Northampton |
12 stapulls 12d |
12d |
Staples |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Thomas |
Wawyn blacksmith |
Northampton |
6 payer of henges and 6 payer of hocks waying 15lbs. at 2d. the pound 2s.-6d. |
2s 6d |
Hinges - hooks |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Thomas |
Wawyn blacksmith |
Northampton |
12 bolts with all that longiths to them at 4d. the pece 4s |
4s |
Bolts |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Thomas |
Bott ironmonger |
Northampton |
on dosen of stockloks pryce 8s |
8s |
Stockloks |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Brythwell Master |
Northampton |
6 stocloks of hym hade pryce 4s |
4s |
Stockloks |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Brythwell Master |
Northampton |
4 payer of great hengys 16d. |
16d |
Hinges great |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Brythwell Master |
Northampton |
4 payer of hokys 4d |
4d |
Hooks |
1539 |
N. U. L |
Thomas |
Bott |
Northampton |
on dosene of stapulls of hym hade and imployed in the sayd workys 12d |
12d |
Staples |
1572 |
E 351/3337 |
Oak boardes 1,736 foote at 4s-8d the hundred £4-0s-6d and deale boordes 92 at 12d farthing le peece £4-14s-4d, in all £8-13s-10d. Lathes 25,700 at 5s.-10d the thousand £7-9s-11d. |
Boards & laths |
1572 |
E 351/3337 |
Freestone: viz. 11 toun at 3s-4d. and 5s the ton 46s-8d and 296 ton at 4s le toun £55-12s, |
£55 12s |
Freestone |
1572 |
E 351/3337 |
Roughe stone: 49 ton at 2s.-6d. the ton £6-2s-6d. |
£6 2s 6d |
Rough stone |
1572 |
E 351/3337 |
Lyme: 31 quarters viz: 4 quarters of chanke lyme at 3s-4d. the quarter 13s.-4d and 27 quarters of stone lyme at 2s.-2d three farthings the quarter 60s, total 73s.-4d. |
73s 4d |
Lime |
1572 |
E 351/3337 |
Tyles: 27,30: viz. 20,000 at 9s the thousand, £9 and 7,300 at 12s the thousand £4-7s. Total £13-7s. |
£13 7s |
Tiles |
1572 |
E 351/3337 |
Ridge tiles: 25 dozen at 2s the dozen 51s.-10d |
51s 10d |
Ridge tiles |
1572 |
E 351/3337 |
Haire: 73 quarters, 5 strikes at 16d the quarter £4-18s-2d. |
£4 18s 2d |
Hair |
1572 |
E 351/3337 |
Plaister: 26 ton at 4s le toun 104s. |
104s |
Plaster |
1572 |
E 351/3337 |
Leide: 20 cwt at 10s le cwt. £10. |
£8 17s 8d |
Lead |
1572 |
E 351/3337 |
Sowther: 272 lbs worth at 7d le lb. £8-17s-8d. |
£6 |
Solder |
1572 |
E 351/3337 |
Glasse: 2,272 foote at 8d and a half penny le foot £6 1-10s-8d. [£80 9s 4d] |
Glass |
1572 |
E 351/3337 |
More [glass] at £11-4s-9d. |
Glass |
1572 |
E 351/3337 |
Armes wrought upon glasse 40 at 6s-8d. le pece £13-6s-8d. |
£13 6s 8d |
Armes on glass |
1572 |
E 351/3337 |
Woordes of Dieu Mon Droit wrought likewise 60 at 2s le pece £6 |
£6 |
Engraving words |
1572 |
E 351/3337 |
Pypes of wood: 2, 5s. |
5s |
Tile pins |
1572 |
E 351/3337 |
Tylepynnes: 3 boz' at 20d le boz' 5s. |
5s |
1572 |
E 351/3337 |
Riddles: 8 at 3d le pece 2s. |
2s |
Riddles |
1572 |
E 351/3337 |
Ropes: viz. One gable rope and 4 smaller ropes and 20 peces of corde 69s. |
69s |
Ropes |
1572 |
E 351/3337 |
Other necessaries: viz: one ffat (vat), two tubbes, 6 bucketts and 6 hoopes 24s.-7d. |
24s 7d |
Tubs bucket hoops |
1572 |
E 351/3337 |
Nailes of sondrie sortes:viz: lathe nailes at 15d le thousand, sexpenny nailes at 4s-7d le thousand and eight penny nailes at 5s-10d le thousand with diverse other sortts of nails of soundrie prices. £34-12s-2d. |
£34 12 2d |
Nails |
1572 |
E 351/3337 |
Iron Work: hammers, truells, chesils, hooks, crowes, locks, casements, clampes, fylinge and tyning ryvatt nailes and and for ryvatt nailes £20-10s for one and a half tons at 20s the cwt £61-5s-6d farthing. |
Ironwork |
1572 |
E 351/3337 |
Glaziers: with £11-15s for making cleane and newe setting 940 foote of glasse in lead and fyndinge leade and sowther £9-18s-2d |
£9 18s 2d |
Glass |
1572 |
E 351/3337 |
Makers of lathes at 2s-6d the thousand £10-8s-9d. |
£10 8s 9d |
Laths |
1572 |
E 351/3337 |
William |
Kentt |
towards the dischargin of diverse and sondrie fellors and squarers of tymber and other workes working in the foreste and Perry Parke £44-6s-2d |
1572 |
E 351/3337 |
Launcelett |
Yonge |
the Queens Majesty's glasier for the price of 341 foote of glasse at 6d and a half the foot. |
£9 4s 9d |
1574 |
E. 351/ 3338 |
provisions and carriadges as for wages of workmen ymployed in new making of a butterie, six haulf paces before chemnes 140 foot of battlement, thre dores of freestone, 8 leightes for wyndowes, a payre of staires, a hatch and joystes for the seller, 36 steppes of stone and a new paire of staires of stone in the little courte by the tarreis as also in mending tarras and the roofe in the hawle together with plaisteringe 18 roomes under foot gravelinge the same. |
1574 |
E. 351/ 3338 |
Wode: 1 ton £8-10s |
£8 10s |
Wood |
1574 |
E. 351/ 3338 |
bordes: 837 foot, viz: 63 ft. at 4s the hundred foot, 20s-8d and 324 foot at 3s.-4d. the hundred 10s-10d, in all 31s.-6d |
31s 6d |
Boards |
1574 |
E. 351/ 3338 |
Plaister: 42 ton at 3s le ton £8-8s. |
Plaster |
1574 |
E. 351/ 3338 |
Tyle: 46,300 viz: at 9d the thousand £13-10s and 16,300 at 10s the thousand £8-3s, in all £21-13s |
Tiles |
1574 |
E. 351/ 3338 |
Roofe tyle 190 at 1d and a half le pece 23s.-9d |
23s 9d |
Roof tiles |
1574 |
E. 351/ 3338 |
Hayre: 6 quarters at 16d the quarter 8d. |
Hair |
Hurdles: 4 dozen at 3d the dozen 12s |
12s |
Hurdles |
Glasse: 883 and a half foot at 6d and a half the foot bought of Launcelett Younge £23-18s-6d three farthings. |
£23 18s 6d |
Glass |
1574 |
E. 351/ 3338 |
Tawreis: 22s |
22s 6d |
Tawreis |
1574 |
E. 351/ 3338 |
Jammes for dores and chynnes 32s-4d and a half. |
32s 4½d |
Door jambs |
1574 |
E. 351/ 3338 |
Diverse other smale necessaries: 44s-7d and a half. |
44s 7½d |
1574 |
E. 351/ 3338 |
Stocke lookes: 9 dozen at 14s le dozen £6-6s, plate lockes 24, at 10s le pece £12, doble casements 17, at 6s.-4d le pece 101s-4d, ryvett nayles 22 dozen at 16d le dozen 26s.-8d, for hinges, hookes, crampe irons, staples, handles for doors and necessaries £18-19s-5d., in all £43-13s.-5d. |
£43 13s 5d |
Ironwork |
1574 |
E. 351/ 3338 |
Nayles of sondrie sorts and prices viz: doble ten penny at 9d the hundred, eight penny nailes at 5s-10d the thousand, single ten penny nailes at 8d and a half the hundred, laith nailes at 15d the thousand, six penny nailes at 4s-7d the thousand, extending in all at the foremost rates £11-8s-3d. |
£11 8s 3d |
Nails |
1574 |
E 351/3210 |
80 doors at 4s. a door £16 |
£16 |
Doors |
1574 |
E 351/3210 |
Pack thread to sew the mattes, for nailes 20s. |
20s |
Thread |
1574 |
E 351/3210 |
Iron work, locks keys, staples, casements and other iron work £25-14s-2s. |
£25 14s 2d |
Ironwork |
1574 |
E 351/3210 |
Glass and glassing at the several rates and prices £9-14s-2d. |
£9 14s 2d |
Glass |
1586 |
E 351/3220 |
In making of chestes for the gatehouse, squaring of timber repairing all wall plates, lystining of bordes, new rippinge and tyling the long roof over the privie kitchen and the longe gallery over the same, working of bastone and puttinge in of new somers and new joistinge and bordinge parte of the tarryes and laying of new leade upon the said tarris and new ruffe castings the walles and making upp of tholde walles with brickes and also trussing up of the girders over the gallery, new joistinge of the greate chamber, settinge upp of the topp stones uppon the gable endes which were fallen down and new making of the creastes which were fallen down and rotted in diverse places, new working of sorles under the ballesters, over the tarrys, laying in of jollpeces in the side of the hall, trussing upp the somers with beams which were sunke doune in the presence and the gallery, drawing upp tholde roofe which was shrounke over the greate stayres by the king's lodginges, tylinge over th haule on both sides and the gallery, slating over the greate chamber and the presence chamber, new lathing with sheete lead and puttinge in of diverse peces and flashes of leade where nede required, sowdering over the chappell and the gutters of the Queene's lodginges, making and laying a new sesterne for carreinge the water from the double roofe over the chapple, sowdering and mending of diverse other places with diverse other necessary chardges done there. |
1586 |
E 351/3220 |
Leade: 22ton-7cwt. 4 quarters at 12s the cwt. £136-13s. |
Lead |
1586 |
E 351/3220 |
Soder: 224 lbs. at 6s the pounde 112s |
Solder |
1586 |
E 351/3220 |
Freestone: 6 ton at 6s-8d le ton, 40s., 3 ton at 3s-4d le ton, 10s., in all 50s. |
Freestone |
1586 |
E 351/3220 |
Brickes: 11,200 at 8s the thousand £4-9s-2d and 7,000 at 10s the thousand 60s., £7-9s-3d in all. |
Bricks |
1586 |
E 351/3220 |
Tyles: 13,000 at 8s the thousand, 104s, 8,000 at 12s. the thousand £4-16s and 18,000 at 10s £9, in all £19 |
Tiles |
1586 |
E 351/3220 |
Roof tyles: 19 dozen at 2s.-6d the dozen 22s.-6d in all |
Tiles |
1586 |
E 351/3220 |
Slates: 2,000 at 8s the thousand 16s. |
Slates |
1586 |
E 351/3220 |
Ladders: 4 of 30 roundes a pece at 4d the rounde, 40s, 4 of 20 roundes a pece at 4d the rounde 26s.-8d and 4 of 16 roundes 21s-4d, in all £4-0s-8d. |
Ladders |
1586 |
E 351/3220 |
Rope: 1 coil poir (weight) 62 lb. At 3d and a half the pounde 18s-1d and a half, 4 peces of bastrope 5s. and 4 peces of Sandwich corde 4s-4d, in all 27s.-5d and a half. |
Rope |
1586 |
E 351/3220 |
Trayes: 6 at 8d le pece 4s. |
Trayes |
1586 |
E 351/3220 |
Shovells: 1 doz at 8s. |
Shovels |
1586 |
E 351/3220 |
Pickaxes: 1 poir 17 lb. At 3d the pounde 4s.-3d. |
Pickaxes |
1586 |
E 351/3220 |
Baskets of diverse sorts: 2s.-4d |
Baskets |
1586 |
E 351/3220 |
Payles: 6 at 7d the pece 3s-6d. |
Pails |
1586 |
E 351/3220 |
Hurdles: 4 dozen at 4s le dozen 16s. |
Hurdles |
1586 |
E 351/3220 |
Hayre: 8 quarters at 2s le quarter 16s. |
Hair |
1586 |
E 351/3220 |
Paper, yuke candles and bromes 2s.-4d. |
Paper candles broom |
1586 |
E 351/3220 |
Nayles of diverse sorts and pries £10-6s-10d/ |
Nails |
1586 |
E 351/3220 |
Yronworkes: viz. Bolts, barres, staples, lockes, keyes and other sortes of yronworke £4-10s-10d. |
Ironwork |
1586 |
E 351/3220 |
Glass and other workmanship at several rates £15-11d-10d. |
Glass |
1619 |
LR9/11/12 |
Richard |
Wollason |
or 10 bundells of hart laths at 12d the bundell 10s., for 3000 of lath nayles at 20d. the thousand 5d., for a hundred and a halfe of 6d. nayles at 6d. the hundred 9d. |
Nails |
1619 |
LR9/11/12 |
Matthew |
Holdenne |
for a tree to make ladder rounds 5s. for 7 doson and foure ridge tyles at 4d the tyle cometh to 29s.-4d. |
Tiles |
1619 |
LR9/11/12 |
For 500 and 20 tyles at 16s.-8d the thowsand cometh to 9s. For carriage of the aforesaid materialls 3s.-4d. |
Tiles |
1619 |
LR9/11/12 |
Danstham (Mr.) |
Mr Danstham for 10 quarters of lyme at 3s.-4d. the quarter cometh to 33s.-4d. |
33s 4d |
Lime |
1619 |
LR9/11/12 |
Peter |
Browne |
[Grafton] |
To Peeter Browne smith for making of a new hinge and crosgarners for the grete gate out of the ould ones waying twenty pounds and for a hamer latch catch for the wickett is 3s.-10d. For 80 great nayles for the gate and for mending the lock and making of a new keay 2s. For making 2 locks and making two keays for the stayre dore under the round turritt and the other for the entry dore to the gallery is 18d. For making a staple and lock for the seller dore and for nayles, linckes and staple at the top of the stayres 2s.-2d. Two staples for the two wood yarde gates 6d. For a lock and a keay for the store howse dore 2s. |
Ironwork |
1619 |
LR9/11/12 |
Anna |
Goodman |
To Anna Goodman for a sive 4d. To same for laying up the ladders 12d. |
12s |
Ladders |
1619 |
LR9/11/12 |
Freebody widow |
Left with widdow Freebody to tye up the windows and for other necessaryes 12s. |
12s |